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father makes him.


漂亮的房子里。他一生在和平环境中过着富裕的生活。他对女朋友说,等他有了儿子,他不会像他父亲逼他那样逼 自己的儿子整天读书。

16 At that point, Kevin Hanley 1990 wakes up, shaken by his dream. He is relieved to be away

from Ireland and the steel mill and Iwo Jima. He goes back to sleep.

就在这时, 凯文·汉利1990被自己的梦惊醒了。他离开了爱尔兰,离开了那家钢铁厂,离开了硫黄岛,不由 松了口气。他又睡着了。

17 When he dreams again, he is his own son, Kevin Hanley 2020. There is gunfire all day and all

night. His whole generation forgot why there even was law, so there is none. People pay no attention

to politics, and government offers no services to the working class.



18 Kevin 2020's father, who is of course Kevin 1990 himself, works as a cleaner in a factory owned

by the Japanese. Kevin 2020 is a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans and Asians. Public

education stops at the sixth grade. Americans have long since stopped demanding good education for their children. 凯文2020的父亲,自然就是凯文1990本人,在日本人开的一家工厂当清洁工。凯文2020在一家专为有钱


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19 The last person Kevin 1990 sees in his dream is his own grandson. Kevin 2050 has no useful

skills. Machines built in Japan do all the complex work, and there is little manual work to be done.

Without education, without discipline, he cannot earn an adequate living wage. He lives in a slum

where there is no heat, no plumbing, no privacy and survives by searching through trash piles.




20 In a word, he lives much as Kevin Hanley 1835 did in Ireland. But one day, Kevin Hanley 2050

is befriended by a visiting Japanese anthropologist studying the decline of America. The man

explains to Kevin that when a man has no money, education can supply the human capital necessary

to start to acquire financial capital. Hard work, education, saving and discipline can do anything.

\ashes after you defeated us in a war about a hundred years ago.\总之,他的生活就像凯文·汉利1835在爱尔兰时一模一样。可是有一天,凯文·汉利2050与一位研究美国衰



21 \astonished. It seems as impossible as

Brazil defeating the United States would sound in 1990. Kevin 2050 swears that if he ever has

children, he will make sure they work and study and learn and discipline themselves. \

make a living by one's mind instead of by stealing,\That would be a miracle.\

“美国在战争中打败日本?”凯文2050问道。他惊讶之极。这听起来就像说巴西在1990年打败美国一样不可 思议。凯文2050发誓,如果他有孩子的话,他一定要让他们工作、上__________学、学习并约束自己。“能凭自己的脑力,而 不是靠偷窃为生,”他说,“那将会是个奇迹。”

22 When Kevin 1990 wakes up, next to him is his copy of The Wealth of Nations. He opens it and the

first sentence to catch his eye is this: \proper use of the intellectual faculties of a

man is, if possible, more contemptible than even a coward.\凯文1990醒了过来,身旁放着他的那本《各国的财富》。他打开书,跳入眼帘的第一句话就是:“一个不能恰


23 Kevin's father walks in. \look at those headphones.\

凯文的父亲走了进来。“好了,儿子,”他说,“咱们去看耳机吧。” 24 \Pop,\“抱歉了,爸爸,”凯文1990说,“我得看书学习了。” Part Text B Ditch Ⅲ the Calculator

Do you think the use of calculators in learning math is a good idea? If you do, perhaps this article will change your mind.


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Ditch the Calculator Diane Hunsaker

1 I sigh inwardly as I watch yet another student, this one a ninth grader, struggle with an advanced

math problem that requires simple multiplication. He mentally battles with 5×6, looks longingly at the

off-limits calculator on the corner of my desk and finally guesses the answer: \扔了计算器 黛安·亨萨克



2 The growth in the use of calculators in the classroom amazes me. The students I tutor tell me

regularly that their teachers allow unlimited access to this tool. The National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics actively encourages its use. Recently I attended a math seminar where the instructor

casually stated that teachers were no longer reluctant to permit calculators in the classroom. Now

\I hear from the education

establishment about the benefits of these devices in schools, the less surprised I am when middleand

high-school students who have difficulty with arithmetic call for tutoring in algebra and geometry.

Having worked six years as an electrical engineer before switching to teaching, I often suggest to my

students that they consider technical and scientific careers, but I'm discouraged when I see an

increasing number of kids who lack simple math skills.



让学生在课堂上使用计算器了。目前“人人”都认识到了计算器的重要性,她说。(1) 我听到教育机构谈论学校里使




3 Educators have many arguments in defense of calculators, but each one ignores the reason that

we teach math in the first place. Math trains the mind. By this I mean that students learn to think

logically and rationally, to proceed from known information to desired information and to become

competent with both numbers and ideas. These skills are something that math and science teach and

are essential for adolescents to become thinking, intelligent members of society.




4 Some teachers argue that calculators let students concentrate on how to solve problems

instead of getting tied up with tedious computations. (2)Having a calculator doesn't make it any easier

for a student to decide how to attack a math problem. Rather, it only encourages him to try every

combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division without any thought about which would

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be more appropriate. Some of my elementary-school children look at a word problem and instantly

guess that adding is the correct approach. When I suggest that they solve the problem this way

without a calculator, they usually pause and think before continuing. A student is much more likely to