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例句:Do we have only one entrance? 只有一个入口吗?

记忆:动词enter(进入)去er加上ance构成名词。 211. reception [r?'sep?? n] 接待;接待处 n.

例句:Mr. Mandela was given a warm reception in Washington. 曼德拉先生在华盛顿受到了热情接待。 记忆:recept(感受)加上ion构成。 212. amazed [??me?zd] 吃惊的 adj.

例句:I was amazed at the love they showed for one another. 我对他们展现出的对彼此的爱意感到很惊讶。 记忆:动词amaze(使吃惊)加上d构成形容词。 213. artist ['a:t?st] 艺术家 n.

例句:How do you become an artist? 你如何成为一个艺术家?

记忆:art(艺术)加上名词后缀ist构成。 214. design [d?'za?n] 设计v.& n.

例句:He designed a new plan for the project. 他为该工程设计了一套新的施工方案。 记忆:sign(记号)前面加上de。 215. rare [re?] 稀有的;半熟的adj. 例句:I like my steak rare. 请给我做半熟的牛排。

记忆:care(喜欢;在意)的c改为r。 216. style [sta?l] 风格n.

例句:Long skirts are back in style. 长裙子又流行起来了。

记忆:stale(不新鲜的;陈腐的)a改为y。 217. select [s?'lekt,s?'lekt] 挑选v.

例句:We selected him as our monitor. 我们选他作我们的班长。


218. valuable ['v?lju?b?l] 贵重的;有价值的adj. 例句:The carpet is extremely valuable. 这地毯极其贵重。

记忆:名词value(价值)去e加上形容词后缀able构成。 219. jewel ['d?u;?l] 珠宝n.

例句:She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels. 她喜欢穿上盛装,戴上极为昂贵的珠宝首饰。


220. decorate ['dek?re?t] 装饰v.

例句:We decorated the house for the holidays. 我们装饰房子迎假期。

记忆:dec(12月的简写,代表12)+o(零)+rate(评分):装修(decorate)得很好,顾客评分120分。 221. think highly of: 高度评价

例句:If people think highly of me, I will think highly of myself. 如果别人赞许我,我就赞许我自己。

记忆:高度评价就是highly (高度地)think of (认为,评价)。 222. fancy ['f?ns?] 想象;幻想v.&n. 奇特的adj. 例句:Fancy you knowing him! 真没想到你认识他!

记忆:①fan(粉丝)加上cy构成;②人名Nancy的N改为f。 223. honey ['h?n?] 蜂蜜;宝贝n. 例句:Do you like honey? 你喜欢吃蜂蜜吗?

记忆:把money(钱)的m改为h。 224. painting ['pe?nt??] 绘画n.

例句:A painting should be looked at alone, or with one or two others. 一幅画作是要独自欣赏的,最多和一两个人一起观看。 记忆:动词paint(绘画)加上ing构成名词。 225. belong to: 属于

例句:The book belongs to him. 这本书是他的。

记忆:属于你的就是会跟你长久(be long )在一起(to)。 226. former ['f?:m?] 前者的;从前的adj.

例句:Go back as soon as possible to former routines or develop new ones. 尽可能快地回到以前的日常事情,或发展新的日常事情。 记忆:form(形式)加上er构成。 227. castle ['ka:s(?)l] 城堡n.

例句:The castle lies on a hilltop. 这个城堡座落在山顶上。

记忆:cast(投;掷)加上le构成。 228. at war:交战

例句:They were at war with the local Indians and came into the valley. 他们为了与当地的印第安人作战而进入到这个山谷。 记忆:交战就是在(at)战争(war)。 229. troops [tru:ps] 军队n.

例句:The troops are moving to the front. 军队正开往前线。

记忆:把droop(下垂)的d改为t。 230. explode [?k'spl??d] 爆炸v.

例句:They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded. 他们在清理时第二颗炸弹爆炸了。

记忆:把explore(探索)词尾的re 改为de。 231. debate [d?'be?t] 辩论v.& n.

例句:When I left, the men were still debating.


记忆:把delate(告发)的l改为b。 232. survive [s?'va?v] 幸存v.

例句:No one survived the crash. 无人在这次撞击中幸免于难。

记忆:survey(调查)的ey改为ive。 233. remove [r?'mu:v] 移动;脱下v. 例句:He removed his jacket. 他脱掉了夹克。

记忆:move(移动)前面加上re。 234. doubt [da?t] 怀疑v.& n.

例句:I doubt whether he will want to participate. 我怀疑他是否愿意参加。


235. less than: 小于;少于

例句:Spend less than you earn . 不要花钱超过你赚的。

记忆:少于就是比(than).....更少(less)。 236. informal 非正式的adj.

例句:The two groups met for informal talks. 两个团体会面举行非正式会谈。

记忆:否定前缀in加上formal(正式的)构成。 237. evidence ['ev?d?ns] 证明v.;证据n. 例句:Few soldiers were in evidence. 几乎看不见有士兵。


238. maid [me?d] 女仆 n.

例句:A maid brought me breakfast at nine o'clock. 一个女侍者9点钟给我送来了早餐。 记忆:把main(主要的)n改为d。 239. take apart:拆开

例句:The workers took the engine apart. 工人们将引擎拆开了。

记忆:拆开就是拿起它(take)然后分成各个部分(apart)。 240. sailor ['se?l?] 水手n.

例句:I'm a good sailor. But I'm a bad swimmer. 我不会晕船。但是我不善于游泳。

记忆:动词sail(航行)加上名词后缀or构成人,航行的人叫水手,海员。 241. sink [s??k] 下沉v.

例句:The boat was beginning to sink fast. 那艘船开始迅速下沉。


242. local ['l??k(?)l] 本地的adj.

例句:Are you getting used to the local food? 你习惯当地的食物吗?

记忆:locate(位于)词尾te改为l。 243. trial ['tra??l] 审讯;试验n.

例句:I took the car out for a trial on the roads. 我把车开出去在公路上试了一下。

记忆:动词try(试验;尝试)去y加上al构成名词。 244. in search of:搜索

例句:We started off at once in search of the missing child. 我们马上出发寻找那个失踪的孩子。

记忆:搜索就是进入(in)search(搜索)。 245. worth [w?:θ] 值得的adj.;价值n.

例句:Most things worth having never come easy. 大多数值得拥有的东西一向来之不易。

记忆:把worse(更坏的)词尾的se改为th。 246. in return:作为回报

例句:I sent him a present in return for his help. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。


7. A Fair Competition


Swifter, Higher and Stronger stands for the spirit of the Olympics. But fairness is the basis of this motto. Only when you win fairly will you and your homeland deserve the great glory. But nowadays, unlike the ancient honest slave competitors, some hopeless athletes who can’t bear the pain of training cheat when taking part in games. Medals seem to have magical power causing them to cheat, and the prize money has replaced the motto as their only goal.

So, in the gymnastics event to be held in our city next month, one of the host’s responsibilities is to keep competitions fair. They advertised on posters outside the stadium to promise that every competitor is to have a regular physical examination in a gymnasium one after another. No one can bargain on this. The volunteers in charge will be very strict. It is foolish to cheat because they will not be admitted to compete and will even be fined as well.
