7B - Unit - 2 - Neighbours一案三篇 下载本文

A. ill 导学篇

Integrated skills and Study skills


1、 能掌握更多的职业和工作场所的名称。 2、 能从听力材料中获取信息并完成任务。 3、 能用所得信息将鱼片补充完整。 4、 能运用正确的语句谈论自己的理想。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:manager office office worker policeman postman station

police station post post office person job elder future artist sound sick 词组:by train/bus/ship/bike

句型:What are you going to be in the future? I’m going to be a computer engineer. 三会内容 单词:company 教学准备

1、 各种职业的任务图片 2、 配套磁带或光盘 教学步骤 A different job Step I 复习

提供一些小谜语让学生根据描述猜出职业名称,复习就只是,为本课时学习做准备。教师说: Now let’s play a game. Here are some riddles for you. Can you tell me the name of the job? 如: They work in a school to help children learn.(teachers)

They have special skills, such as making ships, planes and other machines. (engineers) They make delicious food for people in restaurants. (cooks) Step II 呈现

教师与学生就周围不同人的职业进行交流,呈现新知识。教师说:What’s your father’s/mother’s job? What does your father /mother do? 启发学生回答:My father /mother is??根据学生的实际情况,教师适时向他们展示各种职业的名称。 Step III 操练

1、 指导学生完成A1部分的练习。

2、 为学生播放录音,指导他们捕捉信息完成A2部分的表格。如需要可多播放几次。 3、 通过问答形式,与学生核对答案。 Step IV 呈现

1、再次为学生播放录音,指导他们回答问题。教师说: let’s listen to the tape once more and answer my questions about Wendy.

Where’s her father’s police station? Where’s her mother’s restaurant?

B. sick

C. good

D. helpful


Is her mother very busy?

How does her elder brother go to work? How does her elder sister go to work?

2、当教师发现学生理解有障碍时,可适时呈现其中的新知识。教师板书:elder\\by bike\\ by train Step V 操练


2、指导学生两人一组交流短文内容,核对答案。组织集体朗读。 Step VI 展示

1、指导学生两人一组问答,互相询问各自父母的职业和工作场所。如 What does your father/mother/mother/elder brother/ elder sister/uncle/aunt do? Where does he/she work? Where’s his/her …? How does he/she go to work?


B speak up: what are you going to be in the future? Step I 呈现

1、向学生展示各种职业的图片,讨论并导入本部分的话题。Look at these jobs. Are they interesting? Which is your favourite? 请同学回答,并在黑板上上写下future与句型??is going to be ?? in the future.

2、再次交流,教师说:Which is your favourite job? Are you going to be …. In the future? What are you going to be in the future? Why? 如果有人回答一声,教师可以说:Oh, that soundst like a good idea. It’s a good job because you can help sick people. I think you’ll be very helpful.板书sound和sick。 Step II 操练

1、介绍B部分的话题被容。教师说:Millie is talking with her classmates about their future jobs. Listen to their conversation and do the ―true or false‖ exercises. 听录音完成判断题。 Daniel likes computers.(T)

Millie is going to be a computer engineer. (F) Sandy is going to be an art teacher. (F) Simon is going to be a basketball star. (F)

2、跟读录音内容。教师说: Now please open your books. Report after the tape sentence by sentence. 如需必要可多几次。

3、组织学生分角色朗读。 Step III 展示

1、将学生分为五组,鼓励他们用学过的知识谈谈各自的理想工作。教师说:Now it’s your turn. Work in a group of five and make up a new conversation about your dream jobs.

2、模拟B部分对话,用自己的信息替换部分内容,完成练习。也可发挥想象,添加自己的内容。 3、给学生充分准备时间,然后选择能力不同的学生上台展示。 Step IV 家庭作业

1、 记忆本科所学词汇、词组和句型。 2、 背诵B部分的对话。

3、 能力较强的学生模仿B部分编写一段对话。 4、 完成教师不知的书面练习。 5、 预习study skills。

Study skills



1、 能了解朗读时常见的连读方式。 2、 能使用正确的连读方式朗读句子。 教学内容 四会内容

如何在朗读中正确时候用连读 教学准备

1、 配套磁带或光盘 2、 图片、视频或音频片段 教学步骤 Step I 呈现


2、学生反复辨听后,给学生提供文本,让他们朗读。启发学生发现两种朗读方式的不同,从而引导出英美人士说话时的连读现象。教师说:We often link sounds together when we speak English. Can you find out the wayside of linking sounds together?

3、教师呈现图片,引入本课内容。教师说:Look at this picture. What can you see? 学生回答:I can see an apple. 板书:an apple

一家三口的图片:Look at the little boy. He’s tom. Who are these two people? They are tom’s father and mother. 板书father and mother.

几只狗和一条鱼的图片:Look at the dogs. Do they like eating fish? Of course not. They don’t like eating fish. So they go away.板书go away

4、教师指导学生正确朗读四组短语。启发学生发现连读的规律。阅读示例。 We usually link a consonant sound with a vowel sound.

When the first word with in –r or –re and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we join them together with a /r/ sound between them.

When there are two vowel sounds, we join them as if there were a /j/ or /w/ sound between them.

When two consonant sounds of two words meet, we sometimes do not need to pronounce the first consonant sound. Step II 操练

1、播放A部分录音。鼓励他们总结这一部分短语的发音符合哪一条规则。然后指导他们模仿朗读。教师说:Here are some phrases in Part A. please listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to the way the sounds are linked together.


3、两人一组互相纠正读音。教师说:Now please work in pairs. Read the sentences to your partner. Step III 展示

1、 为学生提供更多短语,鼓励他们用本课时所学的连读方式朗读。 2、 为学生提供更多句子,鼓励他们用本课时所学的连读方式朗读。 3、 模仿英美人士说话片段。 Step IV 家庭作业

1、 选择教材中的一段文字,朗读并注意连读规则。 2、 完成教师不知的相关联系。 3、 预习task。 知识点整理:




1. ----- Where are you going?

----- I’m going to the _______ to ask a policeman for help.

A. restaurant B. school office C. police station D. post office 2. ----- If you want to send a letter, where will you go? -----_______.

A. The post office B. The hospital C. The bank D. The supermarket 3. That song sounds _______. I want to listen to it again. A. well B. good C. badly D. bad

4. The boy’s mother is ________. He has to look after his _______ mother at home. A. bad; sick B. ill; bad C. ill; sick D. sick; ill 5. -----What do you want to _______ in the future? ----- A swimmer.

A. does B. go C. be D. swim 6. -----What’s your life dream, Simon?

----- My life dream is to become a postman. _______

A. What about you? B. And you? C. How about you? D. A, B and C 7. ----- How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening? ---- _____, but I’ve to prepare for tomorrow’s exam.

A. I can’t B. Sounds great C. That’s right D. No, I’m terribly sorry 8. Can you hear your mother’s ______ in front of the classroom? A. voice B. noise C. sound D. noises

9. There are ______trees in that school. They need to plant more. A. few B. a lot of C. a few of D. a little 10. ----- Can you _____ anything strange? ------ It ______ like a small mouse.

A. listen; sounds B. hear; listens C. hear; sounds D. sound; hears 二.根据首字母、句意或中文提示填空

1. Mrs black left the _________(公司)ten minutes ago. 2. The p________ sent me a letter just now.

3.The _______(经理) won’t go to have a meeting this afternoon. 4. The food in that r___________ tastes good, so let’s go there. 5. His _________(办公室)is on the third floor of the tall building. 6. There are so many people waiting for the bus at the bus s__________. 7. Are you going to Dalian by t________?