2018_2019学年高中英语Module1SmallTalk课下能力提升四含解析外研版选修6 下载本文


2.A.have C.start

B.avoid D.forget

解析:选B 相较于过去没有手机玩,如今的人们很容易“避免(avoid)”无聊。 3.A.long C.limited

B.spare D.local

解析:选B 人们是通过玩手机、打游戏来填补“空闲(spare)”时间。 4.A.pain C.trouble

B.business D.challenge

解析:选C 由下文列举无聊会使人烦恼、使一些人酗酒或吸毒可知,处于无聊状态会让人陷入真正的“麻烦(trouble)”。

5.A.situations C.decisions

B.concerns D.performances

解析:选C 由下文中的例子“I’ll ride my bike down the stairs — what could go wrong?”可知,无聊会导致人们做出糟糕的“决定(decisions)”。

6.A.just C.still

B.even D.only

解析:选B “无聊会使人烦恼、使人做出糟糕决定”和“人无聊时可能会酗酒或吸毒”之间是递进关系,故选even。

7.A.fit C.hard

B.good D.simple

解析:选B 由however一词和下文作者通过科学的解释说明享受无聊的重要性可知,无聊对人体“有益(good)”。

8.A.habit C.brain

B.heart D.life

解析:选C 由下文介绍人体集中注意力的两种方式以及多次出现的brain可知,无聊与人体的“大脑(brain)”有关。

9.A.continuing C.hiding

B.disappearing D.happening

解析:选D 由下文的“helps you listen to your teacher, catch a ball, and joke with your friends”可知,大脑集中注意力的一种方式是帮助你应对身边“正在发生(happening)”的事,这正是“当(when)”你发短信、玩游戏和看电视时所用的那部分大脑。

10.A.when C.before

B.since D.though

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解析:选A 解析见上题。 11.A.react C.feel

B.speak D.relax

解析:选C 由下文的“helps you sort out your feelings”和“helps you ________ the joy of ...”可知,大脑集中注意力的另一种方式是让你面对某事时思考自己的“感受(feel)”。

12.A.tell C.explain

B.learn D.remember

解析:选D “回忆(remember)”与祖母一起烘焙时的快乐是大脑思考如何感受的结果。 13.A.active C.attractive

B.creative D.competitive

解析:选B 由下文的“the thoughtful part”可知,“有创造力(creative)”与做白日梦、幻想未来一样都是需要大脑进行思考的。

14.A.exist C.spread

B.work D.move

解析:选B 由下文的“You’ll only use the first part of your brain ... the thoughtful part ... doesn’t work”可知,大脑用来管理做事情和思考事情的两部分不会同时“工作(work)”。

15.A.free C.busy

B.real D.normal

解析:选C 由上文介绍大脑用来管理做事情的部分“helps you listen to your teacher, catch a ball, and joke with your friends”可知,这部分大脑会在人“忙碌(busy)”时工作,此时大脑管理思考的那部分是“绝不会(never)”被使用的。

16.A.always C.never

解析:选C 解析见上题。 17.A.shy C.tired

B.unsure D.careful B.ever D.once

解析:选B 由上文的“you may not know what you really feel”可知,当你不知道你真正的感受时,也就“不确信(unsure)”你到底想要什么。

18.A.ordinary C.difficult

B.impossible D.important

解析:选D 由上文作者通过科学解释大脑的不同功能和下文的“an important skill”可知,无聊时的思考与大脑管理思考的那部分有关,因此学会无聊是非常“重要的

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19.A.nothing C.everything

B.something D.anything

解析:选A 由上文的“learn to be bored”可知,能够开心地“什么都不做(nothing)”是一种重要的技能。

20.A.so C.or

B.but D.if

解析:选B “学会开心地无所事事是需要练习的”和“这比电脑游戏更加有益”之间是转折关系,故选but。


Here __1__ (be) some ways to start talking.

Find common ground. Anything that the person can relate to and that establishes a connection can __2__ (consider) common ground, such as the weather.

Involve the other person. Now that you’ve established common ground, it’s time to involve the other person and get him talking by asking him to reveal some information about __3__ (he). Don’t ask anything too __4__ (person), like asking about the person’s health, religion, or political views. Just keep it light and fun and ask open-ended questions about the person’s interests, job, or __5__ (surrounding).

Follow up with a question or a statement. The person’s response will influence whether you follow up with a question, a statement, or a joke. Try to find a balance between questions __6__ statements. Too many questions will make the person feel like he’s being interrogated (质问), and too many statements won’t give the person room __7__ (talk).

Take the time to listen. __8__ (real) listening to things __9__ the person says can make the speaker feel pleased and like to speak more. It also helps you find new common ground and guide the conversation __10__ a more fun or productive direction.


1.are 设空处描述的是一般事实,且由“some ways”可知,谓语应用复数形式,故填are。

2.be considered 主语Anything与consider之间是被动关系,且设空处前面有情态动词can,故填be considered。

3.himself 由“get him talking by asking him to reveal some information”可知,设空处所在句表述的是说话者谈论自己的信息,故填himself。

4.personal 由下文的“the person’s health, religion, or political views”可

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5.surroundings surroundings意为“周围的事物,周围的情况”。 6.and between ... and ... 意为“在……(两者)之间”。 7.to talk 设空处在句中作目的状语,故填to talk。

8.Really 设空处修饰动名词listening,表示“真正地”,故填Really。

9.that/which 设空处在句中引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词things,且在从句中作宾语,故填that/which。

10.in “朝……的方向”用介词in。 Ⅴ.短文改错

Last Friday we have a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Views vary from person to person.

The majority of us consider this very necessary to go to college. They think it can be widen their knowledge and improve their qualities. Only in this way can they find better jobs before graduation. Very few students think it no use go to university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford. What’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfied jobs. Thirty percents of the students, however, believe“All roads lead Rome.”Therefore, it doesn’t make some difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we can better themselves through college education so that we can serve society better in the future.

答案:第一句:have→had 第三句:this→it 第四句:去掉be 第五句:before→after 第六句:go→going

第七句:satisfied→satisfactory/satisfying 第八句:percents→percent; lead后加to 第九句:some→any


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