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Unit 5 Long Conversations 1. A. From her son.

B. From the newspaper

C. From television D. From school

2. A. His son refuses to go to school. B. His son watches too much TV. C. His son listens to violent music D. His son hits other student. 3. A. 200,000. B. 20,000. C. 190,000. D. 19,000.

4. A. Listen to music. B. Act with violence. C. Play violent music. D. Watch television.

5. A. They say different things about the connection between music and violence. B. They say there is a casual relationship between music and violence. C. They say there is not a connection between music and violence.

D. They say it is impossible to understand the connection between music and violence.

Long conversation 2

1. A. She shared a room with him. B. She did his geometry homework. C. She taught him geometry. D. She gave him pocket money. 2. A. She supported him. B. She talked to him. C. She wept a lot.

D. She gave him shelter. 3. A. He should repay her. B. He should act well.

C. He should feel ashamed. D. He should be grateful.

4. A. Because her son caller her with bad news. B. Because her son forgot her birthday.

C. Because her son got caught by the police. D. Because her son said he wasn’t satisfied. 5. A. To behave well.

B. To forget other things. C. To call her on he birthday. D. To send her a present.


Unit 5 Passages 1. A. Parents worry too much about their teenagers. B. Parents raise teenagers with very bad manners. C. Parents don’t listen to their teenagers.

D. Parents are so concerned about their teenagers smoking. 2. A. Smoking heavily since childhood. B. Getting pregnant at an earlier age. C. Parents being too generous.

D. Not really understanding their parent. 3. A. Worry about smoking. B. Spoil their teenagers

C. Be selfish with teenagers. D. Take drugs. 4. A. Use drugs. B. Become poor. C. Leave school D. Be poor in health.

5. A. The concerns they have about their youngsters. B. The tears their youngsters are shedding. C. The harm they are doing to their youngster. D. The harm their youngsters are doing to them.

Passage 2

1. A. By giving the child everything he asks for. B. By being concerned that the child’s doing well C. By giving the child as much time as they can. D. By teaching the child about life. 2. A. To love the child too much. B. To collect a lot of information. C. To give the child too much. D. To think his child is good.

3. A. Because the child will never learn how to get things for himself. B. Because the child will appreciate the gifts given by parents. C. Because the child will not learn right from wrong.

D. Because the child will become selfish and greedy if he get everything he wants. 4. A. Because the child has had too many things.

B. Because the child will always listen to his parents. C. Because the child has done damage to others. D. Because the child will be difficult to change.

5. A. Because that helps them remain the most important people in the child’s life. B. Because that helps them show the child how to behave.

C. Because that helps them compensate for the child’s selfishness. D. Because that helps them buy a small number of gifts and things.


Unit 5

Now listen to a VOA Special English report and fill in the blanks while listening.

Treatment of Breast Cancer

More that 1) _______________________ of breast cancer are reported every year around the world. But survival rates 2)__________________ in recent years in the United Stated, Britain and some other countries. A new report says 3)________________ have played a major part.

Researchers at Oxford University in England led a team that 4)__________________ from nearly 200 studies. These involved 5)_________ women with early breast cancer.

When breast cancer is found early, 6)_____________________, doctors can operate to remove any disease they find. But some cells may remain that can become cancerous(生癌的) later in life. So additional treatments aim to prevent breast cancer 7)________________.

In some cases, the new study found that drugs could 8)_______________ the risk of death from breast cancer 9)_______________, that is, from the time the cancer is found. This effect was shown in 10)__________________ with the most common breast cancer.


Unit 6 Short conversations 1. A. An actor asked for her name. B. An actor asked what names mean.

C. An actor asked someone to give her a name. D. An actor asked for the name of the play.

2. A. Because he wondered how our names affect us. B. Because he believed names were of no importance. C. Because he thought names were of great importance. D. Because he wanted a more important name. 3. A. Because she thought her parents' names elegant.

B. Because she thought it would make her better understood. C. Because she believed people didn't understand her name. D. Because she wanted a more elegant name. 4. A. Because her English teacher told her not to. B. Because she is proud of her own name. C. Because the new name is not Chinese. D. Because the teacher is not at all right. 5. A. They can make a person great. B. They can shape a person's identity.

C. They can help make a person more sociable. D. They can identify a person's social class. 6. A. It is the best way. B. It is reasonable. C. It is shallow.

D. It is the second best way. 7. A. It is very impressive.

B. It is a name that gives her luck. C. It does not express her identity. D. It sounds very beautiful to others.

8. A. Because he thinks the act of naming a child after a parent isn't creative. B. Because he thinks his name isn't creative and he doesn't like it. C. Because he agrees that parents should do that.

D. Because there are many creative names that they could choose. 9. A. 17.

B. 50 C.600 D. 600,000

10. A. Brother and sister. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife. D. Mother and son.