●设备、工器具、材料摆放整齐。管材摆放方向一致,油桶注时油号,用后盖严。 ●场内安全标志齐全,各种报表、原始记录等摆放整齐,保持清洁、完好,记录牌悬挂醒目,不得乱画。
●实行挂牌轮流值日,搞好职工宿舍卫生,为保证职工身体健康创造良好的环境。 ●遵守社会公德,严禁酗酒闹事,打架斗殴。
6 施工质量检测
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①褥垫层的厚度与铺设方法。试验时褥垫层的底标高与桩顶设计标高相同,褥垫层底面要求平整,褥垫层铺设厚度为6~10cm,铺设面积与载荷板面积相同,褥垫层周围要求有原状土约束。②当p~s曲线不存在极限荷载时按相对变形值确定复合地基承载力,取s/b=0.01对应的荷载作为水泥粉煤灰碎石桩复合地基承载力标准值。 CFG桩的施工容许偏差满足下列要求: (1) 桩长允许偏差不大于10cm; (2) 桩径容许偏差不大于2cm; (3) 垂直度容许偏差不大于1%;
序 号 一 1. (1) (2) (3) 2. (1) (2) (3) 3. (1) (2) 二 三 四 五 取 费 项 目 直接工程费 直接工程费 人工费 材料费 施工机械使用费 其它直接费 夜间施工增加费 生产工具使用费 检验试验费 现场经费 现场管理费 临时设施费 间接费 上级管理费 劳动保险费 计划利润 (1)+(2) 直接费×M×费率 直接费×M×费率 直接费×M×费率 (一+二+三+四)×费率 1870.31 1393.34 476.97 1472.21 28.18 687.28 2297.21 (1)+(2)+(3) 390.59` 算 式 1+2+3 (1)+(2)+(3) 总 金 额(元) 37556.38 3137.33 21456.50 12962.55 4763.25 第 22 页 共 35 页
六 七 1. 2. 合计 其它 税金 营业税 构件增值税 (一+二+三+四+五)×费率 1+2 (一+二+三+四+五+六)×费率 按规定计算 一+二+三+四+五+六+七 42.04 4324.90 1433.61 2891.29 46406.94 该地基处理工程的总造价为:¥46406.94元
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Underground water
Of all the earth's water, 97% is found in the oceans, 2% in glaciers and only 1% on land. Of this 1% almost all (97%) is found beneath the surface and called sub-surface or underground water. Most of this water eventually finds its way back to the sea either by underground movement, or by rising into surface streams and lakes.These vast underground water deposits provide much needed moisture for dry areas and irrigated districts. Underground water acts in similar ways to surface water, also performing geomorphic work as an agent of gradation.Even though man has been aware of sub-surface water sinceearliest times, its nature, occurrence, movement and geomorphic significance have remained obscure. Recently, however, some answers have been found to the perplexing questions about underground water's relationship to the hydrological cycle. 1.Source of Underground Water
Since the days of Vitruvius at the time of Christ, many theories have been presented to explain the large volume of water underneath the earth's surface. One theory was that only the sea could provide such large quantities, the water moving underground from coastal areas. Vitruvius was the first to recognize that precipitation provided the main source of sub-surface water, although his explanations of the mechanics involved were not very scientific. His theory, now firmly established, is termed the infiltration theory, and states that underground water is the result of water seeping downwards from the surface, either directly from precipatation or indirectly from streams and lakes. This form of water is termed meteoric. A very small proportion of the total volume of sub-surface water is derived from other sources. Connate water is that which is trapped in sedimentary beds during their time of formation. Juvenile water is water added to the crust by diastrophic causes at a considerable depth, an example being volcanic water.
2 Distribution of Sub-surface Water
During precipitation water infiltrates into the ground. Under the influence of gravity, this water travels downwards through the minute pore spaces between the mit particles until it reaches a layer of impervious bedrock, through which it cannot penetrate. The excess moisture draining downwards then fills up all the pore spaces
between the soil particles, displacing the soil air. During times of excessive rainfall such saturated
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