10. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸双肩。
11.Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist. 不承认这个事实。就不是唯物主义者。
12.These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. 1 3.我们要培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。
We must cultivate the ability to analyse and solve problems. 14.When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.
15.It is not entirely right to say that if there is food, let everyone share it. 说有饭大家吃并不完全正确。
16. Eight o’clock found Franz up and dressed. 八点钟,弗兰兹起床穿衣.
17. He is not well today, but he still comes to class.他今天身体不好,但〔他)还 是来上课了。
18. If I learn to drive a motorcycle, I will certainly buy a new one.我要是学摩托车的话,(我)就一定去买一辆新 的。
19. He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.在〔我们的)背后说我们好话的人,才是一个好的 朋友。
20. It is better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得 好。(≈喊破嗓子不如做出样子。)
21. It's your pen. I found it on the playground.这是你的钢笔,我在操场上找到(它)的。
22. 这台电视机真是价廉物美。
This television set is really cheap (in price) and fine (in quality). 23.那位小伙子有点愣头愣脑的。
That young fellow is somewhat rash (in the head). 24. 中国足球的落后状态必须改变。
The (state of/condition of) backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed.
She has been talking in French for two hours without (making ) any mistakes.
We must avoid making (unnecessary) mistake in our work.. 27.人群渐渐静了下来。
Silence (gradually) came over the crowds.
28. 可怜两个强徒,化作南柯一梦.(施耐庵《水浒传》,第六回) Poor ruffians, their lives vanished like a dream (in Nanke ).
从上面的例子可以看出,无论是英译汉还是汉译英,省词译法基本上都是出于译文语言习惯和语法的需要,不省去这些词语,译文就显得拖泥带水,甚至会出现画蛇添足的结果使用省词译法要求译者对译文有驾轻就熟的运用能力。 第四节、 转性译法(词类转移法) 转性译法是英译汉和汉译英中都经常要用到的翻译方法。所谓转性译法就是在翻译过程中,根据译文语言的习惯进行词性转换,如:把原文中的名词转换为动词,把原文中的副词转换为介词,等等。请看下面的实例。 1.语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。
The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 这句话的英译文应该说是忠实而地道的,但分析一下汉英文中的词类, 却很少是对应的。原文中的词类到了译文中。差不多都发生了变化:“学好”是动词,意思上相应的英文词mastery是名词;“随便”是副词,意思上相应的英文词是作表语的easy, 等等。假若译文中的英文词类、词序都与汉语完全相同,不作任何改变,那么这就不成一句英文句子了。 2. In those years the Republicans were in. 那些年是共和党执政。(形容词转为动词)
3. Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 每天早上,她都要到湖区去散步·(名词转为动词) 4. The music is a gas.
5. The delegates at the conference unanimously expressed their
determination to oppose hegemonism on the part of the two superpowers. 会上,代表们一致表示坚决地反对两个超级大国的霸权主义。(名词转为副词)
6. My suggestion is that he should quit somking at once.
7. A week after his prelude to the President's visit, China was in。 在他为总统出访所作的序幕之行后一周,中国成了最时新的话题。(形容词转为名词〕
8. Official Moscow is going to object the proposal.
莫斯科官方准备反对此项提议.(形容词转为名词) 9.Saud was a frustrated man at that time. 沙特那时已受挫折(形容词转为动词)
10. We have known a similar past of humiliation and exploitation. 在过去。我们都同样遭受到凌辱和剥削。(形容词转为副词) 11. Our age is witnessing a profound political change.
我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。(动词转为名词) 12.徐悲鸿画马画得特别好·
Xu Beihong’s drawings ((paintings) of horses are exceptionally good 13. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.
(原文中以for为引导的介词词组在译文中被转译成以“因为”为引导的状语从句.因此,原文中for这个介词在译文中被处理成连接词“因为”,定语his转译成了主语“他”,定语continuous转译成了状语“不断地”,名词encouragement转译成了动词“鼓励”,定语during my childhood 转译成了状语“在我小时候”) 14. Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. 千百万山区人终于摆脱了贫穷 (介词转为动词) 15. He came to my home for help
他来到我家,请求帮忙(介词转为动词) 16. At noon, she came home for lunch.
中午,她回家吃午饭。(介词转为动词) 17. The people are with him.
人民拥护他. (系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 18. The woman, with her two daughters, arrived.
这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。(系动词be+介词转为行为动词) 19. He was away before dawn.
20. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them. 它们之间一直有着传统的友好关系。(副~形)
21. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.
我们反对一切战争,特别是反对王朝战争。〔系表结构+of 转为动词) 22.Differences between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation. 各国社会制度不同,但不应妨碍彼此接近与相互合作.(to be+名十介~动)
23.His real mission in life was to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of capitalist society.
他一生的真正使命是想办法为推翻资本主义社会而作出 贡献。(名十of一动)
24.No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of people of the old generation back 36 years ago.
25.There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.
目前我国各地对各种消费品的需要量已大大增加(形+名~副+动) 26)他能喝很多酒。He is a great drinker.(动词转为名词)
27)他这个人最爱说话了。He is a great talker.(动词转为名词) 28)他妹妹老是说谎。His sister is a great liar.(动词转为名词)
29)我儿子拉洋车。(老舍《柳家大院》)My son is a rickshaw puller.(动词转为名词)
This novel defies easy classification.(动词转为名词) 31)他们教导我们要珍惜每一个机会.
They taught us the value of an opportunity(动词转为名词)
He has long been used to last-minute decisions.(动词转为名词)
33)她对他们越来越憎恨.Her hatred for them grew more.(动词转为名词) 34)他酷爱古典音乐.He is an ardent lover of classic music.(动词转为名词) 35)他指挥着一个团。He is a commander of a regiment.(动词转为名词) 36)他谋杀了他的老板.He is the murderer of his boss.(动词转为名词) 37)他统治那个地区长达二十年之久.He had been the ruler of that region for as long as twenty years.(动词转为名词)
38)十一点时,他已睡在被窝里.He was between sheets by eleven.(动词转介词)
39) 他用手指在墙上写下了自己的名字。He wrote down his own name on the wall with his finger. (动词转为介词)
40)许多学生反对他.Many students are against him(行为动词转为系动词be+介词)
41)我永远支持你.I am always with you .(行为动词转为系动词be+介词) 42) 那个家伙老是滔滔不绝讲个不停.That fellow is very talkative.(动词转为形容词)
43) 他读书时不加选择.He is indiscriminate in reading.(动词转为形容词) 44) 他们迫切地想弄到消息。They were news-hungry.(动词转为形容词) 45) 你们现在得走了. You must be off now. (行为动词转为系动词be+副词) 46) 演出已经开始了.The performance is on.(行为动词转为系动词be+副词) 47) 这家报纸的社论说,拒不解决夫妻分居两地的问题,是同中央的精神背道而驰的.
The paper said editorially that it is against the spirit of the Central Committee of our Party to refuse to solve the problem of husband and wife living in two separate places.(名词转为副词)
48) 她非常漂亮。She is a real beauty. (形容词转为名词)
49) 那个家伙笨得出奇.That fellow is a typical fool.(形容词转为名词) 50) 你说他傻不傻? Don't you think he's an idiot?(形容词转为名词
从上面转性译法的实例中不难看出,翻译中的词性转换存在着一定的规律,最明显的一点就是英美人比较喜欢用名词和介词,而汉语里动词用得比较多一些。因此,英译汉时,我们经常要把英语中的名词和介词转换成汉语中的动词;而在汉译英时,我们往往要把汉语中的动词转换成英语中的名词或介词。值得一提的是词性转换并不是随意进行的,而是遵循着语言中的客观规律如果我们逆规律而行, 译文就无法做到通顺或地道。 上面第6句My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once译成了“我建议他立刻戒烟”, 第三十四句 “他酷爱古典音乐”译成了He is an ardent lover of classic music,两个译文都非常地道.如果把这两句完全按照原文词性分别翻译成“我的建议是他必须立刻戒烟”, “He loves classic music ardently”,都符合各自译文的语法,按一般要求也算可以了,但是比起前面的译文来就显得不够地道,在文采也要逊色得多.总而言之,我们使用转译法时,一方面要掌握译文在使用词性方面的规律,另一方面必须严格遵循这些规律进行翻译中的词性转换. 第五节 词序调整法