软件测试实验报告(测试计划+黑盒测试+白盒测试) 下载本文



1. 2.



a) b) c) d) e)

配置软件资产信息、软件需求、软件模型和缺陷数据库; 创建和管理多个测试组和用户;

配置测试环境、编写详细测试计划、安排测试进度; 设计测试脚本、测试用例; 实施测试、执行测试和评估测试。






侯@@:对特定问题编写程序代码,并对其进行黑盒测试。 金@@:对特定问题编写程序代码,并对其进行白盒测试。




测试资料 黑盒测试

测试规划是基于产品的功能,目的是检查程序各个功能是否能够实现,并检查其中的功能错误,这种测试方法称为黑盒测试(Black-box Testing)方法。 黑盒测试又称为功能测试、数据驱动测试和基于规格说明的测试。它是一种从用户观点出发的测试,一般被用来确认软件功能的正确性和可操作性。


",黑盒测试主要根据规格说明书设计测试用例,并不涉及程序内部构造和内部特性,只依靠被测程序输入和输出之间的关系或程序的功能设计测试用例。 ", 黑盒测试的特点:(1)黑盒测试与软件的具体实现过程无关,在软件实现的过 程发生变化时,测试用例仍然可以使用。

(2)黑盒测试用例的设计可以和软件实现同时进行,这样 能够压缩总的开发时间。


边界值分析法 等价类划分法 因果图法 决策表法


测试规划基于产品的内部结构进行测试,检查内部操作是否按规定执行,软件各个部分功能是否得到充分使用,则这种测试方法称为白盒测试(White-box Testing)方法。



",白盒测试要求是对某些程序的结构特性做到一定程度的覆盖,或者说这种测试是“基于覆盖率的测试”。 ",通常的程序结构覆盖有: 语句覆盖 判定覆盖

条件覆盖 判定/条件覆盖 路径覆盖



单元测试:针对每个单元的测试, 以确保每个模块能正常工作为目标。

集成测试:对已测试过的模块进行组装,进行集成测试。目的在于检验与软件设计相关的程 序结构问题。

确认(有效性)测试:是检验所开发的软件能否满足所有功能和性能需求的最后手段。 系统测试:检验软件产品能否与系统的其他部分(比如,硬件、数据库及操作人员)协调 工作。

验收(用户)测试:检验软件产品质量的最后一道工序。主要突出用户的作用,同时软件开 发人员也应有一定程度的参与。


测试所得到的用例测试报告、BUG报告,需要进行反馈和最后的归档,归档的工作按照项目计划中所规定的内容进行,反馈的工作在测试项结束后,整理成测试总结报告后进行,具体的日期,在项目计划中有规定。 不同阶段的测试,都需要重复以上的步骤。 其他必要的数据整理的工作,由项目经理在进行过程中进行安排。





import java.util.Scanner; public class Triangle { public static void main(String[] args) { double a, b, c; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(\输入三角形的三边:\ a = input.nextDouble(); b = input.nextDouble(); c = input.nextDouble(); input.close(); if (a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0) { if (a + b > c && a + c > b && b + c > a) { System.out.println(\能构成三角形.\ if (a * a + b * b == c * c || a * a + c * c == b * b || b * b + c * c == a * a) { if (a == b || a == c || b == c) { System.out.println(\为等腰直角三角形.\ } else { System.out.println(\一般直角三角形.\ } } else if (a == b && b == c && a == c) { System.out.println(\为等边三角形.\ } else if ((a == b && a != c) || (a == c && a != b) || (b == c && a != c)) {



System.out.println(\为等腰三角形.\ } else { System.out.println(\为一般三角形.\ } } else { System.out.println(\不能构成三角形.\ } } else { System.out.println(\不能构成三角形.\}







R1 = { : 边为a,b,c的等边三角形 } R2 = { : 边为a,b,c的等腰三角形 } R3 = { : 边为a,b,c的一般三角形 } R4 = { : 边为a,b,c不能组成三角形 } 输入 a,b,c a,b,c a,b,c a,b,c 有效等价类 编号 无效等价类 a输入值超出预定义 b输入值超出预定义 c输入值超出预定义 编号 5 6 7 : 边为a,b,c的一般1 三角形 : 边为a,b,c的等边三角形 : 边为a,b,c的等腰三角形 : 边为a,b,c不能组成三角形 2 3 4


在三角形问题描述中,三角形每边边长的取范围值设值为[1, 100] 。 项 边界值 用例设计思路 数值a,b,c 0, 101 假设某软件的数据输入域要求输入的数据值,1为最小值、100作为最大值;然后使用刚好小于1和大于100的 数值来作为边界条件。 假设某软件的数据输入域要求输入的数据值,1为最小值、100作为最大值;然后使用刚好小于1和大于100的 数值来作为边界条件。 假设某软件的数据输入域要求输入的数据值,1为最小值、100作为最大值;然后使用刚好小于1和大于100的 数值来作为边界条件。 数值b 0, 101 数值c 0, 101


(1) 确定规则个数。例如,三角形问题的决策表有 4 个条件:

c1:a、b、c构成三角形? c2:a=b? c3:a=c? c4:b=c?

每个条件可以取两个值,故有16种规则。 (2) 列出所有的条件桩和动作桩。 (3) 填入输入项。

(4) 填入动作项,得到初始决策表。

(5) 化简。合并相似规则后得到三角形问题的决策表

选项 规则 规则 规则 规则 规则 1-8 9 10 11 Y Y Y Y √ Y Y Y N √ Y Y N Y √ 规则 12 Y Y N N √ 规则 规则规则规则13 14 15 16 Y N Y Y √ Y N Y N √ Y N N Y √ Y N N N 条件: c1: a,b,c构成 N 三角形? c2: a=b? - c3: a=c? - c4: b=c? - 动作: a1: 非三角形 a2: 一般三角形 a3: 等腰三角形 a4: 等边三角形 a5: 不可能 √ √


用例编号 采用方法 输入a,b,c 覆盖等价预期结果 类号码 执行结果 Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6 等价类划分 等价类划分 等价类划分 等价类划分 边界值分析方法 边界值分析方法 边界值分析方法 边界值分析方法 边界值分析方法 决策表 决策表 决策表 决策表 决策表 10 10 10 10 10 5 3 4 5 4 1 2 60 60 1 60 60 2 60 60 60 50 50 99 50 50 100 4 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 等边三角形 等腰三角形 一般三角形 非三角形 等腰三角形 等腰三角形 等边三角形 等腰三角形 非三角形 非三角形 非三角形 等腰三角形 等边三角形 一般三角形 等边三角形 等腰三角形 一般三角形 非三角形 等腰三角形 等腰三角形 等边三角形 等腰三角形 非三角形 非三角形 非三角形 等腰三角形 等边三角形 一般三角形 Test7 Test8 Test9 Tes10 Test11 Test12 Test13 Test14


问题描述: 定义一个PriorDate函数,


一个日期, 执行如下操作:


如果输入日期是2~12月份中某月的第一天,则把day变量的值置为前一个月的最后一 天,month变量的值减1;

如果输入日期是1月的第一天,则day变量的值置为31,month变量的值置为12,year 变量的值减1。


??果是有31天的月份(1,3,5,7,8,10,12),day变量值为31; ??果是有30天的月份(4,6,9,11),day变量值为30; ??果是有29天的月份(闰年的2月),day变量值为29;




using namespace std; int main() {

int lastday,lastmonth,lastyear; int day,month,year; bool c1=1,c2=1,c3=1; while(c1&&c2&&c3) {


cout<<\例如2012年6月7号,输入形式为:2012 6 7\ cin>>year>>month>>day; c1=(day>=1)&&(day<=31);

c2=(month>=1)&&(month<=12); c3=(year>=1900)&&(year<=2050); if (!c1)

cout<<\ if (!c2)

cout<<\ if (!c3)

cout<<\ switch(month) {

case 5: case 7: case 10: case 12:

if(day>1) {

lastday=day-1; lastmonth=month; lastyear=year; } else {


lastmonth=month-1; lastyear=year; }

break; case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 9:

case 11:

if(day>1) {

lastday=day-1; lastmonth=month; lastyear=year; } else {


lastmonth=month-1; lastyear=year; }

break; case 3:

if(day>1) {

lastday=day-1; lastmonth=month; lastyear=year; } else {

if(year%4==0&&year0!=0||year@0==0) {

lastday=29; lastmonth=2; lastyear=year; } else {

lastday=28; lastmonth=2; lastyear=year; } }

break; case 1:

if(day>1) {

lastday=day-1; lastmonth=month; lastyear=year; }

else {

lastday=31; lastmonth=12; if(year!=1900)


else cout<<\ }

break; default:

cout<<\ }


cout<<\ \ \ }

return 0; }





开始 O 天数1到31 B C 月份1到12 D No A No 打印输入天数出错 打印输入月份出错 年份1812到2012 2,4,6,8,9,11 F E No 打印输入年份出错 5,7,10,12 G default 语句 day>1 Yes 语句 L M No 语句 H Month匹配 3 1 K I day>1 Yes No N P 语句 语句 J day>1 Yes 语句 Q No 润年 U 语句 V 语句 R day>1 Yes S 语句 T year!=1812 Yes No W 语句 No Y c1&&c2&&c3 Y Z 结束 Yes Yes 打印 X 语句 1. 语句覆盖


? 测试用例的设计格式如下:

? 【输入的(a, b, x),输出的(a, b, x)】 测试数据 执行路径 预期结果 实际结果 month=13,day=32,year=2013 OACEGZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11 2010 2010 the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30 2010 2010 the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11 2010 2010 the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11 2010 2010 the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31 2009 2009 lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31

-858993460 month=12,day=12,year=2010 OBDFHLY month=12,day=1,year=2010 OBDFHMY month=11,day=12,year=2010 OBDFINY month=11,day=1,year=2010 OBDFIPY month=3,day=12,year=2000 OBDFJQY month=3,day=1,year=2010 OBDFJRY month=1,day=12,year=2010 OBDFKSY month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 OBDFKTWY OBDFKTXY

2. 分支覆盖

执行足够的测试用例,使得程序中的每一个分支至少都通过一次 测试数据 month=13,day=32,year=2013 执行路径 OACEGZ 预期结果 实际结果 Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! month=12,day=12,year=2010 month=12,day=1,year=2010 month=11,day=12,year=2010 month=11,day=1,year=2010 month=3,day=12,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=12,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 OBDFHLY the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11

2010 2010 OBDFHMY the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30 2010 2010 OBDFINY the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11 2010 2010 OBDFIPY the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 OBDFJQY the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 OBDFJRY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2000 2000 OBDFJRY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 OBDFKSY the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11 2010 2010 the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31

OBDFKTWY 2009 2009 OBDFKTXY lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31


3. 条件覆盖

执行足够的测试用例,使得判定中的每个条件获得各种可能的结果。 测试数据 month=13,day=32,year=2013 执行路径 OACEGZ 预期结果 实际结果 Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 month=0,day=0,year=1800 OACEGZ error! month=12,day=12,year=2010 month=12,day=1,year=2010 month=11,day=12,year=2010 month=11,day=1,year=2010 month=3,day=12,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=12,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 OBDFHLY OBDFHMY OBDFINY OBDFIPY OBDFJQY OBDFJRY OBDFJRY OBDFKSY error! the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11 2010 2010 the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30 2010 2010 the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11 2010 2010 the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2000 2000 the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11 2010 2010 OBDFKTWY the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31 2009 2009 OBDFKTXY lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31


4. 分支/条件覆盖

执行足够的测试用例,使得分支中每个条件取到各种可能的值,并使每个分支取到各种可能的结果。 测试数据 month=13,day=32,year=2013 执行路径 OACEGZ 预期结果 实际结果 Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! month=0,day=0,year=1800 OACEGZ month=12,day=12,year=2010 OBDFHLY the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11

2010 month=12,day=1,year=2010 month=11,day=12,year=2010 month=11,day=1,year=2010 month=3,day=12,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2004 month=3,day=1,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=12,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 2010 OBDFHMY the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30

2010 2010 OBDFINY the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11 2010 2010 OBDFIPY the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 OBDFJQY the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2004 2004 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2000 2000 OBDFJRY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 OBDFKSY the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11 2010 2010 the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31

OBDFKTWY 2009 2009 OBDFKTXY lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31


5. 条件组合覆盖

执行足够的例子,使得每个判定中条件的各种可能组合都至少出现一次。 测试数据 month=13,day=32,year=2013 执行路径 OACEGZ 预期结果 实际结果 Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of month not in Value of month not in month=0,day=0,year=1800 OACEGZ month=0,day=1,year=1800 OBCEGZ the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! month=0,day=0,year=2000 OACFGZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 error! error! Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 error! error! month=0,day=1,year=2000 OBCFGZ month=1,day=0,year=1800 OADFKTXZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 OBDEKTXZ Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 OADFKTXZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 OBDFKTXY the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31 1999 1999 OBDFHLY the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11 2010 2010 OBDFHMY the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30 2010 2010 OBDFINY the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11 2010 2010 OBDFIPY the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 month=1,day=1,year=1800 month=1,day=0,year=2000 month=1,day=1,year=2000 month=12,day=12,year=2010 month=12,day=1,year=2010 month=11,day=12,year=2010 month=11,day=1,year=2010 month=3,day=12,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2004 month=3,day=1,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2008 month=3,day=1,year=2001 month=3,day=1,year=2010 OBDFJQY the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2004 2004 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2000 2000 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2008 2008 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2001 2001 OBDFJRY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 month=1,day=12,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 OBDFKSY the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11

2010 2010 the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31

OBDFKTWY 2009 2009 OBDFKTXY lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31


6. 基本路径测试方法


1 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 10 7 4 13 12 17 18 19 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 25 266 27 28 24 29 30 30 31 30

测试数据 month=13,day=32,year=2013 执行路径 OACEGZ 预期结果 实际结果 Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 error! error! Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 error! error! Value of month not in Value of month not in the range 1...12 the range 1...12 error! error! month=0,day=0,year=1800 OACEGZ month=0,day=1,year=1800 OBCEGZ month=0,day=0,year=2000 OACFGZ month=0,day=1,year=2000 OBCFGZ month=1,day=0,year=1800 OADFKTXZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 OBDEKTXZ Value of year not in Value of year not in the the range 1812...2012 range 1812...2012 OADFKTXZ Value of day not in the Value of day not in the range 1...31 range 1...31 OBDFKTXY the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31 1999 1999 OBDFHLY the lastday is12 11 the lastday is12 11 2010 2010 OBDFHMY the lastday is11 30 the lastday is11 30

month=1,day=1,year=1800 month=1,day=0,year=2000 month=1,day=1,year=2000 month=12,day=12,year=2010 month=12,day=1,year=2010 2010 month=11,day=12,year=2010 month=11,day=1,year=2010 month=3,day=12,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2004 month=3,day=1,year=2000 month=3,day=1,year=2008 month=3,day=1,year=2001 month=3,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=12,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=2010 month=1,day=1,year=1812 2010 OBDFINY the lastday is11 11 the lastday is11 11

2010 2010 OBDFIPY the lastday is10 31 the lastday is10 31 2010 2010 OBDFJQY the lastday is3 11 the lastday is3 11 2000 2000 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2004 2004 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2000 2000 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 29 the lastday is2 29 2008 2008 OBDFJRUY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2001 2001 OBDFJRY the lastday is2 28 the lastday is2 28 2010 2010 OBDFKSY the lastday is1 11 the lastday is1 11 2010 2010 the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31

OBDFKTWY 2009 2009 OBDFKTXY lastyear is not in range lastyear is not in range the lastday is12 31 the lastday is12 31
