(完整版)新概念英语第一册lesson_1-2练习题 下载本文

__________________________________________________ 2. 这是我的女儿,张丽。

__________________________________________________ 3. 昌宇(Chang-woo) 是韩国人。

___________________________________________________ 4. 你是中国人吗?

___________________________________________________ 5. 他是六号。


新概念英语测试题Lesson 5-6




一. Copy this dialogue. Fill in the last two sentences about yourself.抄写这段对话,在最后两句中填上有关你自己的内容。(20分) You:

This is Fritz. He is German.

_____________________________________________________ Man:

Nice to meet you, Frits.

_____________________________________________________ You:

This is Xiaohui. She’s Chinese.

_____________________________________________________ Man:

Nice to meet you. And what’s

______________________________________________________ your

______________________________________________________ You:


Oh, my name is ……

______________________________________________________ I’m

……., too.

______________________________________________________ Nice

to meet you.


二. Write these with short forms.把下列缩写形式抄写在括号里。(16分)

1 Here is your pen. ( ) 2 It is not American. ( )

3 It is English. ( ) 4 He is Italian. ( )

5 She is not Swedish. ( ) 6 That is my teacher. ( )

7 He is not French. ( ) 8 She is German. ( )

三. Complete these sentences using He, She or It.完成以下句子,用He, She或It填空。(18分)

Examples: Stella is a student. __________ isn’t German. __________ is


Stella is a student. She isn’t German. She is Spanish. 1 Alice is a student. __________ isn’t German. __________ is French. 2 This is her car. __________ is French car.

3 Hans is a student. __________ isn’t French. __________ is German. 4 This is her car. __________ is a German car.

四. Write questions and answers using He, She, It, a or an.模仿例句写出相应的疑问句,并回答。选用He, She, It, a或an回答。(18分) Examples: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. French/ (Swedish)

Is she a French student or a Swedish student?

She isn’t a Swedish student. She is a French student. This is a Volvo. French/ (Swedish) Is it a Swedish car or a French car? It isn’t a French car. It is a Swedish car. 1 This is Naoko. Japanese / (German)



2 This is Hans. German / (Italian)




3 This is Xiaohui. Chinese / (American)



五.Write the correct questions for the answers.根据答案写出相应的疑问句。(16分)

What nationality is she? --- She’s Japanese. What make is his car?___ --- His car’s French. 1 ________________________________________ --- Her car’s Swedish. 2 ________________________________________ --- He’s French. 3 ________________________________________ --- She’s Chinese. 4 ________________________________________ --- His car’s Japanese.

六. Write in the nationality adjectives.填上表示国籍的形容词。(12分)

1 Lars is Swedish. She is _____ ____________ student.

2 Naoko is Japanese. She is _____ ___________ student.

3 Charlie is an American. She is _____ ___________student.

4 Wu Li is a Chinese. He is _____ ____________ student.