语言类博士、硕士研究生必读书目一览 下载本文

(日语)语音详解 朱春跃编著 .

(英)语音学和音系学词典 R.L.特拉斯克

(英)语音学与音系学入门 [英]克拉克(Clark,J.) [英]亚洛坡(Yallop,C.)著.pdf 11,367 K 普通语音学纲要. 语音学教程

A Little Encyclopaedia of Phonetics. An Essay On Stress 1987.


Introducing Phonology (Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics) . Lexical Phonology and the History of English. praat_manual.pdf

Stevens K.N. - Acoustic phonetics, chapter 1 (MIT, 1999). The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences 1999. The handbook of phonetic sciences

The Handbook of Phonological Theory-1 1995. The Handbook of Phonological Theory-2 1995. the handbook of phonology.

The Meaning of Topic and Focus-The 59th Street Bridge Accent 1997. The Sound Pattern of English.

汉语音系 A Grammar of Mandarin Chinese_chapter2. 普通语音学纲要_(修订本).

生成音系学理论及其应用-包智明 许德保. 音位学概论——音位概念的历史与理论学. 音系学基础. 语音学教程.


[b] Habernas J. On The Pragmatics of Communication (MIT,1998)(S)(L)(231s). implicature-Huang. Politeness.

Pragmatic Stylistics (Edinburgh Textbooks in Applied Linguistics) . pragmatics by george yule. The_Handbook_of_Pragmatics. Yule__George_-_Pragmatics.

广东外语外贸大学博士生导师文集(四) 语用学探索 --何自然 . 汉语语用学 左思民著. 节目主持语用学 应天常著 . 篇章语用学概论--刘润清等. 新编语用学概要 何兆熊主编 . 语用频率效应研究 韶华著 . 语用学 [英]佩斯著. 语用学概论-何自然. 语用学概要-何兆熊. 语用学教程 索振羽. 语用学诠释--钱冠连. 语用学探索 --何自然 . 语用学引论 (英)Mey著.

语用与认知:关联理论研究 何自然 冉永平主编. 语用与认知:关联理论研究--何自然 冉永平. 中国语用学研究论文精选--束定芳

=============================Probabilistic Linguistics================================ Bod, Hay, Jannedy. (eds.) - Probabilistic linguistics (MIT, 2004

Probabilistic Linguistics.

=================================Psycoliguistics================================== (russian) Tony.Buzan.The.Mind.Map.Book. (英)心理语言学 [英]伽曼(Garman,M.)著 (英)语言心理学 [美]卡罗尔(Carroll,D.W.)著.

[b] Baars B.J.&Co(eds) Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness (MIT,2003)(T)(1199s).

[b] Beakley B., Ludlow P.(eds) The Philosophy of Mind, Classical Problems (MIT,1992)(T)(388s).

[b] Bennett J.(ed) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke. Book IV. Knowledge and Opinion (2004)(T)(94s).

[b] Dupoux E. Language, Brain, and Cognitive Development (MIT,2001)(T)(527s). [b] Scaruffi P. Thinking About Thought- Towards a Unified Theory of Life, Mind and Matter (2001)(T)(383s).

[b] Spitzer M. The Mind within the Net- Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting (MIT,1999)(T)(354s).

[r] Goldman A.I. Consiousness, Folk Psychology and Cognitive Science (C&C,1993)(S)(19s).

An Introduction to Brain and Behavior. 2ed. assessment_of_aphasia_0195140753. childs mind. Construal.

From Molecule to Metaphor: A Neural Theory of Language.

Grounding Cognition: The Role of Perception and Action in Memory, Language, and Thinking.

Handbook of Psycholinguistics.rar psycholinguistics Scientific American MIND

semantics in acquisition_1402044844.


Theory of Mind and Language in Developmental Contexts by Antonietti


(英)会说话的哺乳动物:心理语言学入门. The Articulate Mammal

语言的神经机制与语言理论研究--杨亦鸣. 失语症的语言学研究--崔刚 实验心理语言学纲要

双语语义表征及其通达机制--李荣宝 苏珊[1].格林菲尔德-人脑之谜 威廉·卡尔文-大脑如何思维——智力.

现代语言学丛刊 新编心理语言学 桂诗春编著 . 心理语言学 主编 朱曼殊 副主编 缪小春 心理语言学

新编心理语言学 桂诗春编著 语言本能(译 语言心理学.

语言学系列教材 实验心理语言学纲要. 中国学生汉语色彩语码认知模式研究--杨永林

===================================PUNCTUATION================================= THE LINGUISTICS OF PUNCTUATION. 标点符号要诀--邵敬敏 标点符号用法--刘树芝 标点符号用法--王会等. 标点符号用法正误辨析--冯英