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Unit 7 Long conversations 1. A. He is inexperienced in the job. B. He cannot meet the deadlines. C. He leaves extra work for others. D. He works too hard.

2. A. The new employee will be unable to meet his deadlines. B. The new employee will take on a heavier workload. C. The new employee will eventually have a breakdown. D. The new employee will be worried about his benefits. 3. A. He will fall ill because of his work.

B. He will be unable to work as well as he did. C. He will be physically tired.

D. He will be psychologically tired. 4. A. Give him a vacation.

B. Find someone else to do the work.

C. Give him advice on how to do his work. D. Assign him some different work to do. 5. A. He causes too many problems.

B. He is the only employee who can do the work. C. He will work very hard even during his vacations. D. He will miss work when he’s gone.

Long conversation 2

6. A. The man and two of his friends. B. The man and the woman. C. The man, Lisa and George. D. The woman, Lisa and George. 7. A. By bus. B. By train.

C. In their own car. D. In a rented car.

8. A. In a tent at a campsite.

B. In a tent they bring for camping. C. In a room in a mountain hotel. D. In their car at a campground.

9. A. Because the place is quiet and beautiful.

B. Because it’s good to have a new experience of living in mountains. C. Because it’s refreshing.

D. Because it’s fun to see a new part of the country. 10. A. Call the woman about his decision.

B. Rent a car so that he can drive to the mountains. C. Call the travel agency to plan the trip.

D. Finish his schoolwork to get ready for the trip.


Unit 7 Passages 1. A. He had so many problems.

B. Doctors can help deal with stress. C. A solution can cause new problems. D. Stress can become a great problem. 2. A. To relax at work. B. To play volleyball. C. To play a sport.

D. To consider a new idea.

3. A. Something that would take a lot of work. B. Something that would take a lot of time. C. Something that would never happen. D. Something that would be good for him. 4. A. He lost his position at work. B. He changed his doctor. C. He failed to win an honor. D. He became more stressed.

5. A. What would make him more relaxed. B. What his doctor will tell him to do next. C. What will help relieve his stress.

D. What will make him feel more important.

Passage 2 6. A. Life. B. Tricks. C. Nature. D. Worry.

7. A. Knowing that stress is completely normal.

B. Distinguishing between good stress and bad one. C. Not letting it make you sick. D. Not allowing it to develop. 8. A. To read it to the class. B. To feel sick.

C. To inspire others to try. D. To prepare better.

9. A. When stress takes place over a long time. B. When one hasn’t prepared for something. C. When one isn’t inspired by something. D. When stress makes one feel sick. 10. A. Giving a book report.

B. Being upset with a family member. C. Suffering from an illness you have. D. Having problems at school.


Unit 7

VOA Special English report

Development report on mental health

A study has found that most people with severe mental health problems go untreated in developing countries. The World Health Organization says between 75 and 85 percent had no treatment within the past year. In developed nations, between 35 and 50 percent went 1 . The Journal of the American Medical Association published the findings. Ronald Kessler of Harvard University and Bedirhan Ustun of the WHO led the study. They 2 the results of questions asked of more than 60, 000 adults in 14 countries. The most developed countries were Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. The less developed ones were Colombia, China, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria and Ukraine.

Researchers 3 the information between 2001 and 2003. They asked the same questions in every 4 . They wanted to estimate how many people have mental disorders and what kind. They also wanted to learn what 5 , if any, the people had received within the past year.

The problems considered included 6 . Others were such things as eating disorders and disorders 7 to the use of alcohol and illegal drugs. The percentage of people who said they had a metal disorder differed greatly from country to country. 8 . The United States had the highest, at 26 percent of those questioned. The Chinese city of Shanghai had the lowest, at four percent. The researchers say they believe this difference shows 9 . They say people in many non-Western countries are often less likely to admit they have problems.

In almost every country, the more severe a problem was, the more likely it was to be treated. Still, 10 . They say this is not simply a problem of limited treatment resources. It also shows that resources are not being used well. The researchers call for new efforts at early intervention. They say early treatment of minor disorders could prevent many serious cases later.


Unit 8 Short conversations 1) A. Her work B. Her family C. Office work D. Fun activities 2) A. He has just become a father.

B. He has heard many new complaints.

C. His wife has taken on many responsibilities. D. His wife has gotten a new father. 3) A. He bothers her a lot. b. He earns a high salary.

c. He may not spend time with his family. d. He doesn’t bother about his pay. 4) A. Because he has an important job. b. Because he is really very special. c. Because he makes time for himself. d. Because he finds time for his kids. 5) A. It can be bad sometimes. b. It can take up her time. c. It is really happy. d. It is unnecessary.

6) A. It gives him a little bit more spare time.

b. It makes him feel much better when he’s at work.

c. It provides him with a chance to build a house to live in. d. It is a way to express his love to his family.

7) A. Because his life is empty without a creative job.

b. Because the man no longer has a good job with a good salary. c. Because he has realized that life is more than having a good job. d. Because he hasn’t made discoveries in a long time. 8) a. Starting to work harder than before. b. Committing himself to helping others. c. Having an operation on his heart. d. Becoming more active at his work.

9) a. 25 percent. b. 30 percent. c. 70 percent. d. 80 percent.

10) a. Boss and employee. b. Mother and son. c. Father and daughter.

Long conversations Conversation 1:

1) a. She left her job.

b. She did her usual work. c. She found love.

d. She bored her friends. 2) a. She does nothing but work.

b. She knows only boring people. c. She dreams instead of working. d. She fails in finding love.

3) a. Interests that will take her outdoors.


d. Wife and husband.