英语翻译复习题 下载本文

tried vainly to put them together.

30.The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellahin no longer occur.

31.All this suggested ancient harmonies.


33.在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下, 北洋军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生。



36.中国政府将加快宜农荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦. 37.

A. Directions: Translate the following English passage into Chinese

When nations are faced with great catastrophes, it is common for the accusations to start flying before the dust even settles or any debris has been cleared. Commentators are quick to raise a cry over government action or lack thereof, or whether a disaster could have been averted or its deadly consequences mitigated. This is especially true when many lives are lost and many more are at stake, and society is forced to cope with something terrible for the first time. There is always a steep learning curve when it comes to responding to calamities of this kind, and Mother Nature does an expert job of keeping us on our toes. The ability to expect the unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials. The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why.


B. Directions: Translate the following Chinese passage into English.



1. 我国近代翻译理论中最有影响的,要算严复提出的“____、 _____、_____”的翻译标准。

2. 在翻译的过程中,玄奘对自己提出了“_________,_________”的要求,这对于今天的翻译活动仍然


3. 鲁迅对于翻译工作的态度是极其严肃认真的。在翻译理论方面,他曾经提出来“_____________”。 4. 我国现行的翻译标准可归纳为_____,_____四个字。 5. 傅雷最早提出了翻译应当“重_____似而不重___似” 6.dense fog

7.sovereign nation

8.flows of capital

9.a host of 10.BCCI

11.property damage

12.drug store

13.the range of mountain

14.it rains cats and dogs

15.The Church of England


17.社会工作 18.直译




22.缔约国 23.仲裁 24.生效


26.These things had been manufactured in villages which were growing into towns now, away from London; it

was a country-wide trade.

27.Scarcely less important than machinery in the agricultural revolution was science.

28.In a few minutes a young man appeared, walking in the same direction as Durbeyfield had been.

29.Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation’s basic occupation..

30.The stock of foreign investment grew from under 5 billion dollars in 1989 to nearly 90 billion dollars by 1994.







36.A. Directions: Translate the following English passage into Chinese.

You were well advised to leave your pity at the door of Christopher Reeve's airy, sun-filled home, hidden amid the rolling meadows and white wooden barns of upstate New York. What struck you first, as he was steered into the room, was his commanding height; sitting down, you found yourself tilting your head upwards to look at him. The accident's power over him was diminishing, he said. He didn't need to turn away when he was driven past the barn where he kept Buck, the thoroughbred horse from which he had been thrown in 1995, breaking his neck. But learning to live with his paralysis wasn't the same as resigning himself to it. \to walk again by the age of 50. At the time, that deadline was three weeks away.

B: Directions: Translate the following Chinese passage into English.
