陕西省西安市长安区2016-2017学年第二学期九年级第一次模拟考试(原卷版) 下载本文

There once was a man who played the piano in a bar. He was a good pianist People went there just to hear him play.But one night,a customer____41____told him he didn’t want to hear him just play any more.He was___42___to sing a song by the customer.

“I don’t sing,”the man said.The customer said to the boss;“I’m___43___of just listening to the piano .I want that guy to sing!”

“Hey,buddy!”the boss ___44___across the room.“If you want to get paid,sing a song!The customer is asking you to sing!” And the other customers were _____45_____to see what would happen. So he did.He sang a song.A___46___who never sang in public did so for the very first time. What’s more,Nat King Cloe sang the song,Mona Lisa,in a very special way.That was the ___47___time the song ever sounded that. He was so talented!He could have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar.But because that man made ___48___sing,he went on to become one of the best-known ____49____in America. You,too,have talent and abilities.You may not feel as if your talent is great,but it may be ____50____than you think!

Ⅶ.任务型阅读(共5题,计10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题.

Lots of people make it as their aim to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma.Mark is one of them.The difference between Mark and other climbers is that he lost both his legs when climbing New Zealand’s highest mountain,Mount Cook.He was caught in a big ice hole and he had to have his legs cut below the knees after he was saved.But that couldn’t make Mark lose heart, who has become the first person with man-made legs to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.

From the top of the world’s highest mountain,Mark called his wife to say he made it.His wife,Anne,got the phone when she was sleeping.She could hardly believe it.Because she knew how hard it would be for Mark to reach the top.She said his“legs”didn’t work well sometimes,so her husband was carrying a spare leg and repair tools.

Mark was a mountain guide before his accident.He said it was not important that no one bad ever reached the 8844-neter mountain like him.“I’m not doing this to be the first.I have been climbing most of my life and I just feel Mount Qomolangma is really a great aim.I want to prove that I can do anything better.”So if you have a dream, just work hard and go for it no matter how difficult it is.

51. What was the difference between Mark and the other climbers?

He was the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma with____________. 52. Where did Mark lose his own legs?

He lost his own legs in an accident__________________. 53. Whom did he call as soon as he reached the top? He called_______________when he got there.

54. What did Mark carry when he climbed Mount Qomolangma? He carried_____________________________. 55. What did Mark do before his accident? He worked as_________________________.



A:Hi,John!________________56________________I can’t even seethe buildings clearly nearby. B:That’s true,The haze is getting worse and worse. ________57________ A:Yes,I did. The haze will continue for a week.

B:What?I’m getting really worried.If the weather stays like this,I won’t be able to play sports in the open air. A:_________________________58_________________________ B:We really should do something to cut down the air pollution.What can we do? A: ______________________59______________________ B:We can also ride a bike.It’s really good for health.

A:You are right. Let’s start with small things,_________60_________ You’d better stay at home and drink more water What bad weather!

I believe we’ll overcome the haze one day! How is it going?

We can take buses and subways instead of driving Did you listen to the weather report for tomorrow?


A:Someone is absent.______________61______________? B:Li Yuhang isn’t here.

A: _______________62_______________? B:He is at home .He Can’t go to school this week. A:_______________63_______________ ? B:He hurt his leg when he was doing sports. A:_________64_________.When did it happen? B:This morning. We sent him to the hospital. The doctor asked him to have a good rest.

A:You did a good job.I hope he will be better soon.Pay more attention while playing sports nest time. B:______________65______________. A:Now,let’s begin our class.


66. 初中三年,你的生活中有很多人帮助过你.你最想感谢的人是谁?他/她是个什么样的人?你为什么要感谢他/她?你有什么想对他/她说的吗?请你以此为题,写一篇文章. 提示:

1.Who is he/she? 2.What is he/she like?

3.Why do you want to thank him/her? 4.What do you want to say? 要求:

1.参考提示内容可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整; 3.文中不得出现任何真实信息;


During my junior high school life,the most memorable person is