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体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 8 We shouldn’t waste water.


一、词汇:should应该,waste浪费,blouse女士短上衣,enough足够的,save节约,drop(一)滴,fresh新鲜的。 二、句型:We should keep the rivers clean. We shouldn’t kill wild animals. 三、语法:情态动词should

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1. w h b l o u s e m o q __________________ 2.e n o u g h t q g m __________________ 3. w a a r g z n f r e s h ________________ 4. m u y w a s t e e s a p _____________ 【试说试练】

用下列句型进行讨论: We should .... We shouldn’t....

如:We should keep the rivers clean.

We shouldn’t spit on the road. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

情态动词should表示“应该”,否定形式should not==shouldn’t“不应该” 其后接动词原形。 练习:选词填空

should shouldn’t 1. We _________ litter.

2. We _________ keep the rivers clean. 3. We _________ pick flowers in the park. 4. We _________ spit on the road.

审学: 练练 改改 一、单项选择

( )1、There _______ enough water on the earth. A. aren’t B. are C. isn’t

( )2、We must save every ________ water. A. drop B. drop of C. 不填

( )3、We should use bikes instead ________ cars. A. of B. with C. to



1. kill We shouldn’t animals wild (.) _________________________________________

2. clean fresh We should the air and keep (.) _________________________________________ 3. plant should We more trees (.) _________________________________________


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit9 This bird is bigger than the first one.


一、词汇:than比,clay黏土;泥土, big, bigger, biggest small, smaller, smallest tall, taller, tallest

short, shorter, shortest long, longer, longest 二、句型:Tom is taller than mike.

Tom’s hair is shorter than Mike’s. 三、语法:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 完成表格。 原级 比较级 最高级 tall taller tallest big longer smaller shorter 【试说试练】 运用比较级的句型结构练习说句子。 例如:I am taller than you.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】





三:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化方法如下: 1、规则变化 情况 加法 例词 一般情况 直接加er, est tall--taller--tallest 以e结尾的词 加r,st nice--nicer--nicest 以“辅音+y”结尾的词 变y为i再加er,est dry--drier--driest heavy--heavier--heaviest 以一个辅音字母结尾的辅音字母双写,再加er,est thin--thinner--thinnest 词 big--bigger--biggest fat--fatter--fattest 多音节和部分双音节的在词前加more,most more delicious 词 most delicious 2、几个不规则的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级如下表: 原级 比较级 最高级 good,well better best bad, ill worse worst many, much more most far farther\\further farther\\furthest little less least 四:比较级句型结构:A+be动词+比较级+than+B (A比B更....) Tom is taller than John. 汤姆比约翰高。


1、变比较级:loud__________ short___________ 2、变最高级:big__________ high___________ 3、变原级:faster__________ smaller_________

审学: 练练 改改 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Lucy’s hair is _________ (long) than Jenny’s. 2. Peter is the _________ (tall).

3. This is the ___________ (four) one.

4. Wei Lei’s wallet is __________ (big) than __________ (John). 二、选出画线部分正确的汉语意思。

( )1、Once there were there big birds in a forest. A. 从前 B.有一天 C.一次

( )2、The birds decided to sing together. A. 准备 B.决定 C. 开始

( )3、They are really the best singers in the forest!


A. 最差的 B.最大的 C. 最好的


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment III


一、词汇:复习7到9单元单词及短语。 二、句型:复习7到9单元句型。


一、熟读单词及课文。 二、完成课本书面练习题。 三、选出每组中不同类的一项。

( )1. A. or B. weak C. and ( )2. A. house B. home C. himself ( )3. A. slow B. coffee C. tea ( )4. A. carry B. make C. can ( )5. A. help B. on C. off 四、连词成句。

1. biggest It’s the (.)

_______________________________________ 2. faster runs Peter (.)


3. bigger third It’s than one the (.) _______________________________________ 五、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。 ( ) You need water. Everyone needs water. ( ) I’m sorry, Mum.

( ) What are you doing, dear? ( ) Why?

( ) We shouldn’t waste water. ( )I’m washing my blouse.
