Akeelah and the Bee《阿基拉和拼字比赛》 下载本文

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.


1.brunneous or brunnescent深棕色;红褐色 2.grovel卑躬屈膝 3.placid平静的 4.fanciful幻想的 5.prestidigitation变戏法 6.ambidextrous左右手都灵巧的 7.pterodactyl翼手龙 (velociraptor迅猛龙) 8.pulchritude外在美 9.rhesus恒河猴 10.eminent显著的 11.hypertrophic肥大的


13.synecdoche举偶法,提喻法(用局部代表整体或用整体代表局部的修辞手段)a word or phrase in which a part of sth is used to represent a whole, or a whole is used to represent a part of sth. For example, in ‘Australia lost by two goals’,Australia is used to represent the Australian team.

14.carmagnole(1789-1794年法国革命派所着的,配以黑裤,红色小帽,三色腰带的)短上衣 15.pastiche模仿作品

16.euphoric心情愉快的 17.maculature废页

18.fibranne粘胶短纤维;黏胶短纤维 19.vivisepulture活体染色

20.soliterraneous与太阳地球一体的 21.alfresco露天的 22.malloseismic多震的

23.doublure(衣服的)里子;(书籍的)封面衬裹 24.psalmody唱赞美诗 25.ratatouille蔬菜杂烩 26.pluviosity雨量丰富的 27.erythrocyte红血细胞;红血球 28.gabbro辉长岩

29.ratiocinate三段论法推论 30.oersted奥斯忒

31.xylem木质部(植物中将水分和矿物质从根部向上输送的组织) 32.orthoepy正音学 33.argillaceous黏土的 34.merovingian梅罗文加王朝 35.filiopietis过分孝顺 36.xzanthosis黄变症 37.effleurage轻抚法

38.lagniappe(送给顾客的)小赠品 39.logorrhea多语症 40.concitato激烈的风格 41.puerpera产妇

42.scheherazadian形容有某样东西让你在感到非常愉悦,希望得到更多 43.palynological孢粉学的 44.vinegarroon大蝎子 45.ecdysis(蛇等的)蜕皮;换羽



48.zarzuela说唱剧;查瑞拉小轻歌剧;西班牙式炖海鲜 49.lyophilize冻干

50.parrhesia说真话;说真话的直率;放胆 51.sophrosyne司制星;节制 52.ophelimity满足度 53.tralatitious比喻的 54.staphylococci葡萄球菌

