2014年联大专升本英语专业考试真题专升本A卷 下载本文

/ // / /¤ // // / ¤ / // / / 线 ¤ 订题 答: ¤号要 证考 装不准 内 ¤ 线 封封 ¤密 : 名 密 姓 / // / /¤ // // / ¤ / // / / In America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, ____21____ it?s picking one of thirty-one ice cream flavors, or deciding whether and when to get married. That sounds like a ____22____ thing, but as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us confused, even paralyzed with indecision. “That?s particularly true ____23____ it comes to the work place,” says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human behavior. Students are graduating with a variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves ____24____ when they are to choose an ultimate career ____25____. In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students ____26____ their senior year.

Based on answers to questions ____27____ their job hunting strategies and career decisions, he divided the students into two groups: maximizers, who ____28____ every possible option, and satisficers, who look until they find an option that is good enough. You might expect that the student who had undertaken the most ____29____ search would be the most satisfied with their final decision, but it ____30____ that?s not true. Schwartz found that while maximizers ended up ____31____ better-paying jobs than satisficers on ____32____, they weren?t as happy with their decision.

The reason why these people feel less satisfied is that a world of possibilities may also be a world of ____33____ opportunities. When you look at every possible option, you ____34____ to focus more on what was given up than what was gained. After surveying every option, a person is more acutely ____35____ of the opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just one career. 21.

A. such as B. either C. whether

D. even if

22. A. nasty

B. great C. reasonable D. common 23. A. when B. as

C. before

D. after

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24. 25. 26.

A. overwhelmed B. overexcited C. dumbfounded D. superficial

A. direction B. choice C. pursuit D. goal

A. before B. after C. from D. during

27. A. regardless B. regarding

C. regarding of D. as regard

28. A. like B. choose

C. consider D. deny

29. A. exhaust B. exhausting

C. exhausted D. exhaustion

30. A. turns away B. turns in

C. turns out D. turns against

31. A. in B. at

C. to D. with

32. A. equal B. average

C. terms D. percentage

33. A. missing B. missed

C. gaining D. gained

34. A. tend B. oblige

C. used D. incline

35. A. affirmative B. clear

C. regretful D. aware

III. Vocabulary & Structure(本大题共30个小题,每小题0.5

分,共15分) 得分 评卷人 Directions: In this part, there are thirty incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the sentences and choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

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/ // / /¤ // // / ¤ / // / / 线 ¤ 订题 答: ¤号要 证考 装不准 内 ¤ 线 封封 ¤密 : 名 密 姓 / // / /¤ // // / ¤ / // / / 36. We are late. I expect the film ____ by the time we get to the cinema.

A. has started B. will have started C. will start D. may start

37. It is high time you ____ that you are not the most important person in the world.

A. realized B. have realized C. realizes D. will realize

38. These two areas are similar ____ they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. to that B. besides that C. in that D. except that

39. Jane has just ____ a letter from a friend of hers in England.

A. returned B. answered C. offered D. replied

40. Mr. John had given no ____ that he was intending to resign.

A. direction B. symptom C. information D. indication

41. We will visit Huangshan next year ____ we have enough money.

A. lest B. until C. unless D. provided

42. We advised them to take a rest, but they ____ on finishing the work.

A. suggested B. continued C. insisted D. persisted 43. William told his wife ____ .

A. to have his shoes shone B. to have his shoes shined C. to have his shoes shining D. shine his shoes 44. ____ seeing the damage he had done, he felt ashamed.

A. By B. On C. At D. For

45. He spoke so quickly that I didn?t ____ what he said.

A. catch B. listen

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C. get D. take

46. They climbed to the top of the hill ____ they could get a bird?seye view of the city.

A. in case B. for fear that

C. in order that D. as a result

47. Quarter horses can start more quickly, turn more sharply, and run faster over short courses ____ breeds can.

A. than the other B. other C. than other D. of all other

48. Before the school ____ what students must wear, they wore just about anything.

A. managed B. authorized C. regulated D. standardized 49. His ____ at the meeting yesterday hurt her a lot.

A. conduct B. action C. behavior D. act

50. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.

A. to remember B. remembered C. having been remembered D. remembering

51. The old lady ____ and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.

A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled

52. I don?t know you want to keep the letter. I?ve ____ it up.

A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed

53. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.

A. ought to have sent B. couldn?t have sent C. must have sent D. needn?t have sent 54. On no account ____ ever leave the baby at home alone.

A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shall

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