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剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test One

I. Choose the best answer.

1. Multinational companies usually have _____ in different countries.

A) parent companies B) subsidiaries C) factories D) subsidies

2. One aim of companies which sell goods or services is to increase their market _____. A) occupation B) percentage C) share D) offer

3. In order to improve their services to customers, banks need to become more ____. A) customer-oriented B) profitable C) aggressive D) efficient

4. Having only ____ in different countries gives global companies more flexibility to move their manufacturing activities from one country to another. A) subsidiaries B) assembly lines C) research centers D) assembly operations

5. Cultural differences are one of the potential ___ of international mergers.

A) threats B) pitfalls C) attractions D) advantages 6. Most countries give foreign companies _____ to attract new investment.

A) tariff reduction B) important tariffs C) tax incentives D) share ownership

7. Companies that handle all aspects of their business internationally, such as the big oil companies, are known as ____ companies.

A) multinational B) venture capital C) merged D) vertically-integrated 8. The movement of money into and out of a company is known as ____. A) annual turnover B) profit margin C) cash flow D) bank charges. 9. All mergers aim to create ___ for the two companies? shareholders. A) added value B) overheads reduction C) economies of scale D) tax benefits

10. The Legend computer company has always been ______ and different in the design and

technology of its PCs.

A) effective B) competent C) expensive D) innovative 11. Setting up a business in a foreign country involves a lot of _____.

A) import tariffs B) red tape C) tax payments D) import quotations 12. When companies decide to restructure, it is usually ____ who are made redundant. A) middle managers B) secretarial staff C) brand managers D) production workers

13. To run their foreign subsidiaries, multinationals usually appoint a ____.

A) executive manager B) team leader C) decision maker D) country manager 14. In joint ventures, two or more companies ____ on specific projects. A) collaborate B) compete C) practice D) work


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

15. One measure of a company?s financial success is the return on ____. A) sales volumes B) annual turnover C) capital employed D) profit margins

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary. Logistics manufacture retailer sustain compete cross-boarder takeover counterpart asset bear output outsourcing chairman utilize merger 1. In the U.S. the service sector employs more people than the ____ sector.

2. Despite an overall slowdown in the world?s economic growth, China?s ______ momentum of

development and high market demand have provided a good opportunity for overseas investors to access its logistic market.

3. Most public quoted companies have both a ____ and a chief executive.

4. _________ is a term used to describe the process the delivery of a product from the

manufacturer to the consumer that includes transportation, storage and distribution. 5. Wal-Mart is the world?s largest ____.

6. in February 2000, South Air Company succeeded its hostile ____ of Volvo.

7. When it is approved, the _____ of South Air Touch with Volvo will be the world?s largest. 8. In companies such as advertising agencies, people are vital intangible ________. 9. Subcontracting work to outside suppliers is known as ______.

10. Logistics companies in the country must move fast to _____ the final three-year protection

period after China?s entry into the WTO if they are to be able to survive when foreign logistics giants arrive.

11. A person who does a similar job to you, but in another company is your ______. 12. The ______ is the total amount of products produced by a company. 13. Every company is looking for something, which will give it a ____ edge.

14. In a ______ market, investment managers tend to put a large proportion of their money into

FT-SE stocks because of their perceived defensive qualities.

15. Because of the globalization of business, an increasing number of mergers are ____ deals.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Two


Choose the best answer.

A) promotion B) drive C) strength D) determination

2. Many organization have a salary ____ which indicates the salary for different jobs.

A) ceiling B) ladder C) scale D) review

3. When two companies want to work together they often ___ a joint venture.

A) form B) work C) do D) manage

4. The conglomerate movement has broadly ____ the assets of many large enterprises.

A) Classified B) differentiated C) diversified D) clarified

5. Young managers who have good prospects for quick promotion are often known as ______.

A) technocrats B) globe-trotters C) top-flight executives D) high-fliers 6. The chief executive can be said to _____ the company.

A) realize B) run C) own D) motive

7. Training courses which include activities such as role-plays and simulations use an ______


A) experimental B) academic C) knowledge D) deductive

8. In oriental cultures, to ______ is one of the most embarrassing things that ca happen.

A) lose a job B) make a mistake C) lose face D) receive a favor 9. The special words used by people in the same profession are known as ______.

A) speech variety B) dialect C) pidgin D) jargon

10. When young people spend their first months in a new job on a training program they known

as ______.

A) candidates B) novices C) trainees D) students

11. Training that has clear application to a job or type of work can be said to be _____.

A) academic B) practical C) interesting D) cost-effective

12. It is very expensive to _____ people who fail in an overseas job and have to return early.

A) Insure B) dismiss C) retrain D) repatriate

13. People who are sent aboard by their company often have a better _____ than at home because

they have a higher salary and other benefits such as free housing. A) lifestyle B) program C) occupation D) placement

14. Most companies ____ employees for their travel expenses at the end of the month.

A) sponsor B) offer C) compensate D) reimburse

15. It is common for large companies and professional bodies to ______ politicians and

government departments to try to persuade them to accept their point of view. A) Lobby B) persuade C) pay D) entice

1. A key international management competency for Volvo is entrepreneurial ______.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary. recruit reference assessment center decline appraise develop interview team-building blue chip short qualify hierarchy conglomerate expatriate sponsor 1. International companies are increasingly looking to ______ managers with an MBA. 2. An MBA is clearly one of the best ______ for an international management career.

3. Many large companies _______ their managers? studies by paying some or all of the costs. 4. While some subjects, such as law and management studies, are on the increase, others, such as

engineering, are on the ________.

5. Because of the lack of graduates there will be soon a _______ of qualified engineers. 6. Nearly all organizations use ______ as their main ways to select new employees.

7. In Britain, many companies also use ______, where candidates take part in a series of tasks

and simulations.

8. It is also common in Britain for a new employer to request written ____ on candidates from

their previous employers.

9. Organizing people by different levels of power and authority is known as a ______.

10. When two companies merge it can be very useful to run ______ courses to help people work

well together.

11. Large companies that are famous, well established and generally successful financially are

known as ______ companies.

12. A ________ is a large organization that consists of many companies in different sectors.

13. A company with a good HR policy will carry out annual _____ between each employee and

his or her manager.

14. Some manages consider time spent aboard as part of their ____ program.

15. The labor market has become international, and the member of ______ workers is continuing to grow.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Three


Choose the best answer.

1. Someone who assists others to reach an agreement after a dispute is an ______.

A) broker B) accomplice C) arbitrator D) assistant 2. She was _____ of stealing documents from the office.

A) saw B) accused C) charged D) found 3. Both parties in the civil case agree to ______ out of court.

A) accuse B) sign C) settle D) submit 4. People who sign a contract are known as _______ to the agreement.

A) parties B) signers C) partials D) consignor 5. Name ______ is important to establish a center for arbitration.

A) recognition B) reducing C) changes D) awareness

6. A famous name may not be used by anyone else if it has been registered--- a world trademark

must not be _______.

A) hijacked B) appeared C) directed D) infringed

7. The technical name in English law for legal disputes that go to court is _____.

A) legal match B) court scene C) accusation D) litigation 8. The factory near my house makes fashion clothing under ______.

A) license B) licensee C) licensor D) citation 9. A ______ is the owner of a business such as a shop or restaurant.

A) private sector B) public sector C) proprietor D) parson 10. The contract states the licensee is not allowed to ______ or change anything.

A) swap B) intervene C) appendix D) abridge 11. The person who brings a complaint in a civil case is called the ______.

A) defendant B) plaintiff C) complainer D) civilian

12. Someone who shows _______ does not act fairly and treats one party preferentially.

A) tricks B) bias C) perjury D) treachery 13. _____ damages are designed to deter others from committing the same crime.

A) Punishment B) Compensation C) Capital D) Punitive 14. A jury will bring in ____ of guilty when there is no reasonable doubt.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

A) a verdict B) a decree C) a conclusion D) an edict 15. When someone goes to court in a civil matter, they file a _______.

A) suiting B) pursuance C) pursuit D) suit II.

Fill in the blanks with the words phrases given. Change the form where necessary.

trademark recourse equal forum confidential facilitate bilateral settle compensatory distort multilateral enclose demand-led commodity brand name 1. I apologize for not _____ the account sooner, but due to the unfortunate death of

our accountant, we were not able to settle any of our outstanding balances. 2. In law abiding countries, all citizens have _______ to justice. 3. Coffee, gold and precious metals are all _______. 4. The right place to discuss important issues is a _______.

5. When you promise to keep something secret you are promising to respect _____. 6. Good employers promise men and women ______ at work.

7. The worksheet ______ the preparation of financial statements and provides a check

against errors before the formal financial statements are prepared. 8. The two ministers signed a _____ trade agreement.

9. Changing the intended meaning of a law slightly is to _______ it.

10. We have _______ our winter catalogue and price-list giving details of C.I.F. London prices,

discounts, and delivery dates.

11. The government reduced income tax in order to encourage a _____ upturn in economic


12. Fashion-conscious people like to wear clothes that have famous ______. 13. Companies can register _____ which then only they may use.

14. The process of integration should commence following the conclusion of the Uruguay Round

of ______ Trade Negotiation.

15. These negotiations will be entered into in good faith with a view to achieving mutually

satisfactory ____ adjustment.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Four


Choose the best answer.

1. When you are legally responsible for something, you are said to be _______. A) statue B) legal C) leasehold D) liable

2. The robber tried to terrify the shopkeeper by threatening him with a ______. A) false B) forged C) fraud D) fake

3. It looked like my signature on the cheque but it was not--- someone had ____ it. A) forged B) created C) framed D) reproduced

4. The authorities found that she had given them a ____ name and address. A) creative B) false C) infamous D) fraud

5. Working in the accounts department gave her a wonderful opportunity to ____ the company

of thousands of pounds.

A) defraud B) embarrass C) embrace D) embroil

6. Did you say he could borrow the car? Or did he just take it without your _____. A) assent B) consent C) know-how D) service

7. In Great Britain, you are assumed to be innocent until shown by a court otherwise--- the

prosecution has to prove your _____.

A) innocence B) accusation C) guile D) guilt

8. When she lost her credit card, the first thing she did was to call the bank and _______ it. A) confuse B) condemn C) cancel D) conceal

9. The penalties for causing environmental ______ are considered by some to be too lenient. A) damage B) spoilage C) depravity D) pollution 10. Wrongs done against people or property in civil law are called _____. A) torture B) torts C) litigants D) censure

11. ______ is the part of the legal profession having the right of audience in court. A) Arbitration B) Accounting C) Advocacy D) Assessing

12. The most powerful criminals are sometimes known as the _______ of organized crime. A) baronets B) warlords C) barons D) gangs 13. Signing someone else?s name is a ____ act.

A) fraudulent B) fraud C) defrauded D) forgery 14. Criminals, gangsters and mobsters are all ______. A) villains B) villagers C) vassals D) victims


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

15. Being famous for something bad is being ______. A) known B) unknown C) noted D) notorious

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

complicity flourish off-line illicit contingent verify deposition deserve scam jargon tip bonus contractual disguise telemarketing

1. Only with the ____ of the bank employees could the criminal launder his money. 2. They ______ their appearances so that no one could recognize them. 3. Another word for illegal and wrong is _______.

4. Selling and promoting the goods over the phone is called ______.

5. Let me give you some practical advice and some helpful _______ on how to succeed. 6. The business was very successful--- it was a ______ concern. 7. Fraudulent schemes are often called _______.

8. Traditional, non-electronic payments are made _______.

9. When you open a bank account, you may be asked to show your passport or birth certificates

as _____ that you are who you say you are.

10. The result was ______ on the agreement and cooperation of the others.

11. The normal ______ arrangements will apply: both parties must sign, with a witness. 12. As a reward for your excellent trading results, you have been awarded a ______. 13. Very technical vocabulary used by experts is known as _______ 14. The packing clause in this contract _____ our attention.

15. A written statement of evidence given by a witness is called a _______.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Five


Choose the best answer.

1. Bank customers who are not business customers are called _____ customers. A) single B) personal C) individual D) general

2. If you pay by credit card, you have to _____ the transaction by signing a pay slip. A) authorize B) withdraw C) deposit D) transfer

3. A device which the retailer uses to receive electronic payments is called ______. A) an ATM B) a cash dispenser C) a POS device D) an electronic purse 4. At the age of 60 or 65, people generally ____ from work. A) withdraw B) resign C) retire D) retreat 5. The bank granted a loan for two-year _______. A) repayment B) rate C) time D) term

6. The bank withdrew the facility after the company _____ their overdraft limit two often. A) exceeded B) admitted C) accepted D) received

7. When an employee is aware that his expertise and experiences are appreciated by his

company and his fellow workers, he is able to _____ even more closely with the company. A) identify B) recognize C) notice D) acknowledge 8. Interest is charged at the current rate, which is 2.5% above the ______. A) Lowest B) base C) average D) minimum 9. These rates are fixed until January when they will be ______.] A) re-valued B) reviewed C) retained D) reinstated

10. Possessions acquired by a company for long term use (buildings) are called ____. A) long-time assets B) fixed assets C) current assets D) tangible assets

11. The part of a company?s after-tax profits distributed to shareholders is called ___. A) divided B) reserves C) earnings per share D) retained profit

12. Money which a company sets aside to cover bad debts is listed in the balance sheet as


A) deductions B) retained profit C) reserves D) provisions

13. A person or organization whose business is to lend money for interest is called ___. A) a creditor B) debtor C) lender D) liabilities

14. Current liabilities are _____ from current assets to give net current assets. A) added B) divided C) reduced D) deducted 15. The costs of salaries, heating, lighting and rent ______ to 2.4 million.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

A) amounted B) added C) totaled D) summed up

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

balance mortgage signatory insolvency recession judicial overdraft proprietorship overheads parent transfer policy domestic turnover maximize 1. If you want to borrow money to buy a house, you should ask the bank for a _____.

2. This agreement shall automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or ______ of Joint

Venture Company.

3. If you haven?t enough money in your account to pay your bills, you?ll have to ask for an


4. The general running costs of a company, such as electricity and rent, are known as


5. The amount stored on a smart card or in your bank account, is called the _______. 6. With the smart card, you can _____ funds from one card to another.

7. Owner has the right at any time, at its absolute discretion, to terminate the contract without

any notice of default or ______ intervention being required for the purpose.

8. We should increase the production to meet the demand of both the _____ and foreign


9. A _____ is the simplest and most prevalent form of business organization. 10. The total sales during a trading period is called _____.

11. A company which owns one or more subsidiaries is called a ______ company.

12. The strategy formulated by a government or central bank for maintaining the stability of the

currency and reducing inflation is called monetary _______.

13. A fall in business activity which affects the national economy is called a _______. 14. All _____ should strictly comply with relative terms and conditions.

15. Banks have ______ profits because new technology has made them more efficient.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Six


Choose the best answer.

1. The Yen _______ yesterday, falling from $114 to $115 against the dollar. A) boomed B) gained C) loosened D) weakened

2. New unemployment data _____ the dollar yesterday, causing it to rise against the Euro. A) boosted B) gained C) slide D) dropped 3. The person who will receive a payment is called the ______. A) drawer B) drawee C) beneficiary D) debtor 4. _____ analysis reduces the cost of mass-produced goods. A) Value B) Payment C) Mature D) Invoice

5. Once an international payment has been transmitted, it may be difficult to get a ____. A) return B) refund C) recovery D) remittance

6. The bank?s charges are quoted in the booklet: “international ____ for personal customers”. A) payment B) prices C) tariffs D) expenses

7. After dispatching the goods, the exporter _____ the documents to his bank. A) sends B) collects C) issues D) presents

8. The exporter?s bank will _______ the collected documents to the importer?s bank. A) signature B) forward C) remits D) defers

9. The exporter didn?t receive payment for his goods because the buyer ______. A) defaulted B) deferred C) declined D) denied

10. The document which shows details of goods being transported and which entitles the receiver

to collect the goods is called a ______.

A) bill of exchange B) document of title C) bill of lading D) declaration 11. A bill of exchange becomes payable upon ______.

A) remittance B) acceptance C) dispatch D) maturity 12. After the war, the country?s tourist industry _______ badly. A) suffered B) bottomed out C) recover D) regained

13. The World Bank refused to grant the loan until an environmental _____ was carried out. A) survey B) test C) assessment D) report

14. Short-term loans to cover the period until long-term financing can be arranged are ______. A) cartelized B) bridging finance C) subsidies D) concessions


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

15. ______ means allowing a currency to find its true level against other currencies. A) Floating B) Holding up C) Bouncing D) Picking up

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

quotation monetary labor turnover tally devalue equilibrium consortium unemploy subcontract invoice stocks and shares deflation transitional supplementary up-to-the-minute 1. Governments control economic conditions according to their _____ policy. 2. As a result of the recession, the country was forced to _____ its currency. 3. A group of companies formed a ____ to make a joint bid for the large project. 4. As a result of the government?s successful job strategy, _____ fell rapidly. 5. The work of an equity analyst is to research and assess ______.

6. It is unwise to use abbreviations in _____ or in contracts which might be subject to


7. The principal subject has been ______ to LAD company.

8. A document stating details of the goods sold and the amount owed is an ____. 9. ______ is the reduction of economic activity and the amount of money in ______.

10. EC has agreed to allow China a ______ period following its access to WTO to gradually meet

all WTO rules.

11. You can see from the enclosed leaflet that the styles of our blouses are really _____ and

suitable for all occasions.

12. We would provide with you ______ information upon your specific request.

13. Too high a _______ rate may mean that there is something unsatisfactory about working for

the organization and that action therefore needs to be taken.

14. _______ price is the market price of a commodity at which the amount demanded equals the

amount supplied, i.e. demand and supply are balanced. 15. Your list _____ with mine.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Seven


Choose the best answer.

1. The growing international _____ over trade in services has now led to a growing interest in

the role of services in domestic economic growth.

A) argument B) debate C) disagreement D) quarrel

2. Quite a few foreign companies are anxious to establish direct business _______. A) Connection B) connect C) relationship D) relations

3. We should like to take this _______ to inquire the bid for offshore oil exploration. A) chance B) occasion C) opportunity D) opening 4. The problem is evidently beyond our present ______ of solution. A) energy B) force C) strength D) power 5. The new president hoped to establish new _____ to save money. A) procedures B) proceeding C) processions D) progress

6. The new safety regulations were agreed on after ______ with the work-force. A) conference B) consultation C) intervention D) assembly

7. I had never seen such complete _____, as if I were living a world of crystal. A) fragment B) transparency C) opaqueness D) vagueness

8. The ______ of a place is the characteristics it has that distinguish it from other places. A) identity B) identification C) location D) situation 9. The manager gave her his _____ that her complaint would be investigated. A) consent B) conception C) insurance D) assurance

10. For the girls there are “______ arts”, a new phrase for cooking, sewing, and other housewifely


A) creative B) domestic C) homely D) fine

11. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Jackson has long been a severe critic of the

government?s ____ politics.

A) economical B) economy C) economic D) economics 12. Investors are looking for a high ______ on their investment.

A) repayment B) return C) growth D) performance

13. Please note that transportation charges have not been included, and a separate invoice

covering these charges will be _____ at the time of delivery. A) conveyed B) issued C) distributed D) written

14. We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to _____ mutual understanding

and friendship between our two countries.

A) depress B) propel C) promote D) strengthen


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

15. The present low productivity of factory ______ discontent among its lower-paid workers. A) results in B) derives from C) stems from D) stands for

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

foreman integrate bonus overtime edge approach botch up applicant morale excess incorporate induction dismissal measure commit 1. A _______ is someone in charge of a group pf people in a factory.

2. A payment made to an employee when the firm?s results are good is called _____.

3. A payment made to an employee when he or she works longer than normal hours is called


4. If someone _______, they make a bad mistake. 5. If you have a binge, you do things to _______.

6. The issue of ethics in the workplace is now of such importance that it needs ______ into

in-company development programs for all employees, from the shop floor to the board room.

7. The act of terminating employment from the employer?s side is called _______.

8. In old days _____ company performance was simply a case of looking at turnover, profits

and dividends.

9. Companies need to ensure that staff at all levels feel _____ the company and its value and

are motivated to transfer this commitment into ethical behavior.

10. ________ should have different kinds of working experience and should master a foreign


11. Pay disputes, sexual harassment charges or cases of fraud, for example, can involve very

complex issues that require careful decision-making and can have a very negative effect on staff ______.

12. In today?s hyper-competitive global markets, any company that operates internationally is

faced with the task of _______ many value systems into a framework that allows the organization not only to survive but also to compete effectively.

13. The _____ training can help a new member of staff to fit into the organization more quickly

and efficiently.

14. Organization need to _______ cross-cultural training seriously as it can be critical to the

success of an internationally venture.

15. Some people argue that imagination and lateral thinking, not technical know-how, are the

key sources of competitive ________.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Eight


Choose the best answer.

1. Stocks, shares and bonds can collectively called ______. A) equities B) securities C) gilts D) share capital

2. It is a free market and it controls most of the _____ of savings to investment. A) curving B) direction C) flow D) stream

3. For your future ________, we operate in an insurance scheme, covering the equipment against

breakdowns for small additional cost.

A) awareness B) concern C) notice D) reference

4. The majority of the most _______ needs of the emerging countries in the early stages of

development come into this category.

A) emergent B) imminent C) immediate D) urgent

5. Several trial efforts in the 1980?s proved that it was financially ______ to restore old


A) feasible B) passable C) probable D) beneficiary

6. Sometimes a bureaucrat?s _____ ruling can mean denial of one?s welfare benefits. A) absolute B) arbitrary C) impersonal D) objective

7. After three months, my accomplishments were acknowledged by a _____ salary increase. A) prominent B) essential C) substantial D) sufficient

8. Because of long working hours and increased responsibilities, more and more managers are

suffering from _______.

A) tension B) stress C) insomnia D) frustration

9. Selecting the right person for an overseas ______ is crucial but not easy to do. A) visit B) mission C) task D) assignment

10. Scholarships are too few to _______ the high-school graduates who deserve a college


A) feed B) meet C) accommodate D) adopt

11. A good leader can distinguish practical questions from moral issues and he knows when to

_____ and when to fight.

A) strive B) struggle C) compromise D) compete

12. This book on macroeconomics is divided into six sections. Each section ______ a different

aspect of the problem.

A) seals with B) copes with C) solves D) handles

13. Very few experts _____ with completely new answers to the world?s economic problems. A) come on B) come round C) come to D) come up

14. The young man ______ the old lady?s ignorance and bought from her the precious painting

for only RMB 500 yuan.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

A) made the best of B) looked down upon C) took advantage of D) put up with

15. It seems that your estimate of the cost is based on speculation _____ on calculation. A) than B) no other than C) rather than D) no more than

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary. expenditure ledger delegation float security entry-level remuneration brand image discount auditor source goodwill budget tactician expire 1. The ______ thus incurred will be payable by the ship, freight, and cargo in proportion to their

respective value.

2. If Party A considers it necessary to extend the agreement, they may take the initiative to

conduct negotiation with Party B one month prior to ________.

3. The issuing banks advise on topics such as the _______ of new companies, amalgamations

and dividend policies.

4. It is said that one component of ______ is the personality of character of the brand itself and

brands can be characterized by personality descriptions such as ?youthful?, ?colorful? and ?gentle?.

5. The person who takes on the responsibility for checking a company?s accounts is called


6. China?s logistics market is estimated at around US $ 215 billion (1.78 trillion yuan). The

industry is expected a new _______ of profits for Chinese firms.

7. The invoices shall be subject to the usual trade _______ allowed by the consignor.

8. She said current expectations are for an ______ machine to be shipped in November, with all

of the more sophisticated versions to be out by May.

9. The books of account showing how much we owe and are owed are called _______.

10. ________ refers to the established trade, reputation, efficiency, popularity, and valuable

personal relationship with customers, of a business, often appearing as one of its intangible assets with a marketable money value.

11. The device which aims to control expenditure is referred to as __________.

12. If ________ is deposited we shall be willing to protect your interests by entering into normal

agreement giving you the sole agency.

13. We accept no _______ whatever for our service.

14. The manager should be a _______ as well as versatile administrator.

15. _________ refers to the act of giving authority to one?s subordinates, while retaining the

responsibility for the outcome.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Nine


Choose the best answer. work in the foreign country.

A) defer B) turn down C)delay D) prefer

2. Although he was under no _______ the shopkeeper replaced the defective shoes free of


A) authority B) guarantee C) obligation D) insistence

3. Seventy companies have tendered for the export licenses of garments, and fifty-two of them

have been licensed on the basis of prices they offer, their financial ability and _____ on the international markets.

A) credit standing B) credit C) creditor D) credibility

4. The knowledge gained by a practical experience of the operation of the machine enables me

to affirm that there is no ______ economical advantage. A) false B) genuine C) realistic D) true

5. The proposal to establish a joint venture was accepted with ______ approval. A) aberrant B) autonomous C) complete D) unanimous

6. Establishment of a multinational corporation was a way to generate income from ______


A) diversified B) same C) unidentified D) uniform

7. Today we realize that rivers can be polluted and the forest must be managed and _____ if they

are not to vanish.

A) cared B) fostered C) warranted D) withered

8. Sometimes when people return from a period overseas they have problems readjusting and

find their career has ______ instead of advancing.

A) slowed B) turned down C) regressed D) broken

9. The project to build a suspension bridge across the turbulent river is the largest public works

program ________ by the small town.

A) engaged B) involved C) undertaken D) practiced

10. State financial support given in the form of scholarship has _______ the students to great


A) propelled B) stimulated C) given an impetus to D) given an impulse to 11. The _____ sentences the defendant after the jurors have brought in a guilty verdict. A) jurist B) jury C) foreman D) judge 12. The legal processes of taking someone to court is called _______. A) lawyer B) lawsuit C) jurisdiction D) litigant 13. The solicitor prepared a ____ for the barrister.

1. Some young managers ______ overseas postings because their spouse may not be able to


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

A) brief B) trap C) breeze D) briefcase 14. That is an exception --- it is not the ______.

A) normal B) normality C) norm D) nominal

15. When farmers get permission to use someone?s land, they are granted a _____. A) letting B) lease C) license D) landmark

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

customer base diversify executive generics coordinate outplacement innovation enterprise integrity competitive generalist concession distribution empowerment market-oriented 1. The conglomerate movement has broadly ______ the assets of many large enterprises. 2. An ______ is usually a manager at quite a high level.

3. Americans have an ease with individual _____ and risk that few Europeans share. 4. “Honor Contracts and Maintain Commercial _______ ” is our trade policy. 5. Packaging cost amongst various manufacturers are now very _______. 6. It is impossible for us to make any further ______ in our price.

7. If additional funding of any contract appears necessary prior to transfer, buyer and seller will

_____ for such additional funding.

8. The process of _______ is designed to give workers and employees the authority to make

decisions that were previously taken by middle managers.

9. _______ is when a company helps people it is making redundant to find new jobs in other


10. An _____ is first adopted by a select group of buyers, who then influence others by

word-of-mouth to adopt the innovation.

11. A business may refer to its customers as its _______ or client base.

12. Someone who is able to contribute to a business in a variety of its departments can be said a


13. The argument is that organizations that are _______, i. e. those that track and respond to

customer needs and preferences, can better satisfy customers and hence perform at higher levels.

14. Products that are not branded, not sold under a brand name, are generic products, or _______. 15. ________ is concerned with getting a product to customers, or in some more technical contexts, its end-users.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Ten


Choose the best choice.

1. There is an undesirable _______ nowadays to make films showing violence. A) trend B) tradition C) phenomenon D) direction

2. You can be assured of our ______ to solve any minor difficulties through our experienced

customer service team.

A) ability B) facility C) skill D) talent

3. As a result of their ______ the three small independent countries felt less afraid of their

powerful neighbor.

A) combination B) partnership C) union D) alliance 4. Individual motivation is an indispensable ______ of success. A) accompaniment B) product C) ingredient D) reason

5. The ______ from childhood to manhood is often a difficult time for a young man. A) communication B) transformation C) transition D) transmission

6. Many companies said that they liked the casual nature of the work relationship, the apparently

cheaper costs, _______ paperwork and fewer legal problems that came with using temporary workers.

A) lessened B) declined C) reduced D) lowered

7. It generally takes years to learn another language well and constant _____ to maintain the

high standards required for frequent business use.

A) exercise B) performance C) practice D) operation

8. All orders must be accompanied by a deposit of 20% of the total amount shown on the

attached _________.

A) invoice B) check C) charge D) demand 9. The equipment produced by Haier normally carries a one-year ________. A) undertaking B) insurance C) obligation D) guarantee

10. To _______ the top sellers, Barnays is offering them an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas in

America in July.

A) compensate B) refund C) commission D) reward 11. Nowadays, lots of people work a voluntary late ______. A) period B) shift C) time D) hour

12. The book is particularly useful provided that readers are prepared to start thinking for

themselves rather than kindly following advice and expecting ______ answers. A) tailored B) manufactured C) ready-made D) finished

13. The job offer is subject to receiving good _____ concerning your previous employment A) appreciations B) references C) witnesses D) letters

14. This involves the use of more hi-tech equipment in _____ so that we can increase quality even


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A) production B) productivity C) products D) producing

15. When a central bank tries to prevent inflation, it is said to be maintaining price _______. A) standards B) stability C) rigidity D) uniformity

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

flexible option marketing mix obligatory discriminate advertising subordinate risk-free bona fide remedy package autocratic evaluate discredit implement 1. A fixed-term loan is more ______ than a fluctuating overdraft.

2. The _____ manager tends to make decisions without referring to those affected by them. 3. It is ______ on the seller to effect shipment within the contracted time. 4. The _____ of assets will be made jointly by the two parties.

5. An ____ campaign consists of a series of advertisements, adverts, or ads which are run in

various media.

6. A _____ is a collection of related things sold as one product.

7. The ______ is often summarized as the so-called four 4Ps: product, price, place, promotion. 8. Despite of the potential benefits and promise of competitive advantage, mergers and

acquisitions are not _____ ventures.

9. The ______ purchaser did not know that the seller were not the legal owner of the goods. 10. We have _______ that policy in various ways, including setting up special economic zones

and opening fourteen coastal cities.

11. A _______ is someone who is below another in the organizational hierarchy.

12. We leave it to your _____ whether you will grant a 10% allowance or to take back the goods. 13. As everybody knows, inferior quality will ____ the seller completely with the consumers. 14. It is difficult _____ the subtle difference between qualities.

15. The party in default shall have the obligation to _____ the default as early as possible.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Test Eleven

I. Choose the best answer.

3. The mastery of the English language gives the engineer a ______advantage in his professional


A) partial B) postponed C) prospective D) potential

4. One aim of companies which sell goods or services is to increase their market _____. A) occupation B) percentage C) share D) offer

3. In order to improve their services to customers, banks need to become more ____. A) customer-oriented B) profitable C) aggressive D) efficient

4. Having only ____ in different countries gives global companies more flexibility to move their manufacturing activities from one country to another. A) subsidiaries B) assembly lines C) research centers D) assembly operations

5. Cultural differences are one of the potential ___ of international mergers.

A) threats B) pitfalls C) attractions D) advantages 6. Most countries give foreign companies _____ to attract new investment.

A) tariff reduction B) important tariffs C) tax incentives D) share ownership

7. Companies that handle all aspects of their business internationally, such as the big oil companies, are known as ____ companies.

A) multinational B) venture capital C) merged D) vertically-integrated 8. The movement of money into and out of a company is known as ____. A) annual turnover B) profit margin C) cash flow D) bank charges. 9. All mergers aim to create ___ for the two companies? shareholders. A) added value B) overheads reduction C) economies of scale D) tax benefits

10. The Legend computer company has always been ______ and different in the design and

technology of its PCs.

A) effective B) competent C) expensive D) innovative 11. Setting up a business in a foreign country involves a lot of _____.

A) import tariffs B) red tape C) tax payments D) import quotations 12. When companies decide to restructure, it is usually ____ who are made redundant. A) middle managers B) secretarial staff C) brand managers D) production workers

13. To run their foreign subsidiaries, multinationals usually appoint a ____.

A) executive manager B) team leader C) decision maker D) country manager 14. In joint ventures, two or more companies ____ on specific projects.


剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

A) collaborate B) compete C) practice D) work

15. One measure of a company?s financial success is the return on ____. A) sales volumes B) annual turnover C) capital employed D) profit margins

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary. Logistics manufacture retailer sustain compete cross-boarder takeover counterpart asset bear output outsourcing chairman utilize merger 16. In the U.S. the service sector employs more people than the ____ sector.

17. Despite an overall slowdown in the world?s economic growth, China?s ______ momentum of

development and high market demand have provided a good opportunity for overseas investors to access its logistic market.

18. Most public quoted companies have both a ____ and a chief executive.

19. _________ is a term used to describe the process the delivery of a product from the

manufacturer to the consumer that includes transportation, storage and distribution. 20. Wal-Mart is the world?s largest ____.

21. in February 2000, South Air Company succeeded its hostile ____ of Volvo.

22. When it is approved, the _____ of South Air Touch with Volvo will be the world?s largest. 23. In companies such as advertising agencies, people are vital intangible ________. 24. Subcontracting work to outside suppliers is known as ______.

25. Logistics companies in the country must move fast to _____ the final three-year protection

period after China?s entry into the WTO if they are to be able to survive when foreign logistics giants arrive.

26. A person who does a similar job to you, but in another company is your ______. 27. The ______ is the total amount of products produced by a company. 28. Every company is looking for something, which will give it a ____ edge.

29. In a ______ market, investment managers tend to put a large proportion of their money into

FT-SE stocks because of their perceived defensive qualities.

30. Because of the globalization of business, an increasing number of mergers are ____ deals.



剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Keys of Test One

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer.

1-5:BCADB; 6-10: CDCAD; 11-15: BADAC

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

1. manufacturing 3. chairman 5. retailer 7. merger 9. outsourcing 11. counterpart 13. competitive 15. cross-border

2. sustained 4. Logistics 6. takeover 8. assets 10. utilize 12. output 14. bear 23

剑桥商务英语考官推荐(剑桥商务英语中高级必考词汇训练题)BEC Vantage Vocabulary Training

Keys of Test Two

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer.

1-5:BCACD; 6-10: BACDC; 11-15: BDADA

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form if necessary.

1. recruit 3. sponsor 5. shortage 7. assessment centers 9. heirarchy 11. blue chip 13. appraisals 15. expatriate

2. qualifications 4. decline 6. interviews 8. reference 10. team-building 12. conglomerate 14. development 24