新人版七年级(上册)英语第七单元精选练习试题附解析 下载本文

3. ________ apples

4. ________ pencils

5. ________ bananas

they,is,sock,want,eighteen Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.That green bag is only ________ dollars. 7.—How much are those shorts? —________ are sixteen dollars.

8.His red pencil box ________ seven yuan.

9.Her mother ________ a sweater and two T-shirts. 10.—Where are Tom's ________? —They are on the sofa. Ⅲ.单项选择。

( )11.—What's twenty-six and twelve? —It's ________.

A.fourteen B.twenty-eight C.thirty-eight D.forty-six

( )12.—How much________the blue socks? —________three dollars.

A.is;They are B.are;They're C.is;It's D.are;It is

( )13.—My trousers________green.

—But this pair of trousers________black. A.is;is B.are;are C.is;are D.are;is

( )14.—Your skirt looks really nice,Ms.Smith. —________.

A.No,it isn't B.Thank you C.Here it is D.Here you are ( )15.There are thirty apples in the box,twelve for boys and________for girls. A.eleven B.fifteen C.eighteen D.twenty

02 能力提升

Ⅳ.把下列句子按正确顺序排列起来,使之成为一组意思完整的对话(只写字母标号)。 A.What about this big one? B.Only eighteen dollars. C.She likes blue.

D.Yes,please.I want to buy a T-shirt for my mom. E.Here is a blue T-shirt.Do you want to take it? F.Can I help you? G.OK.I'll take it.

H.What color does she like? I.It looks nice.How much is it? J.Oh,no.It's too small for her. 正确顺序是:________ Ⅴ.阅读理解。

(C=Customer 顾客,S=Salesman售货员)

C:Excuse me,do you have any sports bags?

S:Yes.What kind of bags do you need?The big one? C:Yes.How much is it? S:It's 35 dollars. C:Oh,it's too dear!

S:How about the small one?It's cheap.It's only 15 dollars. C:But I don't like black bags.

S:We have this kind of bags in all colors. C:That's great! I will take the red one. S:OK! Here you are.


( )16.The customer wants a schoolbag. ( )17.The big bag is not cheap. ( )18.The small bag is 35 dollars. ( )19.The customer likes the red bag.

( )20.The customer takes the big bag for 15 dollars.

第四课时 Section B(2a~2c)

01 基础过关


1.I want to ________ (买) a new schoolbag for school. 2.My friends and I ________ (都) like the sports shoes. 3.I can see two ________ (男孩)in the classroom. 4.Those red ________ (衣服)are for my daughter. 5.His friend ________ (卖)vegetables in the store. Ⅱ.用适当的介词填空。

6.How much is this pair ________ sports shoes?

7.The green sweater is small.What ________ this white one? 8.They have pens,pencils and notebooks ________ good prices. 9.The blue and the white shirts are ________ sale.

10.—Do you have shorts ________ blue? —Sorry,we only have black ones. Ⅲ.单项选择。

( )11.—What's the ________ of this T-shirt? —It's 20 dollars. A.price B.color C.name D.number

( )12.These shirts________only 5 dollars.Do you want________? A.are;it B.is;them C.are;them D.is;it

( )13.—Mom,this skirt is nice.Can you ________ it for me? —OK.How much is it?

A.find B.buy C.want D.sell

( )14.—________ you ________ a sweater? —No,thanks.

A.Do;need B.Are;need C.Do;sell D.Are;sell

( )15.At our great sale,we have skirts ________ red ________ 20 dollars. A.in;for B.in;in C.for;for D.for;in

Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.来鸭鸭服装店买衣服吧!

________ and ________ clothes at Ya Ya Clothes Store. 17.辛迪想买一双白色的袜子。

Cindy wants to buy ________ ________ ________ white socks. 18.我们卖价格非常实惠的鞋子。

We sells all the shoes ________ very good ________. 19.穿着白色衣服的女孩是露西的姐姐。

The girl ________ ________ is Lucy's sister. 20.我的朋友卖给我一台电脑。

My friend ________ ________ a computer. 02 能力提升 Ⅴ.任务型阅读。

I'm Kitty.Today the clothes at Xingxing Clothes Store are on sale.So I want to buy some clothes for my grandparents,my parents and myself.Let me have a look.This yellow sweater is at a very good price—only 15 dollars.And it's OK for my grandfather.For my grandmother,I want to buy a pair of black shoes.It's very comfortable (舒适的).How about this blue T-shirt?Oh,my father can wear it to play basketball.And there are many socks in green,yellow,black,blue,red and white.I know my mother likes red very much,so I will buy these red ones.I need trousers,so I will take these blue ones.

根据短文内容,填入适当的词,完成句子(每空词数不限)。 21.The ________ is only 15 dollars.

22.Kitty wants to buy ________ for her grandmother.

23.The blue T-shirt is for her ________. 24.Kitty's mother likes red ________.

25.Kitty needs ________,so she will buy some.

Self Check 单元重难点题组训练

题组训练一__how__much的用法 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.—________ are the black trousers? —They are 15 dollars. A.Where B.How

C.What color D.How much ( )2.—________? —It's 150 yuan.

A.Where is the T-shirt

B.What color is the T-shirt C.How much is the T-shirt D.How much are the T-shirts

( )3.—How much is the white shirt? —________. A.It's 60 yuan

B.This is 20 dollars C.They're 60 yuan D.They're 20 dollars


4.—________ ________ ________ these trousers?(完成对话) —They're 110 yuan.

5.The basketball is 19__dollars.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ is the basketball?

6.How much is the yellow schoolbag?(改为同义句) ________ the ________ of the yellow schoolbag?

____ 题组训练二__Can__I__help__you?的用法 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.—________I help you? —Yes.I want a T-shirt.

A.Can B.Do C.Must D.Need ( )2.—________?

—Yes,please.I need a skirt. A.Is this your skirt B.What color do you need C.What do you want D.Can I help you

( )3.—Can I help you?

—________.I just have a look.