2020届英语二轮复习 语法新创 板块1 第2讲 非谓语动词 学案 下载本文

(4)with的复合结构为:①with+宾语+doing表示主动说明动作正在发生或经常发生;②with+宾语+done表示被动或完成;③with+宾语+to do表示将要发生的动作。

The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog following them.这老两口常常在晚饭后到公园里散步,他们的宠物狗则在后面跟着。

With such a short time left before the deadline,it doesn't seem likely that John will finish the job.

截止日期之前只剩下很短的时间,约翰似乎不可能完成工作了。 With a lot of work to do,she wasn't allowed to leave her office. 由于有许多工作要做,她不被允许离开办公室。

考点六 非谓语动词作主语和表语 [题组试做] 单句语法填空

1.(2019·辽宁铁岭协作体一联)Above all,I have come to understand that________(bring) happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.

bringing [句意:首先,我开始明白了授人玫瑰手有余香的道理。在宾语从句中设空处作主语,且表示抽象概念,故用动名词作主语。]

2.(2019·湖北七市联考)________(send) yellow roses can be risky, as they represent either friendship or envy.

Sending [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句中缺少主语,所以应用动词-ing形式作主语,故填Sending。]

3.(2019·河南八市重点高中第二次质检)I felt hopeless and alone,and more________(depress) than I knew was possible.

depressed [句意:我感到绝望、孤独及前所未有的沮丧。设空处作felt的表语,故填depressed。]

4.(2019·江西红色七校一联)It is________(shock) that some investment banks even judge candidates by whether they wear brown shoes.

shocking [句意:令人震惊的是,一些投资银行甚至根据他们是否穿棕色





(浙江卷)No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when it's better to remain silent.



His wish is to be a doctor in the future. 他的愿望是将来当一名医生。

What I want to do most in senior high is (to) improve my English. 我在高中最想做的事就是提高我的英语水平。 2.动名词作主语和表语

(1)动名词作主语常表示抽象的、泛指的概念,也可用it作形式主语,把作真正主语的动名词短语放在句末。常用于固定句型:It's a waste of time doing...;It's no use/good doing...;It is useless doing...;There is no use doing...等中。

Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out.

直面你的问题而不是逃避它们,是解决这些问题最好的方法。 It's no use complaining without taking action. 不采取行动而只是抱怨是没用的。


My job is cleaning the house three times a week(=Cleaning the house three times a week is my job).



作表语;但作不及物动词时,意为“尚待……;留待……”时,后常接to be done。

She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down. 虽然我们三番五次地请她坐下,但她还是站着。

It remains to be seen whether the newly-formed committee's policy can be put into practice.


[易错提醒] 不定式和动名词作主语时,谓语动词都用单数,这是语法填空中常考的语法点。 【技法点拨】 在语法填空中:





1.(2019·郑州第一次质量预测)However,our discussions are more than just a way________(practice) our debating skills.

to practice [考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,我们的讨论不仅仅是练习我们辩论技巧的一种方法。此处是不定式作定语。]

2.(2019·湖北七市联考)In Mao Zedong's poem Ode to the Plum Blossom(《咏梅》),the plum blossom was used________(praise) great soldiers who sacrificed their lives for a better life for Chinese people.

to praise [考查非谓语动词。结合语境可知此处应用不定式作目的状语,所以填to praise。be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”。]

3.(2019·成都第二次诊断)If you speak to a local about your stay in Chengdu,they'll probably ask if you've tried hot pot.Everyone________(live) here seems to love it,and trying it should be a fixed part of everyone's culinary(烹饪的) tour of Sichuan.

living [考查非谓语动词。live和句子谓语seems之间没有连词,故空处应用非谓语动词,且动词live和句子主语Everyone构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作定语。]

4.(2019·广州调研)After________(settle) into a home—you,for instance—they steal vitamins and other nutrients and leave behind dead cells and poisonous liquids called toxins.