(1)e.g. Teen Killer Was Angry Young Man.
(2)e.g. China Demands U.S. Stop ?Interfering? on Human Rights (3)e.g. Bush Unveils A ?Can Do? Budget.
6.3 To save pages£¬abbreviations and acronyms are used. 6.3.1.Abbreviations
The abbreviations often read in headlines are like follows : Afr.£Africa app.£appendix
Amt.£amount appox.£approximately 6.3.2.Acronyms
¡°Acronyms are the words formed from the initial letters of a group of words. They can save space and beautify the headlines in picturesque disorder.¡±[13] p27 Acronyms can be divided into three types:
(¢¡)Names of agents or organizations such as CPPCC£¨The Chinese people?s political consultative conference£©and PLO £¬WTO¡
(¢¢) Names of something that we use very often such as AIDS£¬UFO, PC¡
(¢£)Nouns for careers£¬positions or credits like PM (prime minister), MP(member of parliament), GM(general manager), PA(personal assistant).
6.4 Using nouns£¬participles and short adjective to embellish words to replace long adjective or clauses.
(1)e.g. Poison Gas Fear Haunts City
£¨A fear of poison gas is haunting the people in a certain city.£© (2)e.g. 3 Held Over College Horror Crash
£¨3 people are being detained by the police concerning a horrifying crash at a college.£© 6.5 Use of numbers but without of the following nouns. (1)e.g. 41 Die as School Collapses
£¨41 students die as school collapses£© (2)e.g. Muller charged in fondling of boy£¬14
( Muller was charged in fondling of a boy of 14 years old.) 7.Conclusion
Above all, in a fast changing world, news media is the best channel of knowing every field including politics, economics, science, culture, and society. To read English news is the best way to get in touch with modern English and understanding headlines well can help readers comprehend the whole news and thus read news efficiently. Though it benefits you a lot, to understand headlines is not such as easy as ABC. If you are really eager to know well of headlines, the history and cultures of English countries, the works of English writers?, the English idioms and wisdoms that all these kinds of knowledge should be mastered. This needs you work hard and persevere. Note
Except for those marked in references, the other examples are selected from English Digest, English Salon and China Daily in recent years. References
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