在关于移民的辩论中 下载本文

在关于移民的辩论中,反对者经常争论说美国的工作应当提供给美国人,外来移民是经济的负担。然而一些数字表明,近期移民实际上是目前这个国家经济繁荣的一个原因。 In the debate on immigration, opponents often argue that United States should be

available to Americans, immigration is a burden on the economy. But some figures suggest that recent immigrants are actually currently a cause of economic prosperity in this country.



Our great-grandparents immigration in the age of ear is flooded with the same words of abuse: they can't always assimilate, they never learn English, they are snatching others ' rice bowls.


Experts believe that despite immigration to United States economic benefit in General, but low level of skills, education in the high school national workers suffered a loss because they are forced to work and immigration competition, wages also declined as a result. Some experts say that large numbers of immigrants, especially illegal immigrants into United States, in the areas of education, health and other social services for financial burdens on State and local governments.



These new immigrants are far from wealth-consuming charity, they are contributing to the current economic prosperity. Latino video stores, Ethiopian restaurant, Viet Nam people's jewelry store, business is booming, employment immigration, employment of native

Americans. Well, usually when migrants came to our shores, almost penniless, but because they choose to pinch pennies to save every penny, within a short time they would often have their own homes or businesses.


But those who create jobs for Americans in the high technology talent is not the sole contributor to the prosperity of our economies. Even lower-skilled immigrants is through

the work of the majority of Americans don't want to do-like clean the Office, restaurant cuisine and grocery receipts-contribute to our economy and our lives. In turn, they buy houses, clothes and groceries are also contributing to the economy.

在劳动力市场上,移民通常从事那些需求量很大、而劳动力供应很小的行业。对于产值高达三百多亿美元的美国农业来说,这些移民提供的廉价劳动力至关重要。On the labour market, migrants often perform those in great demand, and perhaps a small industry. For output value up to more than 30 billion dollars of United States agriculture, these immigrants provide cheap labour is essential.


Some economists believe that immigrants who enter the United States, for the United States economy provides a more flexible workforce, allowing United States industries while providing relatively cheap products and services to continue to grow. New York Times article said that labor and rapid growth in the number of migrants, the United States economy has had a profound effect, on the one hand the technical requirements of jobs with high wages to remain at a low level, on the other hand, many United States companies can expand the scale of production.

另外,随着移民人数的不断增加,美国社会对外来移民的排斥心理也逐渐缓和。经济学家说,美国社会对移民的看法之所以改变,是因为经济繁荣和低失业率降低了公众的不安全感。 In addition, as the number of immigrants continues to increase, United States society resistant to foreign immigrants also are easing. Economists say the United States

community views on immigration had changed, because of economic prosperity and low unemployment rate have reduced the public's insecurity.



To the middle of the 20th century, United States and product output exceeded the standard of living in all countries, economic growth consistent with several large waves of

immigration. People are gradually formed a consensus, immigration has a positive effect on the economy in this century. However, some people are still skeptical about this.

Challenge and change culture


Culture is a very abstract concept, when you talk about culture, we inevitably need to find various cultural forms of externalization. Ethnic large population size, the sheer of the United States is a source of a variety of immigrants the country. As migrants flowing across the world to the United States migration, United States culture more difficult to identify a whole cross-section of externalization. Perhaps, no uniform, diverse forms of culture, is the United States the most salient features of the culture of.


Respect for diversity is a very important common cultural values. This and Americans by advocating the spirit of freedom was inseparable.


Ever-increasing immigration, particularly the ever-increasing immigration of other cultural groups, the United States had a significant role in promoting development of the free. As with other cultural backgrounds of immigrants more and more appeared, United States began to become aware of the importance of respect for cultural diversity. An increase in immigration from different cultures are United States free development, form the concept of respect for the cultural diversity of one of the most important factors.


Immigration forms here fall into two categories: individual groups of migrants and immigrants. -Individual migrants occur more frequently than groups-immigrants, its

cultural impact has also been a big difference. -Individual migrants tend to on the basis of maintaining the previous cultural forms, more active integration into the existing culture, but compared to the groups-immigrants, remnants of this culture of individual immigrants is relatively less. Therefore, individual immigrants in the short term it's hard to have a significant impact on the culture as a whole.


But because United States of individual immigrants are sustainable, whether internal migrants or immigrants outside, very frequently and the total number of migrants is very big, especially the formation of ethnic minorities in a number of large and small ghettos (such as Chinatown, etc), so in a long time, will have a profound impact on culture


Eventually led to the United States cultural diversity has also formed the concept of respect for cultural diversity.

移民的清教思想与美国的民主政治 Migration of Puritan thought and United

States democracy


In the United States colonial period, pilgrims were immigrants, Puritanism as a religious concept, play the role of political theory in the colonial era. Puritanism contains principles of individualism, rational, and autonomy, United States free democracy provides spiritual factors.

他们的宗教主张就成了“清教主义”。他们还要求进行制度方面的改革,要求废除“教阶制”,这就严重地触犯了既得利益者,因而受到了英国王室和英国国教的迫害。许多清教徒选择了背井离乡去寻找心中的“希望之乡”。他们中的很多人后来来到了北美这块可以保持其信仰的土地。他们团结在“清教主义”的大旗下,全力以赴地为实现自己的理想而战天斗地,不断地适应客观现实,参与、推动社会改革,在北美的物质生产和精神生产领域留下了丰硕的成果 Their idea of religion became \for the abolition of \United Kingdom Royal family and the United Kingdom State religion of persecution. Many pilgrims choose to leave their homes to look for the heart of the \them were subsequently came to North America this will keep the faith of the land. They are United in \constantly adapt to reality, participation, social reform, remain in the area of material and spiritual production in North America has yielded rich results


United States development of democratic politics--the basis of



In the United States, Puritanism is the protection of freedom and democracy also benefited from the separation of politics and religion. United States of ordinary citizens and clergy