实用英语口语 - 银行柜台英语 下载本文


Customer: Please change some RMB from my U.S. dollars’ account. 顾客:请帮我把帐户里的美圆兑换一些人民币。 Clerk: Please tell me how much you want to change. 职员:请告诉我你要换多少。 Customer: Please change 3000 RMB. 顾客:我想兑换出3000人民币。

Clerk: Take Cash or deposit in your card (passbook)? 职员:请问您兑换后要取走人民币现金还是存入卡(折)里? Customer: I'd like to take cash (deposit in the card). 顾客:我想取现金。(我存到卡<折子>里) Customer: What's the exchange rate today? 顾客:今天的兑换率是多少?

Clerk: If you'll wait a moment, the rates of exchange is about 1:8. 职员:请等一会儿,美圆和人民币的兑换率是1:8左右。

Customer: I'd like to break this 100 RMB. Could you give me some small notes?

顾客:请把这张100人民币换开,给我一些小票好吗? Clerk: How would you like it? 职员:你要什么面额的?

Customer: Three 20s, some 10s and 5s , please. 顾客:请给我3张20元和几张10元和5元的。 Customer: Thanks a lot. 顾客:非常感谢。 Clerk: My pleasure.




Customer: Excuse me, I forget the password of my card. 顾客:对不起,我忘记卡的密码了

Clerk: Report loss of the magcard please. 职员:请办理挂失手续费。

Clerk: Do you remember the number of the magcard? 职员:您的卡号是多少?

Clerk: Please pay 15 yuan, includes 5 yuan cost and 10 yuan handling charge.

职员:请支付15元,包含换卡工本费5元,挂失手续费10元。 Customer: Do you charge for remit? 顾客:汇款你们收手续费吗?

Clerk: Yes, we do, 1% of the sum, from 1 yuan to 50 yuan.

职员:是的,我们收手续费,我们按照1%金额收取,最低1元,最高50元)。 Customer: I come for paying my telephone cost. 顾客:我来交电话费。

Clerk: Show me the number of the telephone. 职员:您的电话号码是多少?

Customer: I come for paying my gas cost. 顾客:我要交煤气费。

Customer: I come for paying my electricity cost. 顾客:我要交电费。


Clerk: Please show me your card。 职员:请出示卡片。 支票结算

T: Hello! May I help you? 您好,您有事需要帮忙吗?

C: Yes, I hope so. I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler's check here?

噢,是这样的。我需要些现金,在中国观光时使用。我能在这儿兑现旅行支票吗? T: Of course. We'd be happy cash it for you. 当然, 我很乐意为您兑现。

C: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates.

我原本打算在家旅馆兑现, 但我朋友说银行的兑现率通常有点高。