英语翻译复习题 下载本文


6. 钱钟书先生在“林纾的翻译”一文中提出“文学翻译的最高标准是‘____’。”

7. _______是与严复同一时代的一位颇有影响的翻译家,他不懂外语,全凭别人口授进行翻译。他的翻译

作品有《黑奴吁天录》、《块肉余生记》等。 8. 我国现行的翻译标准可归纳为_____,_____四个字。 9. 翻译译包括_________和___________两个重要阶段。

10.我国近代翻译理论中最有影响的,要算严复提出的“____、 _____、_____”的翻译标准。


并提倡译者署名。 7.per capita GNP

8.the livestock industry

9.noise pollution

10.federal law

11.court of appeals

12.The Contracting States

13.universal convention

14.common ground

15.Welcoming banquet

16.full diplomatic relations

17.流动资金 18.酸奶









27.Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins.

28.The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in

poverty and darkness.

29.They often had little education, and in fact school education as it then was could only dull an inventive mind.

30.I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who

have provided the splendid music.

31.This Convention shall come into force three months after the deposit of twelve instruments of ratification,

acceptance or accession.


33.吃过午饭, 我就出来坐在宫门台附上,欣赏宫门口那一大座花坛,花坛里栽的是红,黄,白,紫四色分明的






A. Directions: Translate the following English passage into Chinese.

The term feature is generally applied to a long list of materials, which are not considered straight news, ranging from comic to columns. At its heart are facts representing solid reporting techniques, just as in a straight news story. But the stories differ in style. The news article is timely and written in a straight-forward, concise, unemotional style. The feature, on the other hand, may not be particularly timely and it is marked by a blending of imagination and creative use of the language that can touch a reader's curiosity, amazement, skepticism or humor. No standard form or style is used for feature articles. They follow no set rules for leads or the body or the end of the story, as news stories generally do. Some conform to the straight news style with a 5 W's summary lead but use of the novelty lead is more common. They may be narrative, descriptive or expository.

B: Directions: Translate the following Chinese passage into English.



1. 鸠摩罗什考证了以前的佛经译者,检讨了翻译的方法,全改以前的古直风格,主张_______________,


2. 在翻译的过程中,玄奘对自己提出了“_________,_________”的要求,这对于今天的翻译活动仍然


3. 英汉两种语言之间存在着多种差异。例如,英语句子重“_______”,句子外形很严谨,而汉语句子以


4. 鲁迅对于翻译工作的态度是极其严肃认真的。在翻译理论方面,他曾经提出来“_____________”。 5. 矛盾主张直译,同时又提倡保留“_________”。 6. 傅雷最早提出了翻译应当“重_____似而不重___似”。

7. _______是与严复同一时代的一位颇有影响的翻译家,他不懂外语,全凭别人口授进行翻译。他的翻译

作品有《黑奴吁天录》、《块肉余生记》等。 8. Silicon Valley

9. subsidiary company

10. automobile components

11. mutual prosperity

12. outward investor

13. pitch lake

14. source of power

15. regional autonomy

16. the Long March

17. the British Museum 18. 救火 19. 大片

20. 早恋 21. 彩票

22. 交通动脉

23. 永久定居

24. “巴黎和会”

25. 御花园

26. 独立自主