英语 简明语法 下载本文


? To buy a computer, I need money. 为买电脑,我需要钱。 状语 练习


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The problem has now been solved. (main)

We didn’t stop to rest during the trip home. (long) There is something in his speech. (important)

People want to eat vegetables and fruits.(without the use of chemicals) The boy has got the first prize for singing competition. (in Class 3)

Television doesn’t give people the chance to express their views. (ordinary)


7. I haven’t seen John. (recently)

8. She waved her hands around. ( in a lively fashion) 9. The girl speaks French. (fluently)

10. He step back and looked at the newly-painted door. (satisfactorily) 11. The police noticed some footprints. (on the door)

12. Most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. (in the ancient world)

练习答案 3.2

1. The main problem has now been solved.

2. We didn’t stop to rest during the long trip home. 3. There is something important in his speech.

4. People want to eat vegetables and fruits without the use of chemicals. 5. The boy in Class 3 has got the first prize for singing competition.

6. Television doesn’t give ordinary people the chance to express their views.


1. I haven’t seen John recently.

2. She waved her hands around in a lively fashion. 3. The girl speaks French fluently.

4. He stepped back and looked at the newly-painted picture satisfactorily. 5. The police noticed some fingerprints on the door. / On the door, the police noticed some footprints.

6. Most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another in the ancient world. / In the ancient world, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another



第四单元 句子的种类 (Sentence Structure)


1. 什么是简单句?


(1)They were sitting by the lake. 他们在湖边坐着。 (2)Tom speaks good Chinese. 汤姆中文说得很好。

(3)Tom speaks and writes good Chinese. 汤姆中文说得很好,写得也很好。 (4)Tom and Marry speak good Chinese. 汤姆和玛丽中文说得很好。

2. 什么是并列句?


(1)Honey is sweet but the bee stings. 蜂蜜好喝,但蜜蜂蜇人。

(2)Last year I met Kate and we became friends. 去年我和凯特相遇,我们成了朋友。 (3)Let’s hurry or we will be late. 咱们赶紧点,要不就迟到啦。

3. 什么是复合句(主从复合句)?

在整个句子中,其中一个或多个成分由句子充当,这种结构称为从句,而整个句子称为复合句。 例如:

(1)I think that you are right. 我认为你是对的。

(2)I don’t know why he is absent. 我不知道他为什么缺席。

(3)He worried about whether he hurt her feelings. 他担心他是否伤了她的感情。



(4)She looked both ways before she cross the street. 她两边望了望,然后才穿越马路。 (5)I won’t get lost if I take a map. 如果我带张地图,就不会迷路了。

(6)Mary did not go shopping because I advised her not to. 玛丽没去购物,因为我建议她别去。

(7) That she will come to our partyis certain. 她来参加我们的晚会时肯定的。 (8) What he saidis not true. 他所说的话不是真的。

(9) It is good that he has passed the exam. (That he has passed the exam is good.) 他通过了考试真好。

(10)It is obvious that he misunderstood me. (That he misunderstood me is obvious.) 他显然误解了我。

(11)That’s why I am late. 这就是我迟到的原因。

(12)The question is whether the book is worth reading. 问题是这本书是否值得一读。 (13)That was how he solved the problem. 这就是他解决问题的方法。

(14)I believe the fact that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。

(15)We were happy at the news that our team had won. 我们很高兴我们队赢了比赛.

(16)The watchthat I bought yesterday works well. 我昨天买的手表走的很好。

(17)The novel which I have just finished is by Dickens. 我刚读完的小说是狄更斯的作品。 (18)She is the nurse who looked after the soldier carefully. 她就是那位悉心照料士兵的护士。 (19)The man who called this morningwas Mary’s brother. 今天早晨打电话的人士玛丽的兄弟。 (20)He is the best payerthat our has ever had. 他是我队最佳球员。

(21)The girl whose English is very good won the first place in the 100-meter race. (whose= the girl’s) 那个英语很棒的女孩在100米赛跑中得了第一名。

(22)The house whose roof needs repairing is only three years old. (whose roof = the roof of the house)


