外研版2018年英语中考归纳复习专题训练:选择答案型阅读 下载本文


外研版2018年英语中考归纳复习专题训练:选择答案型阅读 【选择答案型阅读】 题型特点:



考查方式:以细节理解题为主,穿插设置推理判断题、词义猜测题、主旨大意题,数字计算题也会涉及。 解题策略:


分段细读,注意细节和语言结构,抓住主要事实及关键信息。做题时可以画出相关语句,对答案选项进行分析比较,然后选出与原文细节内容相符的选项即可。 2.推理判断题——推理法

推理判断是细节理解的延伸,在做题的时候要根据文章具体事实细节、句子关系去分析和推理,从而做出 符合原文的推理判断。


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从文章的标题到各个语段都进行概读,归纳出要点,理解作者的意图、态度、观点,这样就能了解全文的概貌。概读还有助于考生把握上下文之间的意义联系,培养自己的综合概括能力。 【中考示例】 (2017·广西)


Many of you may want to study abroad after high school.But at the same time,more and more students from other countries are coming to study in China. 397,635 international students came to China in 2015.According to a report from the website(网站),China is now the third most popular country for international students,behind the United States and the United Kingdom.

Last summer,55students and teachers from Germany came to China and joined a summer camp.They got close to traditional Chinese culture.They visited several schools in Hefei,Anhui.At No.32 Middle School in Hefei,they tried to make dumplings,play tai chi,do paper

cuts and learncalligraphy(书法).To help them

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know more about China,Chinese students paired with them as partners.They led these foreign guests to places of interest.

In recent years,there are more cultural exchanges(交流) between Germany and China.Almost 400 German schools have Chinese classes.Over 8,000 students study in China.

The number of international students in China has doubled since 2005.It has been growing by 10% each year.If the growth goes on,China will replace(代替) the UK for second place by 2020.


1.It’s reported that is the second most popular country for international students. ( )

A.China B.Germany

C.the Unites Kingdom D.the United States

2.The German guests tried to do the following things at school EXCEPT ____. ( )

A.making dumplings B.doing paper-cuts

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C.learning calligraphy D.playing ping-pong

3.What does the underlined phrase “paired with” mean in Chinese? ( )

A.与……相同 B.与……结对 C.与……比较 D.与……竞争

4.How many German schools have Chinese classes in recent years? ( ) A.32. B.55. C.About 400. D.More than 8,000. 5.Which of the following is TRUE? ( )

A.More and more foreign students come to study in China now.

B.The German students and teachers came to China to get close to nature. C.The number of international students in China has doubled since 2015. D.Recently there are fewer cultural exchanges between China and Germany. 答案:CDBCA 【主旨大意】


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