仁爱版八年级英语下册各单元知识点梳理汇总 下载本文


long does it take to take a train to Mount Tai 乘火车到泰山花费多长时间 do you want them 你们什么时候需要他们

’m looking forward to hearing from you. 我盼望收到你的来信。

I have your name and telephone number, please 我可以知道你的名字和电话号码吗

Unit6 Topic2

How about exploring Tian’anmen Square 【重点短语】

busy doing sth 忙于做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事 vacation度假

out 算出,制定,完成 the center of 在……中央

’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 and a half hours = one hour and a half 一个半小时

surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇 be surprised to do sth. 惊奇于做某事 all directions四面八方 parking lot 一个停车场 10. push one’s way out 从人群中挤出来

last =in the end =finally 最后,终于

famous for 因为……而著名

be famous as 作为……而著名

fun (in) doing sth. 从做某事中获得乐趣 goodness 谢天谢地 soon as 一……就…… full of… 满的,充满的 a plan 制定一个计划

in 位于……内(指某一范围之内)

lie on 与……紧挨着(接壤,不管辖) lie to 隔……相望(不接壤,不管辖) get lost 迷路 out 拿出 on 踩,踏

meters long/wide/high 十米长/宽/高 【词形转换】 n.北,北方

northern adj.北方的,北部的 v.意味着

meaning n.意义,含义

meaningful adj.重要的,重大的,意味深长的


v.拥挤 crowded adj.拥挤的 v.经历


experienced adj.有经验的 【重点句型】

you like to come to China for your vacation你愿意来中国度假吗 can’t wait to see it. 我迫不及待想看它了。

far is it from here to Tian’anmen Square --It’s about one and a half hours by bike. --从这儿到天安门广场多远 --乘自行车大约一个半小时。

soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped around happily.

这三个孩子一见面,就开心的跳起来了。 would be very interesting. 那一定很有趣。

Unit 6 Topic3Bicycle riding is good exercise. 【重点短语】 a traffic accident 发生一场交通事故 get hurt 受伤

crazy about 热衷于……

the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 the traffic rules 违反交通规则 energy 节约能源 pollution 空气污染 a fine 得到一个罚单 in danger 处于危险之中 a wrong turn 拐错弯

the left-hand side of...在左手边 attention to doing sth. 注意做某事 signals 交通信号 for fun 紧紧只为乐趣 case of 如果,假使 aid 急救

a word/in short 简而言之,一句话 with sb. 不同意某人 out/be careful 小心,当心 …into…把……倒入……

sb. doing sth.注意某人正在做某事

notice sb. do sth.注意某人做过某事/经常做某事 down 减速 【词形变化】 v.污染

pollution n.污染 v./n.照顾,关心

careful adj.仔细的,小心的 carefully adv.仔细地 careless adj.粗心的 adj.安全的

n.保险箱 safely adv.安全地 safety n.安全 v.赢得,获胜 winner n.获胜者 n.中心,中央

central adj.中心的,中央的 v.打破,弄坏

broken adj.破损的,伤残的,出了毛病的 v.死亡

dead adj.死亡的 death n.死,死亡 dying adj.垂死的 【重点句型】

people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.

如果人们遵守交通规则,将会有更少的交通事故。 can help us save energy and it doesn’t cause air pollution.


’s easy to park bikes. 停放自行车也是容易的。 need less space than cars. 自行车比小汽车需要的空间更少。

should wear bicycle helmets when riding. 当骑自行车的时候我们应该戴上自行车头盔。 we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.


we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. 如果我们在晚上骑车我们应该有灯在自行车上或者穿浅色的衣服。

a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.


Unit7 Topic1


begin to do sth. 开始做某事 start/begin doing sth. 2. raise money 筹集钱

3. try/do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事

4. turn to sb./ask sb. for help 向某人求助

5. get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系 keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系

lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联系

6. on the Internet在网上

7. have/hold a food festival 举办一次食物节

8. have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食

9. good enough (考点:adj./adv.+enough) 9. later on 再过些时候,后来

10. sb. regret that +从句 某人遗憾的是 11. make a change 做出改变

12. fight against 为反对……而斗争 13. as a result 结果 14. child workers 童工 15. thank you for doing sth. 因为做某事而感谢某人

16. make one’s dream come true realize / achieve one's dream 使某人的梦想实现


1. success n.成功, 胜利 succeed v. successful adj. 2. west n.西方,西部

western adj.西方的,西部的

3. Greece n.希腊

Greek adj.希腊的 n.希腊人 4. India n.印度

Indian adj.印度的,印第安人的 n.印度人,印第安人 5. fry v.油炸,油煎 fried adj. 油炸的 6. Italy n.意大利

Italian adj.意大利(人)的,意大利语的


7. Africa n.非洲

African adj.非洲的,非洲人的 n.非洲人 8. Russia n.俄国

Russian adj.俄国(人)的,俄语的 n.俄国人,俄语


1. When and where shall we have the food festival


2. Let’s try our best to make it a success.让我们尽我们做大的努力使它成为一件成功的事情。

3. It’s a great pity. 很遗憾。

4. I believe one person can make a change. 我相信一个人可以做出改变的。

5. --May I invite you to our food festival --I'd love I'm sorry I can't, because I'm busy these days.



6. I’ll send you an email later on, OK


Unit 7 Topic 2

I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.


fried rice 做炒米 proud of

take pride in 为……感到骄傲 done 做得好

…to… 把……加到…… up 切碎

cut…into… 把……切成…… cut down 砍伐,降低,减少 oneself to sth. 请自便 the first time 第一次 manners 餐桌礼仪

down at the table 坐在桌子旁 up 吃光

use up 用光

to sb./sth. 为某人/某事干杯 food 垃圾食品 up 捡起,拾起;搭乘 the table 摆放餐具

to do sth. 记得要去做某事

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 at/to 指向……

17. eating habits 饮食习惯

【词形转换】 v.烹饪,做饭

n.[C]厨师 cooker n.炊具 n.健康

healthy adj. healthily adv. adj.礼貌的

impolite adj.不礼貌的


noisy adj.吵闹的,聒噪的 noisily adv. adj.安静的,寂静的 quietly adv.


’s very kindof you. 你真是太善良了

(It’s +adj.+of sb. to do sth.) do I need to do after that 接下来我需要做什么

’m not sure whether I can cook it well. 我不确定我是否能把它做好。 you like me to help you 你愿意让我帮助你吗 makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

you can’t remember these rules, just do as other people do.

如果你不能记住这些规则,就像其他人那样做。 around the world have different eating habits.


you mind if we learn to make it from you 你是否介意我们向你学习制作它

you know whether or not it’s impolite to smoke during a meal in France.


Unit 7 Topic 3

I cooked the most successfully.


1. in thirty minutes 三十分钟后

(考点:in+时间段表示一段时间之后,和一般将来时连用,用How soon或When提问) 2. have/take a seat 请坐