实用标准 用语 说明 中文 制品角度 裁纱角度 制品密度 卷上高度 主沟深 沟下胶厚 胎面胶顶宽 胎面胶顶厚 胎面胶肩厚 胎面胶总宽 汇流点 卷上中心距 冠包侧 侧包冠 整型 后充气整型 A铜套(外铜套) B铜套(内铜套) 两片模 环片模 片模 片模柜 帘纱 原丝 英文 Cured Angle Cut Angle Cured Ends Turn-up Height Non-Skid (Groove Depth) Non-Skid Base (Skid 胎面花纹主要沟纹下方之橡胶厚度;简称NSB或SBG Base Gauge) Hump Width Tread Center Gauge Tread Hump Gauge Total Tread Width Converging position Distance of CL~T/U Tread Over Sidewall Sidewall Over Sidewall Shaping Post Cure Inflation A-Spacer B-spacer Tow Pieces Mold Slice Mold Segment Mold Container Cord Filament 中间制品之胎面胶两端肩部之宽度 中间制品之胎面胶中心线处之厚度 中间制品之胎面胶两端肩部之厚度 中间制品之胎面胶最大宽度 多胶复合押出时之各胶结合位置 成型时最宽之帘布卷上后,其卷上端点至中心线之距离 成型时胎面胶直接贴付在胎边胶端部上方;简称TOS 先以PE塑料将胎边胶端部与帘布层隔离,于二次成型时再剥开胎边胶并辗压贴付在胎面胶上方;简称SOT 辐射层轮胎其一次生胎于二次成型工程中之充气动作 硫化时生胎/气囊充气动作或套入汽胎 轮胎硫化开模后之充气定型;简称PCI 硫化时使气囊作预拉伸用之套筒 硫化整型时使气囊与生胎中心线对齐之套筒 两半式轮胎模具 环状形多片式轮胎模具 八卦形多片式轮胎模具 组纳片模用之模具 构成帘布之纱线由股纱加捻而成 构成帘纱之丝线;单位为丹尼尔(Denier)或Tex 胎面中心处之帘布层其帘纱与中心线之夹角;简称?c 盖胶帘布裁片之角度 胎面中心处之帘布层垂直于制品角度所量测之单位长度内帘纱条数;例如EPI(Ends Per Inch) 沿卷上物自钢丝圈底部至卷上端点间之弧长距离 Depth 胎面花纹主要沟纹之深度;简称NSD 文档
用语 说明 中文 英文 ? ? 49CFR571.109 New pneumatic tires(轿车胎、备胎) 49CFR571.119 New pneumatic tires for vehicles other than passenger cars(轿车胎以外含TB、LT、ST、MC、IC) 美国联邦自动车安全标准(DOT、3T标示) Federal Vehicle Standard (FMVSS) Motor Safety ? ? 49CFR571.138 Tire pressure monitoring systems 49CFR571.139 New pneumatic radial tires for light vehicles(车重10000磅以下之辐射层轮胎) ? 49CFR575.104 Uniform tire quality grading standards(轿车胎) ? ? ECE-R30 Uniform provisions the approval of pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers(轿车胎) ? United 联合国欧洲经济委员会(E-Mark认证) Economic Commission for ? ? 中国国家标准 Chinese National 依轮胎之适用车辆类别而订;内容参见各标准 Standard (CNS) Japanese 日本工业标准 中华人民共和国国家标准 Industrial Standard (JIS) GB Europe (UNECE) Nations ECE-R54 Uniform provisions the approval of pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers(轿车胎以外含TB、LT、ST、IC) ECE-R75 Uniform provisions the approval of pneumatic tyres for motor cycles and mopeds(机车胎) ECE-R88 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of retro-reflective for two wheeled vehicles(自行车胎反光带) 49CFR579.26 Reporting requirements for manufacturers of tires ? International 国际标准组织 Standard Organization(ISO) ISO5751-1 Motorcycle tyres and rims(metric series)—part 1: Design guides ? ISO5751-1 Motorcycle tyres and rims(metric series)—part 2: Tyre dimensions and load-carrying ? ISO10231 Motorcycle tyres –Test methods for verifying capabilities 文档
实用标准 用语 说明 中文 英文 ? ISO1091 Passenger car tyres—Verifying tyre capabilities –Laboratory test methods ? 巴西INMETRO (I-MARK) The National Institute for Metrology, Normalization and Industrial Quality--INMETRO ISO10454 Truck and bus tyres—Verifying tyre capabilities –Laboratory test methods The European Tyre 年度标准手册(含尺度、最大风压/荷重、使用条件、适用轮圈、轮圈型and Rim Technical 式/尺寸、气门嘴型式/尺寸) Organization (ETRTO) The Tire and Rim Association (TRA) The Japan Automobile Ind. 机动车辆轮胎强制性认证实施规则(轮胎产品) Tyres Manufacturers Association Ind. (JATMA) Japanese Automobile (CCC认证) 编号:CNCA-03C-027:2001 JASO C606 Test Procedures for Tire Noise(轮胎噪音测试) JASO C607 Test Procedures for Automobile Tire Uniformity(均一性测试) Standards Organization (JASO) ? SAE J1981 Road Hazard Impact Test for Wheel and Tire Assemblies (Passenger Car, Light Truck, and Multipurpose Vehicles) _SAE Recommended Practice(路面冲击测试) ? SAE J322 Testing Machines for Measuring the Uniformity of Passenger Car and Light Truck Tires _SAE Recommended Practice(均一性测试) Society of ? SAE J1561 Laboratory Speed Test Procedure for Passenger Car Tires _SAE Recommended Practice(轿车胎高速测试) Automotive Engineers (SAE) ? SAE J966 Test Procedure for Measuring Passenger Car Tire Revolutions per Miles _SAE Recommended Practice(卡车胎每哩转数测试) ? SAE J1025 Test Procedure for Measuring Truck Tire Revolutions per Miles _SAE Recommended Practice(轿车胎每哩转数测试) ? SAE J1060 Subjective Rating Scale for Evaluation of Noise and Ride Comfort Characteristics Related to Motor Vehicle 文档
实用标准 用语 说明 中文 英文 Tires _SAE Recommended Practice(轮胎噪音及舒适特性之主观评价方法) ? SAE J1106 Laboratory Testing Machines for Measuring the Steady State Force and Moment Properties of Passenger Car Tires _SAE Recommended Practice(室内台上量测轿车胎稳态之操控力及力距) ? SAE J1269 Rolling Resistance Measuring Procedure for Passenger Car,Light Truck,and Highway Truck and Bus Tires _SAE Recommended Practice (轿车、轻卡、卡客车轮胎之滚动阻力量测程序) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Engineering 工程设计参考数据 Design Information TRA、ETRTO 轿车胎、备胎或10000磅以下Light Vehicle用辐射层轮胎 须以永久模印方式固定在两侧胎边者: ? ? ? ? 规格(标称尺度) 最大允许充气压力 最大荷重 胎边部帘布及胎面部之帘布、环带、束带等所使用之cord材质 ? 胎边标示 Labeling Requirements 胎边部帘布及胎面部之帘布、环带、束带等之所使用实际层数。 ? ? ? 依实际适用而标示”TUBELESS”或”TUBE TYPE” 如为辐射层轮胎须标示”RADIAL” 如为泥雪地适用需标示”M+S”或”M&S”或”M/S” 以上除特定者外所有字高>2mm、字深>0.38mm,且至少一侧位置须在最大断宽~胎唇之间,并不得被轮圈凸缘所遮盖住。 ? ? 制造厂或商标 轮胎识别代号TIN: 如轮胎有特定装着位置者(如白边或单导向轮胎)于装着之外侧边须标示全部之TIN(轮胎识别码:工厂代号、规格代号、轮胎型式代号、制造年周序号),而另一侧可标示全部或局部之TIN(但两侧皆须有制造年周序号)。如无特定装着位置者,一侧须标示全部之TIN,而另一侧可标文档