2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 下载本文



Part II Vocabulary and Structure(15 minutes,30 points) Section A Multiple Choice(20 points)

Directions:Questions 31-50 constitute a complete passage.There are 20blanks in the passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

31.Senior Metropolitan police officers tried to dismiss the Noting Hill race riots which raged for five nights over the August bank holiday in 1958 as the work of“ruffians ,both colored and white”hell-bent on hooliganism ,according to _____ official files.

A.recent revealed B.newly released C.previous disclosing D.earlier exposing

32.But police eyewitness reports in the secret papers_____ that they were overwhelmingly the work of a white working class mob out to get the“niggers”. A.contain B.convince C.consist D.confirm

33.The ferocity of the Noting Hill“racial riots”,as the press called them at the time,shocked Britain into_____ for the first time that it was not above the kind of racial conflict then being played out in the American deep south. A.realizing B.witnessing C.watching D.identifying

34.The carnival,which will_____ the streets of west London _____more than 1.5 million people this weekend,was started in 1959 as a direct response to the riots. A.crowd;of B.pour;for C.fill;with D.emerge;in

35.While senior officers tried to play down the racial aspects of the riots,the internal Metropolitan police files released this month at the public record office confirm that the disturbances were overwhelmingly _____ by 300 to 400 strong“Keep Britain White” mobs ,many of them Teddy boys armed with iron bars ,butcher's knives and weighted leather belts,who went“nigger-hunting”among the West Indian residents of Noting Hill and Noting Dale.

A.erupted B.commenced C.triggered D.inaugurated

36.The first night left five black men _____ on the pavements of Noting Hill. A.lying unconscious B.there died C.feel faint D.serious hurt

37.The battles raged over the bank holiday weekend as the black _____responded in kind with counterattacks by large groups of“men of color”similarly armed. A.column B.army C.brigade D.community

38.Thomas Williams was stopped by the police as he came out of Bluey's Club on Talbot Road,Noting Hill.He _____a piece of iron down his left trouser leg,a petrol bomb in his right pocket and a razor blade in his inside breast pocket:“I have to protect myself,”he told the arresting officer. A.found to have B.was found to have C.found having D.was found having

39.The _____ files,which were sealed under the 75-year rule but have been released early,show that senior officers tried to convince the then home secretary,“Rab”Butler,that there was not a racial element to the rioting.

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A.forbidden B.confidential C.incredible D.strict

40.In his official report,Detective Sergeant M.Walters of the Notting Hill police said the national press had been wrong to portray the“widespread series of street disturbances”as“racial”riots:“Whereas there certainly was some _____ feeling between white and colored residents in this area,it is abundantly clear much of the trouble was caused by ruffians,both colored and white,who seized on this opportunity to indulge in hooliganism .” A.ill B.sick C.painful D.hurt

41.But the police witness statements and private statistics _____ . A.told differently B.interpreted in a different way C.existed m any differences D.told a different story

42.The Met com missioner was told that _____ the 108people who were charged with offences ranging from grievous bodily harm to affray and riot and possessing offensive weapons,72 were white and 36 were “colored”. A.for B.from C.of D.in

43.It is popularly believed that the riot began on the night of Saturday,August 20,when a 400-strong crowd of white men,_____“Teds”,attacked houses occupied by West Indians. A.they are all B.many of them C.some were D.most of them belong to

44.Among the _____ was Majbritt Morrison ,a young white Swedish bride of a Jamaican. A.offenders B.rioters C.victims D.residents

45.She was pelted with stones,glass and wood,and _____ in the back with an iron bar as she tried to get home. A.bruised B.struck C.patted D.scratched

46.The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobs—at one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_____ homes and attacking any West Indian they could find.

A.plunging into B.breaking into C.seeking for D.searching for

47.PC Richard Bedford said he had seen a mob of 300 to 400 white people in Bramley Road _____:“We will kill all black bastards.Why don't you send them home?” A.shouting B.to cry C.utter D.announced

48.PC Ian McQueen on the same night said he was told:“Mind your own _____,cops.Keep out of it.We will settle these niggers our way.We'll murder the bastards.” A.matters B.affair C.things D.business

49.The disturbances continued night after night until they finally petered out on September 5.At the Old Bailey Judge Salmon later handed down exemplary _____ of four years each on nine white youths who had gone“nigger hunting”.

A.decisions B.statements C.trials D.sentences

50.While those dealt with by the courts were overwhelmingly white ,the large number of black people also

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arrested and the official _____ there had not been a racial motive ensured a legacy of black mistrust of the Metropolitan police that has never really been eradicated. A.persistence B.perseverance C.insistence D.instance Section B Error Correction(10points)

Directions:The following passage contains 9 errors.In each case only one word is involved.You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way: EXAMPLE

One night,quite late,I was still awake in the room I am shared with 1. am my husband.I was lying on my right side and can hear a child crying. 2. could Getting up,I went ∧ see if our son was all right. 3. to He was sleeping soundly,breathing deeply and gently. 4. √ The Zipper

Whatever did we do before the invention of the zipper? In 1893 the world's first zipper was produced in Chicago. Although the inventor claimed that it was a reliable fastening

for clothing,this was not the case.The Chicago zipper sprang 51.______ open without warning,or jammed shut,and it swiftly lost

popularity.Twenty years ago a Swedish-born engineer called 52.______ Sundback solved the problem.He attached tiny cups to the

backs of the interlocked teeth,and this meant that the teeth 53.______ could be enmeshed more firmly and reliably.

At first zippers were made of metal.They were heavy,and

if they got stuck it was difficult to free.Then came nylon 54.______ zippers which were lighter and easier to use,and had smaller teeth.The fashion industry liked the new zippers far better

because they didn’t distort the line of the garment or weighing 55.______ down light fabrics.They were also easier for the machinists to fit into the garment.

Meanwhile a new fastening agent made its appearance at

the end of the twenty century: velcro. Velcro is another product 56.______ made from nylon.Nylon is a very tough synthetic fibre first

developed in the 1930s,and bearing a name to mind the wearer 57.______ of the two places where it was developed:NY for New York and LON for London.Velcro is made with very small nylon hooks on

one side of the fastening which caught tiny looped whiskers on the 58.______ other side of the fastening.It is strong and durable.

Velcro is used on clothing,luggages and footwear.It is quick 59.______ and easy to fasten and unfasten,and has taken a large part of the zipper's share of the market.It is also used in ways a zipper cannot be used—for instance as an easily changed fastening on

plaster casts,and to hold furnishing fabrics in a position. 60.______ Part III Situational Dialogues(5 minutes,10 points)

Directions:Complete the following dialogues by choosing the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on

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the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 61.Rob:Hey Jill,you're looking great. Jill:Thanks,Rob.____________ Rob:Well,you did it.How?

Jill: I jog every morning,and I go to aerobics every other day. A.I bought this dress yesterday.Really smart. B.You are looking fine too.

C.I'm recovering my strength after the flu. D.My New Year's resolution was to get in shape. 62.Bob:Hi Jane.How are you?

Jane:____________I didn't sleep a wink last night.The people next door were making a lot of noise again till very late at night.

A.I'm feeling a bit out of sorts this morning. B.Fine,thank you.And you?

C.I slept like a log and didn't want to get out of bed. D.It seems a bit unusual,you know.

63.Ann :Aah!He's gorgeous!Look at those big,golden paws.When did you get him? Roger:Yesterday.____________ Ann :Oh,right.What kind is she? Roger:A Labrador.

A.Susan's got a more beautiful one. B.What's up? C.It's a she actually. D.Isn't it right?

64.Tina:Wow,look at all the things on sale.____________ Andrew:Yes,look,this shirt is 50 %off.

Tina:And look at these shoes.They are 30 %off the normal price. A.I'd like to buy a skirt.B.There are some real bargains. C.Are the prices reasonable?D.These shoes are the same as mine. 65.Woman:Have you finished the packaging? Man :____________

Woman:Good.Because the truck will be coming soon,this is a rush job. A.Don't hurry m or I'll break the glass.

B.Almost.I just have to wrap the glass and put it into boxes. C.No,I haven't.Why didn't you help me with it? D.Yes,I have.What else can I do for you? 66.Customs Officer :________________________ Mrs.John son :No,nothing at all.

Customs Officer :No perfume,alcohol or cigarettes? Mrs.John son :Well,I have 200 cigarettes;that's all. A.Do you have anything in the bag,ma'am? B.Do you have anything to declare,ma'am? C.Do you want to buy something,ma'am? D.Is there anything I can do for you,ma'am?

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