40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词(一) 下载本文

72. petrol ['petr?l] 汽油

例句:The petrol in the tank is leaking out. 油箱里的汽油正往外漏。

一句话记忆:pet(宠物)roll (卷走)了(去掉字母l)汽油。 73. lorry ['l?ri] 卡车n.

例句:The goods will be carried by lorry to Dalian. 货物将用卡车运往大连。

一句话记忆:别担心(worry)了(换成l),卡车快来了。 74. recognize ['rek?gna?z, 'rek?n-] 认出;辨认v.

例句:You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you. 你的变化太大了,我简直认不出来了。

一句话记忆:recog(谐音来口个)+ nize, 无论什么好吃的,来上一口就可以认出它来。

75. identity [a?'dent?t?] 身份n.

例句:He wanted to know the identity of his real father. 他想知道自己亲生父亲的身份。

一句话记忆:动词identify(辨认)f改为t。 76. latter ['l?t?] 后来的adj.

例句:This article focuses on the latter. 这篇文章的重点在后者。

一句话记忆:letter(信件)的e改为a。 77. suggest [s?'d?est] 建议;暗示v.

例句:She suggested that she did not want me to tell the truth. 她暗示我不要说出实情。


3. A Hard Trip 一次辛苦的旅行

My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip. Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great views. One night, I put my head on my pillow--a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the stars. When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!



78. be fond of: 喜爱

例句:I’m not overly fond of cooking. 我不怎么喜欢烹饪。

一句话记忆:be(是)fond(喜欢的)of(的) 79. ever since: 自此;从此

例句: I have distrusted her ever since she cheated me. 自从她骗我以后,我就不信任她了。 一句话记忆:ever since= all the time since 80. graduate [?grad??e?t] 毕业v.

例句:He needs three more credits to graduate. 他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。

一句话记忆:grad(grade年级)+u(you,你)+ate(“吃”的过去式),你将年级一级一级“吃”下来,熬到头了就可以毕业(graduate)了。 81. determine [d?'t?:m?n] 决定v.

例句:He determined that he would travel to New York this summer holiday. 他决定今年暑假将旅行到纽约。

一句话记忆:谁都deter (打消不了)mine(我的)念头,我已经决定(determine)了!

82. organize ['?:g?na?z] 组织v.

例句:They will organize a Bridge Club. 他们将组建一个桥牌俱乐部。

一句话记忆:名词organ(器官)加上动词后缀ize构成动词,人体器官构成了人这个完美的组织。 83. temple [?templ] 寺庙n.

例句:Would you like to go to the temple fair with me? 想跟我一起去逛庙会吗?

一句话记忆:temper(脾气)的er改成le。 84. transport [tr?n'sp?:t] 运输v. 交通n.

例句:The statue was transported to London. 雕像被运到了伦敦。

一句话记忆:用火车(train)来运输(transport)体育(sport)用品,记得不用叫我(去掉i)。 85. fare [fe?] 票;费用n.

例句:He could barely afford the fare. 他几乎付不起车费。

一句话记忆:这次费用(fare)是(are)F出的。 86. cycle ['sa?k(?)l] 骑自行车; 循环v. 自行车;周期n. 例句:This machine cycles automatically. 这台机器自动循环运动。

一句话记忆:bicycle(自行车)去掉bi变成cycle。 87. care about:关心;担心

例句:She always cares about losing her job. 她总是担心丢掉她的工作。

一句话记忆:关心就是对有关(about)事物或人在意(care)。 88. disadvantage [?d?s?d'vɑ:nt?d?] 缺点n.

例句:However, there is a disadvantage to this approach. 但是,这种方法有一个缺点。

一句话记忆:dis(否定前缀)加上 advantage(优点)构成。 89. stubborn ['st?b?n] 顽固的adj.

例句:Paul can be as stubborn as a mule. 保尔有时倔得像头驴。

一句话记忆:这残根(stub)一出生(born)就那么顽固(stubborn)。 90. attitude [??t?tju:d] 态度n.

例句:All we can change is our attitude toward them. 我们所能改变的是我们对其的态度。


91. shortcoming ['??:t?k?m??] 缺点;短处n.

例句:He is too proud to see his own shortcoming. 他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。 一句话记忆:short(短的)加上coming(到来),这次的不足(shortcoming)就是来的时间太短。

92. make up one’s mind: 下定决心

例句:I wish he’d hurry up and make his mind up. 我希望他能快点拿定主意。

一句话记忆:把你的思想(mind)都集中起来(make up)你就可以下决心了。

93. finally ['fa?n?l?] 最后 adv.

例句:I finally beat her in that match. 我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。

一句话记忆:形容词final(最后的)加上ly变成副词。 94. give in: 屈服;让步;上交

例句:No matter how they slander us, we will never give in . 不管他们怎样诽谤我们,我们决不让步。

一句话记忆:最后他们屈服了(give in),给出(give)枪支粮食,并让敌人进村(in)。

95. as usual: 像往常一样

例句:I find him in the garden, dreaming away as usual. 我发现他又像往常一样,在花园里失了神。 一句话记忆:像(as)平常的(usual)那样。 96. prefer [pr?'f?:] 更喜欢;宁愿v. 例句:I prefer milk to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢牛奶。

一句话记忆:P提到(refer)更喜欢(prefer)它。 97. schedule [??edju:l] 日程表,计划表n.

例句:He has been forced to adjust his schedule. 他已被迫调整了日程安排。 一句话记忆:我今天的日程表就是(s)开车(拼音che),独乐(拼音dule)。 98. reliable [r?'la??bl] 可靠的adj.

例句:She was efficient and reliable. 她既能干又可靠。


99. forecast ['f?:ka:st] 预报n.&v.

例句:That’s what the TV weather forecast says. 电视上的天气预报是这样说的。

一句话记忆:预报(forcast)就是给(for)一些(e)人先做预算(cast)。 100. insurance [?n'???r?ns] 保险n.

例句:My brother works in insurance. 我的兄弟从事保险业。

一句话记忆:in(内部)+sure(确定的)+ance(名词后缀,谐音安心),上保险就是给自己心里吃个定心丸。 101. journey ['d??:n?] 旅行n.

例句:The journey took us over three hours. 我们路上花了三个多小时。

一句话记忆:旅途(journey)中,我们的(our)脚(拼音首j)都沾上了泥巴(谐音ney)。 102. flow [fl??] 流动v.

例句:Water flows to the lowest level. 水往低处流。

一句话记忆:flower(花朵)去掉er就流走了。 103. altitude ['?lt?tju:d] 海拔n.

例句:We’re flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. 我们的飞行高度为四万英尺。

一句话记忆:把attitude(态度)第一个t 改为l。 104. pace [peis] 步伐n.

例句:The pace of life in the countryside is slower. 乡间的生活节奏更慢。