人教版英语七年级下册课本知识点梳理(良心出品必属精品) 下载本文

9. What size would you like? 您要什么碗的面? d like a large bowl, please. ’10. I 就来大碗的吧。 Unit 11 How was your school trip? 重点短语 学校旅行1. school trip 去散步2. go for a walk 挤牛奶3. milk a cow 骑马4. ride a horse

喂鸡5. feed chickens 与农民交谈6. talk with a farmer 照相7. take some photos 问一些问题8. ask some questions 种苹果9. grow apples 带某人逛某地10. show sb. around splace. 学到许多11. learn a lot 摘草莓12. pick some strawberries 上周13. last week 在乡村In the countryside .14 拜访我的祖父母15. visit my grandparents 去钓鱼16. go fishing 听起来很好17. sound good 去爬山18. climb the mountains 玩一些游戏19. play some games 参观博物馆20. visit a museum 参观消防站21. visit a fire station 画画22.draw pictures 去旅行23. go on a school trip 参观科技博物馆24 visit the science museum 如何制作机器人模型25. how to make a model robot 礼品店26. gift shop 27. buy sth for sb. 为某人买某物 总得来说28. all in all 对?感兴趣29. be interested in... 昂贵的30. be expensive 一点儿也不31. not...at all 重点句型 Did you see any cows? —1.

你见到奶牛了吗 Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. 一 我见到了而

且见到了很多很多 Did Carol take any photos? —2. 罗尔拍照片了吗? Yes, she did. — 是的,她拍了。3.Hi, Eric, How was your trip last week? — 上周旅游怎么样?Eric,你好, It was excellent. I visited my grandparents in the countryside. 一 我还去乡下看望了爷爷奶奶。,精彩极了 4.We had so much fun! 我们玩得非常开心! 5.I took a lot of great photos, too. 我也拍了好多精彩照片。 6. All in all, it was an exciting day. 总之,这是令人兴奋的一天。 m not interested in that. ’7. I 我对此并不感兴趣。 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 重点短语 上周末1. last weekend 做作业s

homework ’2. do one 看电影3. go to the cinema 去划船4. go boating 在湖边露营5. camp by the lake 去海滩6. go to the beach

打羽毛球7. play badminton 在周六的早上8. on Saturday morning 为了英语考试学习9. study for the English test 喂一些奶牛10. feed some cows 做为一个导游工作11. work as a guide 自然历史博物馆12. Natural History Museum 蝴蝶馆13. butterfly house 200超过14. over 200 kinds of butterflies 多种蝴蝶 告诉某人关于? ?15. tell sb about 生活习惯16. living habits 有点儿累17. be kind of tired 熬夜19. stay up 和某人玩20. play with sb. 丢东西21. lose things 跑开22. run away 放风筝23. fly a kite 作为一个特殊的礼物24.as a special gift 把某人带到某地25. take sb. to sp. 去露营26. go camping 搭建帐篷27. put up the tents 生火28. make a fire 使某人保持温暖29. keep sb. warm 在第一天晚上30. on the first night 如此?以至于?31.so...that... 去睡觉32. go to sleep 吃惊33. get a surprise 看见某人正在做某事34. see sb.


doing sth. 上蹦下跳35. jump up and down 爬到某人背上s back ’36. climb onto one

大声喊叫37. shout at/shout to 弄醒...把up ?38 wake 移入,爬进?中 ?39. move into 有用的一课40. a useful lesson 重点句型 Lucy? ?What did you do last weekend—1. ,你上周末做了什么?Lucy Well, on Saturday, I played badminton. — 周六我打羽毛球

了。.噢 Lisa, How is your weekend? ,Hi—2.你好, ,周末过得怎么样?Lisa Great, thanks. — 好极了,谢谢。 3.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆当了一名导游。

4.They have a beautiful house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! 多种蝴蝶。200它们(指博物馆)有一个漂亮的房子里有 Did you have a good weekend? —5. 你周末过得愉快吗—m kind of tired now, I stayed up late to watch the soccer ’Yeah, it was good, but I game. 愉快,但我现在有点累,我熬夜看足球赛了。 6.Where did she go last weekend? 她上周六去了什么地方? 7. She went to a farm. 一家农场。 她去了 When did he lose them? —8. 他是什么吋候丢的钥匙?

I heard it was yesterday. — 我听说是咋天。 9.As a special gift, our parents took us to India. 我爸妈带肴我们去了印。 作为一份特殊的礼物 s important to learn a second language. ’s why it’that,10. Well, son 这就是为什么学习外语的重要性啦。 所以嘛,儿子 。11.There we put up tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on 在那里我们架起帐蓬,生火取暖并做饭。