(浙江专版)2017秋八年级英语上册TestforUnit10! 下载本文

A.Michelle is Anna's cousin

B.Michelle will have her own horse C.Sir Charles is a horse D.Michelle's family is rich


Dear Nina, I got a phone for my 13th birthday two months ago.Last month (in August),I spent at least two hours on it every day after school.When my parents knew it,they got really mad.My mom said,“From now on,you can use the phone for no more than an hour every day.And you cannot play games on it.”I feel so sad.Most of my friends have their own phones and they can use them any time they like.

What should I do? Yours, Christina

Dear Christina, I know how you feel.When I got my first phone at the age of 14,I was very happy.But my parents were very strict.My dad said I could use it for at most three quarters of an hour every day.I was sad,but it was no use.

I decided to make good use of it.Every day,I spent half an hour listening to my favorite English songs.For the rest,I either sent messages to my friends or talked with them.I never played games on it.The phone brought me much happiness.So here's my advice:Think what you really want to do with your phone and make good use of it.

Yours, Nina.

( A )38.The underlined word “mad” has the closest meaning to “________”. A.angry B.glad C.surprised D.careful

( C )39.Nina could use her phone for at most ________ minutes every day. A.20 B.30 C.45 D.60

( D )40.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Christina's birthday is in August. B.Christina didn't like playing games.

C.Nina could use her phone any time she liked. D.Nina enjoyed listening to English songs. ( D )41.Christina wrote to Nina to ________. A.say thanks B.say sorry

C.give advice D.ask for advice


The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving gifts or getting good grades in the exams.It starts when you do something for others.You can feel it when you drive for an hour to a hospital to meet the sick children.And you can also feel it when you sit down to comfort (安慰) your friend after she didn't pass the exam.

My friend took me to a Youth Group meeting in his school.Then they invited me to join in feeding the homeless.Early that Saturday morning,a group of 15 teenagers


began making sandwiches,washing fruit,and counting (清点) bags of cookies.For the first time in my life I realized that we,the teens of America,could make a difference.It made me join the Youth Group.

I work at a coffee shop.It's not the best job,but sometimes it's worth (值得的) it.One day,the store was empty and I was bored.Looking out of the window,I noticed an old man sitting outside.He never came in to buy anything because he didn't have any money.I took a cup of coffee,walked outside,and handed it to him.The smile on his face made my day,and as I walked back into the store.I paid for the coffee myself.Then I knew how the members of the Youth Group feel every time they help someone.Knowing that you can help others is great.

( C )42.Where was the Youth Group meeting held? A.In a club. B.In a park.

C.In a school. D.In a coffee shop.

( B )43.What did the writer give the old man? A.A glass of water. B.A cup of coffee. C.A bag of cookies. D.A sandwich. ( A )44.What does “made my day” mean? A.Made me happy. B.Made me sad. C.Made me angry. D.Made me ill.

( D )45.Which is best title for the passage? A.My Work. B.The Youth Group.

C.How to Help Others. D.The Greatest Feeling. 四、词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



46.Be careful!There is a snake over there.

47.She made a lot of mistakes in her English homework.

48.He made a beautiful birthday card for himself yesterday. 49.Who else is going to have a holiday with you?

50.Could you please give me some advice on how to learn math well? B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限一词。

A man arrived at a small village after a long trip.He was tired and hungry for days because he was so 51.careless (粗心的) that he lost his 52.wallet (钱包) two days ago.He had no money to buy food.He felt 53.upset (沮丧的) when he saw the only thing he had—a cooking pot.“I might die of hunger (饥饿) 54.unless (除非) I could find some food,”he thought.

Then he made a fire and started to cook soup with some water and a small round stone (石头).A few villagers saw that and felt strange.One asked,“What are you doing?”

“I'm cooking stone soup,”said the man.He told the villagers that he was an 55.expert (专家) hundreds of 56.miles (英里).Then he tasted his soup and said,“Oh,it's good,but it could be better with some salt.Could you bring me some salt,please?”


“57.Certainly (当然),”a man said and went back 58.experiences (经历) he had and said that some carrots would make the soup more delicious.Of course he got some carrots.

The man 59.kept (保持) talking and casually (不经意地) asked for onions,some meat,potatoes to bring out the flavor (味道) of the soup.All the villagers 60.believed (相信)him.

Finally,the soup was ready and everyone enjoyed the soup that was started with a stone.

五、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子的语法结构和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的词或使用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过三个词。

The greatest problem for teenagers is that they are too stressed.Gina,a 15-year-old girl,61.worries (worry) about her exams very often.Although she 62.studied (study) English six years ago and is good at it,she is still afraid of English exams.Last night,after coming back home,she 63.began (begin) to get ready for her English exam.While she 64.was_reading (read) English books,her mother said to her,“Come on,dear!It's time 65.for supper!” But Gina 66.heard (hear) nothing.Her mother went on and said,“Gina,I believe that you 67.will_pass (pass) the test tomorrow.” This time Gina answered,“Oh,Mom,I 68.am_memorizing (memorize) words now.I'll have it later.”But at 11:30 p.m.,the light in Gina's bedroom 69.was (be) still on.Her mother said to her,“I don't think teenagers are allowed 70.to_stay (stay) up late before exams.”Gina agreed,but she couldn't fall asleep.She was too nervous.Maybe it's time to help the teenagers like her.



( D )71.I am a shy boy.I am not good at expressing myself in class.What should I do?

( B )72.I am interested in history.But some of my classmates say it is less important than math and English.

( F )73.I was unhappy when I asked my classmate Eric to help me with my chemistry,he said no to me.

( A )74.My teacher Miss Yang asked me to sing an English song in class,but I stood there and said nothing.Miss Yang was unhappy.

( E )75.Sometimes I stay up playing computer games on weekends.But my parents don't allow me to do that.What should I do?

A Tips:If you can sing English songs,just do it bravely.If you can't,you can say,“Sorry,I can't.” Tips:In my opinion,history is as important as math and English.History is interesting and useful.If you like it,keep on! Tips:Learning to forget is useful.Always remembering those sad events can't make you face the future bravely. Tips:The persons in class are your classmates or 7


teachers.You needn't be shy or nervous.Be brave and try to express yourself. E Tips:I agree with parents.If you stay up too late,you cannot get up early and will be sleepy the next day. Tips:Do you know why he didn't help you?Maybe he was really busy,or maybe he was not able to help you.Forgive him and turn to others. F 七、书面表达(共1小题,满分20分) Peter在他的微信朋友圈发了一条信息。请你阅读该信息并根据他提出的问题,写一篇70词左右的英语短文,谈谈如果你遇到相同的情况,你会怎么做。

I went out with two friends today.We saw an old woman lying in the street.She looked sick (生病的) and couldn't move.I wanted to help her,but my friends told me not to.Now I feel very sorry for not doing anything for her.What will you do if you see a sick woman lying in the street?

One possible version:

If I see a sick woman lying in the street,I think I will call 120 at once.Then I will try to ask her about her family members and their telephone numbers.If I get the telephone numbers,I will call them and tell them something about the woman.I will stay with her until the doctors come.

I will never leave her alone in the street because I always believe that helping others can make me happy.