跨文化交际备考宝典 下载本文


Part I: General Information:

This examination consists of FOUR sections. They are:

Section I: Listening Test Section II: Communicative Competence Section III: Reading Comprehension Section IV: Communication Analysis

(20 points, 25 minutes)

(30 points, 25 minutes) (30 points, 40 minutes) (20 points, 30 minutes)

Part II: Focal points:

Section I Listening Test (20 points)

Part 1 Multiple choices (5 items, 2 points for each) Materials will be chosen from one of the following: 1. Task 2, Activity 3, Unit 3 2. Task 2, Activity 1, Unit 6 3. Task 3, Activity1, Unit 2

Part 2 Spot dictation. (10 items, 1 point for each, 0.5 point off for each misspelling.)

Materials will be chosen from one of the following: 1. Task 2, Activity 2, Unit 5 2. Task 3, Activity1, Unit 8

Section II Communicative Competence (30 points)

Multiple choices (15 items, 2 points for each)

Materials will be chosen from the following focal points:

1. Basics of communication (P14-16, Task1&2, Activity2, Unit1 )

communication models (model 1&2)

2. Individualism / Collectivism (P73-77, Task2&3, Activity4, Unit2)


politeness (addressing, making invitation/request/apology) privacy and autonomy intimacy

assertiveness/harmony (directness/indirectness)

3. Names (P100, Task1, Activity1, Unit3; P104, Task1, Activity2, Unit3) Naming names Root

4. Invitation and reply (P141-144, Task 3&4, Activity1, Unit 4) 5. Sub-cultures (P202, Task 4, Activity3, Unit 5)

sub-culture theory (man/woman) power theory

6. Non-verbal communication (P230, Task 4, Activity 1, Unit 6) 7. Categories of distance ( P255-256, Task 1, Activity 5, Unit 6)

Intimate => personal => social => public

8. Idioms, proverbs and euphemisms

meaning of the idioms: have a big mouth, a piece of cake, take a French leave etc. animal idioms (P282-284, Task3, Activity2, Unit 7; Task 4, Activity 3, Unit 7; ) meaning of euphemisms: in the family way (P318, Task 5, Activity 5, Unit 7) rhyming slang (P313, Task3, Activity5, Unit 7)


1. When two people coming from the same culture are communicating with each

other, we can say this is a ________. A. cultural communication

B. mono-cultural communication C. bi-cultural communication D. multi-cultural communication

2. In face-to-face communication, ________signals are just as important as verbal

message. Sometimes they play a more decisive role than verbal message in determine communicative effects. A. cultural B. non-verbal C. body D. hand

3. When people first arrive in a new cultural environment, they seem to go through a

culture shock made up of four stages. They may experience an exciting honeymoon period at the beginning. This is referred to as a stage of ________. A. euphoria B. euphoric C. euphemism D. optimism

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Surnames were used to indicate family relationships. B. Surnames were used to indicate occupations. C. Surnames were used to indicate year of birth. D. Surnames were used to indicate location.

5. The process of becoming adapted to a new culture is called __________.

A. affective orientation B. cognitive-orientation C. acculturation

D. psychomotor-orientation

6. Studies of language and gender have returned repeatedly to the question of how the language used by __________ reinforces their respective positions in society. A. foreigners B. social classes C. men and women D. friends

7. If someone refers to you as “the blue-eyed boy” it means ________.

A. you are the favorite person B. you have blue eyes

C. your friend has blue eyes D. you have beautiful eyes

8. English friends often apologize to each other over things that seem __________ to the Chinese. A. stupid B. trivial C. special D. accidental

9. Women tend to ask directions more than men because ________.

A. they are more talkative B. they are more friendly C. they are inferior in society D. they are superior in society

10. The proverb ?Manners make the man? primarily uses __________ for effect. A. balanced structure B. metaphor C. alliteration D. rhyme

11. A person having butterflies in his stomach feels ______.

A. nervous B. courageous C. happy D. hungry

12. People with interests, opinions or backgrounds in common are literally called ______.

A. birds of the same bill B. birds of the same beak C. birds of the same feather D. birds of the same feet

13. Commonly, in ancient primitive societies, messages were sent by __________. A. cryptic signs B. painting pictures C. smoke signals D. all of the above

14. When invited to banquets, married westerners would expect __________. A. their spouse to be invited, too B. their spouse not to be invited C. to pay for part of the dinner D. to drink enough to get drunk

15. Spatial language is study of the way that people use _________ to convey messages

A. literary words B. body language C. signals

D. physical space

16. An “utterance meaning” is __________. A. what a speaker says

B. what is heard by someone C. what is meant by someone D. how someone says something

17. In Britain, hospitality is measured by __________. A. the number of dishes you are given B. the number of drinks you are given C. freedom to look at whatever you want

D. freedom to choose what you?d like to eat or drink

18. Men are believed to speak and hear __________. A. a language of static independence B. a language of independent status C. a language of status and dependence D. a language of status and independence