认真严谨季羡林(翻译) 2 下载本文





季老家住一楼,对面两套房室均是他的。初闻我甚觉惊讶,北京住房如此紧张,他竟住两套居室。后来一问才知,季老因为藏书多,家里堆放的书把人挤得几无下脚之地,他还带着日本等国的研究生,轻常要家中辅导。北京大学鉴于季老的成就和国际威望,特别再拨一套住房给他,这在北京大学尚属首倒。季老将我让进东边一间,进门使是一排排书架,简直像个图书室。他把沙发上的书籍,信札搬到桌上,我才有落座的地方。他拉家常似的询问我一些情况,谦虚地称自己“老了”,写不出什么东西了”。可是他的新著,却是一本连着一本。说了一会儿,电话铃响,他接完电话,又有人敲门,通知说下午有会。季老左右应付,也是忙中有差,他把写给我的题字写在老作家萧乾题字的背面,我接过来,觉得为难:这些字日后都要装裱的,现在两个大名人写在一张纸的正反,我应该装裱谁的呢? 季老闻言,直怪自己不小心,说:“萧乾题字在先,我应该再补。这样吧, 随后用毛笔写个条幅寄给你,怎么样?”对这句话我不敢抱十分的信心。然而当我回到郑州不久,果然收到季老的来信,随信有毛笔写的题字,是朱嘉的诗句:“少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。”这使我感动不已。

Ji Xianlin, an Earnest and Conscientious Scholar

Professor Ji led me into a room in the east . When I stepped in to the room, rows of bookshelves came into my eyes,which made me feel like in a library. There were so many books and letters on the sofa that he had to move them onto the table so that I would have a place to sit. After we sat down, he chitchatted about myself and modestly said that he was too old to write anything good , though actually his new books were established one

after another. We just talked for a while when the phone rang. As soon as he finished answering the phone, someone was knocking the door, saying that there was a meeting in the afternoon. In dealing with the distractions he mistakenly wrote his inscription for me on the back of the paper bearing an inscription by the veteran writer Xiao Qian. When I took it over from his hands, I found myself in a dilemma: these two inscriptions were to be mounted, but now I had two eminent men’s inscriptions on both sides of one piece of paper, which one should I mount? Hearing my worry, Professor Ji kept blaming himself for having been so careless. “Xiao Qian wrote his inscription first, I should write another one,” he said, “Well, let me do it in this way: I’ll send you a scroll written with brush latter. Is that all right?” I was not quiet sure if he could keep his promise. But soon after my returning to Zhengzhou, I received his letter enclosed two inscriptions of two poetic lines by Zhu Xi, a scholar of the Song Dynasty. The inscriptions were written with a brush: “Cherish every moment, young man for age is much easier to acquire than learning\I was deeply touched.