实用高中英语短语与句型 P-R 下载本文

The hands of the clock pointed to half past six. 钟的指针指在六点半上。 注:有时也用 towards)。如:

The building points to [towards] the east. 大楼朝东。

All the facts point to [towards] the same conclusion. 所有事实都说明同样的结论。 3. point out 指出,把注意力引向。如: He pointed her out to me. 他把她指给我看。 Please point our my errors. 请指出我的错误。

I must point out that further delay would be unwise. 我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了。 polite

1. be polite to sb 对某人有礼貌的。如: Be more polite to ladies. 对女士要更有礼貌。 He is polite to his parents. 他对他父母很有礼貌。 2. It’s polite of sb to do sth 某人做某事是有礼貌的。如: It’s polite of him to do so. 他那样做很有礼貌。

It wasn’t very polite of you to serveyourselfwithoutasking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。

注:以上各句也可说成: He is polite to do so.

You weren’t very polite to serve yourself without asking. poor

1. be poor at 在……很差劲或不行。如: The man is poor at swimming. 这个人不善于游泳。

Some of the students are poor at spelling. 有些人在拼写方面很差劲。 2. be poor in 在……贫乏。如:

The man was poor in thought. 这个人思想贫乏。

He was poor in money but rich inknowledge. 他金钱贫乏,但知识丰富。 3. the poor 穷人。如:

The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人并不比有钱人更幸福。 The poor were looked down upon in the old days. 在旧社会穷人受人瞧不起。 popular

1. be popular among 受……欢迎,讨……喜欢,在……当中流行。如: Beards are popular among young men. 蓄须在年轻人当中很游行(受年轻人欢迎)。 Swimming is popular with all ages. 游泳是老老少少都喜欢的。

The singer is very popular with [among] young people. 这位歌手很受年轻人的欢迎。 He is popular among men, though not, perhaps, with ladies. 他很受男士们的欢迎,虽然也许不一定讨女士们的喜欢。


1. have a population of 有……人口。如:

The city has a population of 250000. 这个城市有25万人口。

China has apopulationofmorethantwelvehundredmillion. 中国有12亿多人口. 2. the population of ……的人口。如:

The population of the country is only ten million. 这个国家的人口仅有一千万。 The population of this city is very large. 这个城市人口很多。 How large [What] is the population of China? 中国有多少人口? possession

1. in possession of sth 拥有某物。如: Who is in possession of the house? 这房子是谁的?

Mr Smith is in possession of the company. 这家公司是史密斯先生的。 比较 in the possession of sb 被某人拥有。如:

The house was in the possession of Mr Li. 这房子是李先生的。 The keys are in his possession. 钥匙在他手里。 2. come into possession of sth 得到某物。如:

He came into possession of a large fortune. 他得了一大笔财产。 比较 come into the possession of sb 被某人得到。如: A large fortune came into his possession. 他得到了一大笔财产。 How did this painting come into your possession? 这幅画你是怎么弄到的? 3. have possession of sth 拥有某物。如: Who has possession of this land? 这片土地归谁所有?

He has had possession of the house for ten years. 他拥有这房子已有十年了。 4. take possession of sth 获得某物,占据某物。如: They took possession of the island. 他们占据了这个岛屿。

You can’t take possession of the house until the papers have been signed. 在文件签字以前,你不能住过那房子。


1. as…as possible 尽可能地……,越……越好。如: Come as early as possilbe. 尽可能早点来。 Be as kind to her as possilbe. 尽可能对她友好些。

I need the money as soon as possible. 我需要尽快得到这笔钱。 2. if possilbe 如果可能的话。如:

I’ll help you if possilbe. 如有可能我会帮助你们的。 Send it by air mail if possible. 如有可能请用航空邮件寄。 3. it’s possible for sb to do sth 某人做某事是可能的。如: It is possible for her to sell her house. 他有可能卖掉房子。

It is possible (for you) to growthisflowereveninwinter. 即使在冬天也可能栽这种花。 注:该句型有时可与 it’s possible that-clause 转换。如:

It is possilbe for them to win. / It is possible that theywill win. 他们可能会赢。


1. it’s one’s practice to do sth 做某事是某人的习惯。如: It was his practice to get up early. 他习惯于早起。

It’s her practice to have a cold bath in the morning. 她早上习于冷水冲凉。 注:有时可将 one’s 换成不定冠词。如:

It is a dangerous practice to get off a bus before it stops. 车未停稳就下车是危险的做法。 2. in practice

(1) 实际上,实行起来(用作状语)。如:

It was quite useless in practice. 这在实际中毫无用处。

It sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didn’t work. 那听起来像个好主意,但实际上不奏效。

(2) 业务熟练,没有荒疏(用作表语)。如: I am not much in practice. 我不很熟练了。 (3) (医生)在开业。如:

Is Doctor Jones still in practice there? 琼斯医生还在那儿开业行医吗? 3. make a practice of (doing) sth 有做某事的习惯,经常做某事。如: He makes a practice of going to bed early. 他有早睡的习惯。

I’ll lend you the money this time, but I don’t intend tomake a practice of it. 我这次把钱借给你,但下不为例。

4. out of practice 荒疏,缺乏练习。如:

I can’t speak English fluently as I am out of practice. 我不能流利地说英语,因为我已荒疏了。

He is out of practice at playing the piano. 我弹钢琴荒疏了。 5. put sth into [in] practice 将某事付诸实施。如:

How will you put your plan into [in] practice? 你要如何把你的计划付诸实施? We have made out the plan and now we mustputitintopractice. 计划已制定好,现在我们必须要将其付诸实施。

6. the practice of doing sth 做某事的习惯。如:

I don’t like his practice of going to bed late. 我不喜欢他晚睡的习惯(做法)。 He has given up the practice of smoking. 他已戒除了抽烟的习惯。 practise

1. practise (doing) sth (1) 练习做某事。如:

The boy practise (playing) the piano every day. 这男孩每天练习弹钢琴。 They are practising singing the new song. 他们正在练习唱新歌。 (2) 经常做某事以养成习惯。如:

He advised me to practise getting up early. 他劝我早起。 He practises taking a walk after supper. 他晚饭后常去散步。

2. practise as 开业当……。如:

He has passed his law examinations and is now practisingas a lawyer. 他已通过法律考试,现在正开业当律师。

My brother is now practising as a dentist. 我兄弟现在开业当牙科医生。 praise

1. in praise of 赞扬,称赞。如:

Much was said in praise of him. 赞扬他的话说了很多。

She wrote a book in praise of country life. 她写了一本歌颂田园生活的书。 2. praise sb for sth 因为某事而赞扬(表扬)某人。如:

The teacher praised him for his good spoken English. 老师赞扬他英语口语好。 People praise this place for its scenery. 人们称赞这个地方风景优美。 注:该结构有时可以不完整。如: He praised her. 他表扬她。

He praised her courage. 他表扬她有勇气。 He praised her for her courage. 他表扬她有勇气。 prefer

1. I’d prefer it if… 我希望……。如:

I should prefer it if you didn’t go there alone. 我倒希望你不要一个人去那儿。 Of course, I would prefer it if I didn’t have to do so much work. 当然,要是不让我做那么多工作,我就高兴了。

注:if 从句通常用过去式。

2. prefer to do [doing] sth 宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事。如: I prefer walking alone. 我喜欢一个人溜达。 A:Can I give you a lift? 你顺便坐我的车走吗?

B: No, thanks. I prefer to walk. 不用了,谢谢,我喜欢步行。

注:用不定式或动名词的区别是:表示一般情况通常用动名词,表示特定动作通常用不定式。另外当动词 prefer 与 would 或should 连用时,它总是表示特定的想法, 所以其后总是接不定式。如:

正:We would prefer to do it later. 我们宁愿以后做它。 误:We would prefer doing it later.

3. prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事。如:

Their parents prefer them to be home early. 他们的父母希望他们早点回家。 We (should) prefer her not to go with us. 我们宁愿她不同我们一去。

4. prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 喜欢……而不喜欢……,宁愿……而不愿……。如: He prefers tea to coffee. 他喜欢喝茶而不喜欢喝咖啡。

He prefers swimming to riding as a sport. 作为一项运动项目,他更喜欢游泳而不是骑马。

注:这类结构的 prefer 前有时也可用 would, should 等。如: