江苏省南京市溧水区第二高级中学、南渡中学联考2020届高三英语12月月考试题(无答案) 下载本文

search for is the name—the name of the murderer. All the explanations, logic and reasoning interest us only later.

Christie has used various types of narrative techniques in different novels. There has been a set of novels where there is omniscient narration(叙述者全知), others with Hastings (Hercule Poirot’s assistant) as the narrator, and even some in first-person narrative. She introduced many detectives, Poirot being the most popular. On the other hand, Doyle had only Sherlock as detective in his novels and stories. But he had started a new series portraying a new character “Professor Challenger” which didn’t become as popular as Sherlock series.

Both the writers worked on the principles of science, logic and psychology. When compared, Sherlock stories seem more realistic as they are not as dramatic as Christie’s novels. But the element of psychology is more explored by Christie. Often her detective believes in sitting in a chair and thinking to solve the mystery, rather than running around collecting clues. It is because her detectives work by analyzing the hidden psychology rather than explicit actions. Sherlock is an active detective who works hard in finding clues, wouldn’t mind devising a little drama or an act of disguise(伪装) for it.

Both of them have created logically credible stories, but somewhere or other Sherlock ones are close to life, because they portray not only murder but also seemingly simple human issues. Christie’s works are more engaging, but the act of making up the plot—the purposeful concealing and revealing—is somewhere visible. But it is undeniable that she never fails to entertain her readers. While reading Sherlock, we forget Doyle and our whole attention is on Sherlock, and sometimes we end up feeling he is a real individual rather than a fictional character. But in Christie’s works somehow, we feel it’s she who is working, rather than Poirot, which is why she became the “queen of crime” and not her characters. Thus, in a way Agatha Christie outshines her characters and Sherlock Holmes outshines his creator. But both ways Doyle and Christie gifted their fans excellent detective stories to involve themselves in and enjoy all their life.

65. In terms of detective fictions, Doyle and Christie are foremost mentioned because _______.

A. they are considered as the founding fathers of detective fictions B. they worked together and created many famous detective figures

C. it is Doyle and Christie that made detective fictions well received D. it is their works that made detective fictions superior to other genres 66. Which of the following may be typical Christie’s works?

A. Novels with a specific opening pattern with a focus on deducing facts. B. Thrillers with varied and unique settings to make plots more confusing. C. Fictions in which there is a fixed character responsible for unfolding the story.

D. Detective stories in which victims and suspects are closely related to the detective.

67. When reaching crucial points in Christie’s works, readers tend to give priority to ______.

A. the details of the crime B. the motive behind the crime

C. the personality of the criminal D. the identity of the criminal 68. A new character “Professor Challenger” brought about ______.

A. a disappointment for Conan Doyle B. another hit with detective fans C. an abrupt decline in Sherlock’s appeal D. an inspiration for Agatha Christie

69. How do Doyle and Christie make their stories reasonable?

A. They refused to display mystery in the stories. B. They stuck to first-person narrative techniques. C. They applied knowledge of different fields.

D. They included detailed accounts of explicit actions. 70. What kind of detective may Hercule Poirot be?

A. One who is good at discovering secrets in human mind. B. One who is active in searching for and connecting clues. C. One who lays emphasis on both actions and psychology. D. One who sometimes plays tricks and even cheats suspects.

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格的空格处填入一个最恰当的单词。 ..

注意:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。 Friends do your health so many favors. They protect your health as much as quitting smoking and a great deal more than exercising.

“Strong social relationships support mental health, and that ties into better immune function, reduced stress and less cardiovascular activation,” says Dr. Debra Umberson, a sociologist at the University of Texas, Austin. Umberson says emotional support is just one of a dozen ways friends may safeguard your health and extend your life.

However, unfortunately many of us don’t have enough of them. According to data from the General Social Survey, the number of Americans who say they have no close friends has roughly tripled(三倍) in recent decades. “Zero” is also the most common response when people are asked how many confidants(知己,密友) they have. And adult men seem to be especially bad at keeping and cultivating friendships.

That may seem strange in the era of Facebook, Twitter and boundless digital connectivity. But the “friends” orbiting at the farthest reaches of your digital galaxy aren’t the ones that matter when it comes to your health and happiness.

The vital friendships — the friends you hug and laugh and cry with — are the ones who have the greatest impact on your health and happiness. You need between three and five of them for the best wellbeing, suggests research from Dr. Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Oxford.

Dunbar recognized that the size of a human’s social network might be limited by the size of a certain part of the human brain called the neocortex, a critical site for higher brain functions. After some complicated study, he came up with a figure now known as “Dunbar’s number”, the approximate size of a person’s social circle. Dunbar’s research shows that your brain can’t hold a close connection with more than 150. Within that group, your closest 15 relationships — including family members or relatives — seem to be most crucial when it comes to your mental and physical


But that’s not to say a brother or sister offers you the same benefits as a close friend, Dunbar says. While your relatives are more likely to be there for you when you need help, your good friends tend to fire up your nervous system and cause the release of feel-good neuropeptides called endorphins. Whether you’re laughing with your friend or feeling him or her touch your shoulder in sympathy, the resulting rush of endorphins seems to “tune” up your immune system, protecting you from disease, Dunbar explains.

So yes, for the sake of your health, you need friends — ideally the really close kind you see face-to-face on a regular basis.

Theme Friends can provide emotional support, which is 71 to our mental and physical health. Although digitally 72 with each other, many of us still don’t have enough of strong social relationships. ● American people without close friends have 73 by three times in recent decades. ● It is common for people to have 74 confidants. ● Adult men in 75 are inferior in keeping and cultivating friendships. ● To ensure your wellbeing, you need between three and five friends who can 76 your joy and sorrow. ● Human’s social network might 77 on the size of neocortex. ● Your brain can hold a close connection with 150 people at 78 , of which the closest 15 are vital to your heath. ● Different from relatives, good friends are likely to produce endorphins to make you happy and 79 to disease. It is much better to have a close friend who you can see face-to-face 80 . Present situation of friendship Dr. Robin Dunbar’s related research Conclusion

第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)


Should parents leave all of their money to children and let them live a carefree life without even the necessity of earning money to support themselves? Here are two pieces of news about two celebrities:

Bill Gates: Bill Gates has promised to give all of his $ 58 billion fortune to charity he has set up with his wife, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds health and education projects around the world. He wanted to make a positive contribution to the world.

Zuckerberg: We will give 99% of our Facebook shares during our lives to advance human potential and promote equality. We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues. But we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.

Many world-famous wealthy businessmen choose to donate almost all of their

possessions to the charity instead of leaving their fortune to their children. In their opinion, it is better to develop the quality of independence of their children, making them possess the competence of living by themselves. 【写作内容】1. 以约30个词概括上述材料的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对“授之以鱼,授之以渔”的看法,内容包括: ⑴ 你是否赞同这些名人的做法以及你的理由;

⑵ 请你就父母如何培养孩子的独立性方面,谈谈你的看法。

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