(完整版)陕旅版小学六年级下册英语全册教案 下载本文



What would you like? I'd like… May I have… 教学难点:

可数名词和不可数名词的用法 教学准备: 教学资源包

教学方法:高效课堂模式。 教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。 教学过程: 一、热身导入

Say something aboutfood and drinks 1. People in China usually eat with chopsticks. 2. People in the USA usually eat with forks and knives.

3. People in China like to drink tea.

4. People in the western countries like to drink coffee. 二、新课展示 1. 学习下列短语:

A bowl of noodles. A plate of beef. A glass of juice. A bottle of water. A cup of tea. A piece of bread.

2、学生试读 . 3、引出句型 What would you like? I'd like… May I have…


What kind of noodles would Su Nan’s mother like to eat? What kind of juice would Su Nan like? 5、讲述语言点:

A plate of beef . Two pieces of bread. Two bottles of water. What kind of…A kind of…All kinds of… Something to drink. Something to eat.

Anything else? Is that all? 三、巩固练习 1、Listen to the tape .

2、Read the dialogue after the tape . 3、Read by themselves . 4、做《配套练习》中的练习 look and match 四、拓展延伸

1、Read the words and the dialogue . 2、Preview part B

第 2 课时


What would you like? 教学目标:


2、通过教学更熟练的了解和掌握打电话订餐的话题。 教学重点:

Can I help you? It's time for… Anything else? How much are they? 教学难点:

打电话订餐的用语。 教学准备: 教师资源包

教学方法:高效课堂模式。 教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。 教学过程: 一、热身导入

1、It's six o'clock in the evening. 2、It's time for supper.

3. Miss white feels hungry. So she takes up the phone and calls for food.
