2017年仁爱版初中英语八年级英语下册全套全册课时单元同步测试题 下载本文


noisy, hard, polite, fine, early

1. It’s ________ to point to others with your finger in China. 2. People think it’s polite to eat food ________ in Japan. 3. Lin Xia studies ________ in our class. 4. ---May I come in, Miss Gao?

---Xu Lin. I hope you can come here a little _______ next time. 5. Jane cuts the green onions _______ of the three.

Unit 7 T1----T2 测试题


( )1. ---I can’t find the way home. What should I do?

---You can ______ the policeman.

A. turn on B. turn to C. turn off D. turn up

( )2. ---Lily, it’s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much.


A. Don’t say so B. With pleasure C. It’s a pleasure D. It doesn’t matter.

( )3. The boy is _____ young ______ he can’t dress himself.

A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to

( )4. ---Mum, could you tell me how to cook tomato soup with meat?

--- Sure. You shoud ______ tomatos and meat first. A. use up B. put up C. set up D. cut up

( )5. Give me some_____. I’m hungry.

A. piece bread B. piece of bread C. pieces of bread D. pieces of breads ( )6. I want to know ____ the bike is Mike’s. A. that B. if C. because D. while ( )7. ---What would you like, sir?

---Two pieces of bread ____ enough, thanks. A. is B. are C. was D. be

( )8. The cakes in this shop are different from _____ in other shops. A. ones B. those C. / D. them ( )9. Ted ______ the telephone and called his mother. A. put up B. picked up C. cut up D. got up

( )10. We shouldn’t eat _____ in western restaurants. A. noise B. noises C. noisy D. noisily ( )11. I dance _____, but my brother dances _____ than me.

A. well; better B. well; best C. good; better D. good; best ( )12. Let’s raise our glasses and _____ mom’s birthday. A. get to B. give to C. turn to D. drink to ( )13. Can you tell me ____ my decision is right or not? A. that B. if C. whether D. why ( )14. Mary asks if ____ help her with Chinese tomorrow. A. me can B. can me C. can I D. I can ( )15. ---Would you mind if I open the window? ---________It’s cold outside.

A. Yes, I would not. B. You’d better not. C. Of course not. D. My pleasure. 二、句型转换

1. Liu Jun learns English well. Li Gang learns better. (合成一句) Li Gang learns English ______ _______ Liu Jun. 2. Would you mind my opening the window? (同义句) Would you mind_______ ______ _______ the window? 3. I’m not sure if I can cook it well. (同义句)

I’m not sure ________ _________ _________I can cook it well. 4. Remember to tell her the news. (改为反义句) Remember_________ ________ tell her the news. 5. Can you help me? Jack asks me. (合成一句话) Jack asks me_______ _______ ________ help him. 三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 polite, oil, bowl, course, noodle, quick, south, add, habit, seafood 1. I need some salt. I want to _______ some to the bone soup. 2. Before cooking, you need to put some ______ in the pan.

3. In the northern part of China, people often eat _____ and dumplings. 4. Be______ or you’ll be late for the meeting.

5. I feel hungry. I want to have two ________ of rice for lunch. 6. In Australia, there are two or more _________ for every meal. 7. I live near the sea, so I often eat all kinds of ________.

8. Hainan is in the _________ part of China.

9. It’s _________ to speak in a loud voice in the reading room 10. People all over the world have different eating __________.

Unit 7 T3 测试题


lady, menu, corn, bill, guest

1. As an owner, you should be friendly to your ________.

2. Good morning! _________ and gentlemen, welcome to our party. 3. ---Where’s the _________ tonight? I’d like to order some dishes. ---Here it is. Please have a look.

4. It’s spring. The farmers are busy working in the ________ field. 5. ________ is a piece of paper showing how much you eat in a restaurant. 二、句型转换。

1. Both Jack and his brother play sports every afternoon. (同义句转换)

________ ________ Jack ________ _________ his brother ________ sports every afternoon.

2. Have a wonderful time, Fred!(同义句转换) _________ _________, Fred!

3. Jane speaks slowly. Joan speaks more slowly. (合成一句话) Joan speaks ________ ________ _________ Jane. 4. I will finish my work in one hour. (划线提问) _______ ________ will you finish your work?

5. Rose writes more carefully than other students in her class. (改为同义句) Rose writes ________ _________ in her class. 三、补全对话。

A: What’s your favorite dish, Han Xu? B: 1. ___________________________

A: Fried rice? I like it, too. Do you know how to cook it? B: 2. _________________________It’s very easy.

A: You’re so great. My school will hold a food festival. I’d like to make fried rice. 3. _________________________

B: With pleasure. First, cut some cooked meat very finely. Next, put some oil in the pan. Then try the meat lightly. A: 4. _________________________

B: You need to add the rice slowly. Fry it for a few minutes. Finally, add some salt.

A: Yeah! Cooking is full! 5. ____________________ B: You’re welcome. 四、完形填空。

The tomato is a kind of delicious vegetable. People cook it in many different ways, such as fried eggs with tomatoes, tomato soup and tomato noodles. But you can’t __1__ that people never ate this vegetable in the 18th century. They __2__ it only because it had the nice color and shape. Why? People thought this vegetable was __3__ of poison(有毒物质). Though some people didn’t believe it was true, they were not __4__ enough to have a try.

Later, a prisoner(囚徒) happened to be the first man to __5__ the tomato. The prisoner did a bad thing. So the king wanted to kill him. Someone gave the king some __6__. He told the king to give the prisoner some tomatoes to eat. The king __7__. The king also promised if the prisoner would not __8__after he ate the tomatoes, he would be set free(释放). The prisoner had to eat the tomatoes __9__ he was really afraid. To everyone’s surprise, after he __10__ the first tomato, he asked for more. And of course, nothing happened.

( )1. A. imagine B. say C. forget D. accept ( )2. A. ate B. planted C. cooked D. tasted ( )3. A. fond B. careful C. full D. tired ( )4. A. strong B. healthy C. tall D. brave ( )5. A. eat B. buy C. touch D. pick ( )6. A. gifts B. advice C. news D. money ( )7. A. refused B. agreed C. knew D. received ( )8. A. leave B. speak C. laugh D. die ( )9. A. because B. though C. if D. before ( )10. A. ate up B. picked up C. cut up D. put up

Unit 8 T1 测试题


( )1. When we are in trouble, we need to _________others. A. turn on B. turn to C. turn off D. turn up ( )2. _______you are, _______mistakes you will make in the exam. A. The more careful; the fewer B. The more careless; the fewer C. The more careful; the less D. The more careless; The less ( )3. It’s easy for us______dumplings, so I want to learn it.