D.American,British,Chinese,One kind
析:(英美人往往有两种名片:一种是商用名片,另一种私人交际名片。中国人则没有这样讲究。故此题的正确选项为A、C)。 例题38:
Chinese people like to say\they have enongh to eat before liberation.British people like to say:Nice day,isn't it? yes,isn't. it when they meet.This shows the British. weather is . A.didn't , fine B.didn't, changeable C,did, fine D.did, changeable
析:(中国人见面喜欢问“你吃过饭没有?”因为解放前,中国人常没饭吃,所以,见面问“吃了没有”以示关心;英国人见面喜欢谈论天气,因为英国一天如四季 ,天气变化异常,所以他们见面谈天气已习以为常。故此题的正确选项为B。) 例题39:
The top secret for British ard American people is personal . A.age B.marriage C.income and expense D.housing and food
The first dish for American and British people is . A.soup B.fish
C.meat D.potato and tomato
析:(英美人的餐桌上第一道菜往往是汤。中国往往是最后一道菜上汤。故此题的正确赞项为A。) 例题41:
people like to eat the amimal's hearts. A.Chinese &
nbsp; B.American
C.British D.Au of the
析:(动物内脏在中国是抢手食物,但英美人是不吃动物内脏的,他们往往把动物内脏给小猫小狗吃。故此题的正确赞项为A。) 例题42:
people usually use common knife and fork on the table when they have meals.
A.Chinese B.British and American C.No Chinese D.No British and American
析:(英美人不管平时一家人用餐,还是请客人用餐,均使用公勺添菜。中国的餐桌上尚未完全这样。故此题的正确选项为B。) 例题43:
When you send some expensive presents to American and British
people,they receive them . A.silently
B.without doing and saying anything C.and take them away in silence
D.and sing high praise for them in the face of the sender
析:(英美人收到贵重礼品时,除说“谢谢外”,还要当着送者的面欣赏赞扬一番,中国人收礼的方式则不同。故此题的正确选项为D。) 例题44:
The American and British people are tired of No. . A.8 B.4 C.5 D.13
析:(英美人最忌讳数词13。这就像中国人不喜欢5号一样。故此题的正确选项为D。) 例题45:
The British and American people have a habit of having a after lunch. A.do,sleep B.do,nap C.don't,sleep D.don't,nap
析:(英美人一般没午睡的习惯,中国绝大多数人需要午睡。故此题的正确选项为D。) 例题46:
Waitresses and waiters in usually receive tips (service charge) at shops or restaurants.
A.China B.Britain
C.America D.all the three countries
析:(英美国家的餐厅,商店服务员收小费。这成为他们的主要收入来源。这在中国较少见。故此题的正确选项为B、C)。 例题47:
China has a -year duty education(义务教育)while the most western countries have -year duty deucation.
A.nine,nine B nine,twelve C twelve,twelve D twelve, nine
析:中国目前实行的是九年制义务教育。西方大部分国家实行的是十二年制义务教育。故此题的正确选项是B。 例题48:
During the duty education , students in pay for . A. China,no money B. China,tuition(学费)
C. most western countries , no money D. most western countries, tuition
析:中国义务教育阶段的学生仍需交纳学费。在西方大部分国家义务教育阶段的学生不需向学校交费, 一切由政府支付。故此题的正确选项是B、C。 例题49: