PMP考前模拟题重要题目1-108 下载本文



项目管理协会 专业人员资格认证考试 智鼎东方全真模拟试题

1. The company’s accounting system project is close to the end of its execution phase when the

finance director discovers an important requirement is missing and instructs the project manager to immediately implement the change. If the project deliverable is produce according to the current specification, it will not be usable. The change is significant, but the project manager could possibly meet the project deadline, if the word is started immediately.

What should the project manager do first?

A. Call the project sponsor and ask if the finance director is authorized to order changes to

the project scope.

B. Explain to the finance manager that the change may delay the project beyond the


C. Start processing the request according to the project’s change management plan.

D. Estimate, plan, and implement the change in order to not lose time during the change

request process.

1. 公司的会计系统项目已在执行阶段接近尾声,这时财务总监发现一个重大需求被遗漏,


A. 联系项目发起人,并询问财务总监是否有权下令变更项目范围。 B. 向财务经理解释变更可能会导致项目延期。 C. 根据项目的变更管理计划开始处理请求。

D. 为了不在变更请求过程中损失时间,开始估算、计划并执行变更。


2. A company plans to host a regional conference. The last similar conference was a failure. The project manager appointed to lead this conference expects a flawless event.To analyze the issues from the previous conference and determine steps for this conference be successful, what tool or technique should the project manager use?

A. Ishikawa diagram B. Histogram

C. Control chart D. Pareto charts

2. 某公司计划举行一个区域会议。上次的类似会议没有成功。指定负责该会议的项目经理


A. 石川图 B. 直方图 C. 控制图 D. 帕累托图

3. The project manager wants to identify service providers for planning procurement. Which of

the following should the project manager refer?

A. Advertising

B. Bidder conferences C. Qualified seller list

D. Previous projects’ lessons learned

3. 项目经理希望确定计划采购的服务提供商。项目经理应该参考下列哪一项? A. 广告

B.投标人会议 C.合格卖方名单



4. A project involves hardware from a reputable supplier. In the middle of the project, the

project manager notices that the quality of the hardware has declined; a team member wants to conduct a quality inspection immediately.

What document contains the provisions for inspection?

A. Quality metrics B. Risk register

C. Procurement contract D. Performance report

4. 一个项目涉及来自一个执行供应商的硬件。在项目的中间阶段,项目经理注意到硬件的质量下降;一名团队成员希望立即开展质量检查。哪一份文件中包含检查规定?

A. 质量测量指标 B. 风险登记册 C. 采购合同 D. 绩效报告


5. A customer calls the project manager requesting a small change in the project to enable

reporting functionality. The project manager advises the development team to implement the reporting feature. During the testing phase, it is discovered that the reporting functionality does not meet the customer’s expectations.

Which of the following should the project manager have done?

A. Ask the development team to provide detailed feature requirements. B. Do not implement the change, because it was too late in the project. C. Document the project change request for the small change.

D. Inform the development team and discuss the details of the feature with customer.

5. 一位客户致电项目经理,要求对项目做微小变更以激活报告功能。项目经理通知开发团


A. 让开发团队提供详细的功能需求。

B. 拒绝实施该变更,因为项目所处阶段较晚。 C. 针对微小变更制定项目变更请求。 D. 通知开发团队并与客户探讨功能详情。


6. Which of the following is an input required to develop a project charter?

A. Forecasts

B. Organizational process assets C. Scope definition

D. Project management plan

6. 制定项目章程需要下列哪项输入?

A. 预测

B. 组织过程资产 C. 范围定义 D. 项目管理计划


7. Which of the following should the project scope statement include?

A. Alternatives identification

B. Defining project deliverables and acceptance criteria C. Project charter creation

D. Creating requirements documentation

7.项目范围说明书应包含下列哪一项? A.确定可选方案

B.定义项目可交付成果和验收标准 C.创建项目章程 D.创建需求文件


8. Due to the unanticipated economic conditions, a sponsor advises the project manager to

terminate project activities. What should the project manager do next?

A. Suggest alternative solutions to continue the project B. Update the work breakdown schedule.

C. Meet with stakeholders to discuss the next steps.

D. Provide a report of completed and outstanding deliverables.

8. 由于不可预料的经济情况,发起人通知项目经理终止项目活动。项目经理接下来应该怎


A. 建议替代解决方案,继续项目。 B. 更新工作分解进度。

C. 与干系人开会,讨论下一步措施。

D. 提供一份已完成和未完成可交付成果的报告。


9. The change control board approves three change requests and rejects one. Which of the

following should the project manager do in response to the change control board’s decision? A. Update the project management plan

B. Review the rejected request with the requestor C. Review the list of future change requests D. Close the issue log



B.与请求人一起审查被拒绝的请求 C.审查未来的变更请求清单 D.关闭问题日志


10. A vendor is hired based on cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The hourly rate is set at US100,and

the direct cost is estimated at US50,000. The contract fee is set at US100,000.What is the total cost of this contract, if the number of hours is 241, and the actual direct cost is US42,000?

A. Total cost cannot be decided from these figures alone B. US,100 C. US,100 D. US,100

10. 一名供应商是根据成本加固定费用合同雇佣的。时薪设定为100美元,直接成本预计为50,000美元。合同费用设定为100,000美元。如果工作总时数为241小时,实际直接成本为42,000美元,那么该合同的总成本是多少?

A. 仅凭这些数字无法确定总成本。 B. ,100美元 C. 100,100美元 D. 166,100美元


11. During a product development project, the project manager must determine if the manufacturing process is stable. What should the project manager review? A. Control chart B. Fishbone diagram C. Run chart D. Pareto chart

11. 在一个产品开发项目期间,项目经理必须确定生产流程是否稳定。项目经理应该审查什么?

A. 控制图 B. 鱼骨图 C. 趋势图

D. 帕累托图


12. A project manager creates the work breakdown structure(WBS)and WBS dictionary. What factor should be used to determine the level of detail of the work package? A. Complexity of the project B. From of the WBS structure C. Top-down approach

D. Individual work component

12. 项目经理创建了工作分解结构(WBS)和WBS词典。应该使用下列哪一个因素确定工作包详情的层次?

A. 项目的复杂性 B. WBS机构的格式 C. 自上而下法

D. 单个的工作组成部分


13. The team finalized the first phase. Which of the following should the project manager do first?

A. Celebrate success and recognize the team

B. Conduct an after-action review to capture lessons learned C. Rebaseline the schedule to reflect the first phase completion D. Sent the first invoice to the client

13. 团队完成了第一阶段。项目经理首先应该执行下列哪一项工作? A. 庆祝成功并认可团队。

B. 开展行动后审查,收集经验教训。

C. 重定进度基准,反映出第一阶段的完工。 D. 向客户发送第一张项目发票


14. After reviewing the monthly project performance report, the project manager when monitoring and controlling risks, identifies the need to implement a contingency plan. What does the project manager need to do?

A. Change the project word breakdown structure to accommodate the implementation of the contingency plan.

B. Raise a change request to the project

C. Re-baseline the project so that the contingency plan can be executed D. Raise an issue and escalate to the senior manager

14. 项目经理收到月度项目绩效报告后,在监督和控制风险时发觉有必要实施应急计划。项目经理应该怎么做?

A. 更改项目工作分解结构以适应应急计划的实施。 B. 提出项目变更请求。

C. 重新设定项目基线,以执行应急计划。

D. 提出问题并报告上级主管


15. During a status meeting, the project manager notices that the project is over budget. The project manager feels that it should have been discovered earlier.What could have helped to identify this situation earlier?

A. Prepare a well-defined project charter prior to starting the project. B. Use the Delphi technique to specifically identify cost-related risks.

C. Use a cost management plan as part of the monitoring and controlling process. D. Calculate the schedule variance on a regular basis.

15. 在状态会议上,项目经理注意到项目超出预算。项目经理觉得应该早点发现这个问题,什么才能有助于提前发现这种情况?

A. 项目开始之前,编制一份定义明确的项目章程。 B. 使用德尔菲技术,专门识别与成本有关的风险。 C. 在监控流程中使用成本管理计划。 D. 定期计算进度偏差。


16. After producing the cost performance baseline, the project manager realizes that project 's estimated cost is more than what was anticipated in the project charter. What should the project manager do next?

A. Recommend the project be cancelled as the cost is prohibitive.

B. Adjust the work breakdown structure to remove costly activities and retain cheaper ones. C. Present project sponsor with options for cost reduction.

D. Seek additional funding from the project sponsor and continue.

16. 在生产成本绩效基准之后,项目经理意识到项目的估算成本超出项目章程中预算的成本。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 建议取消项目,因为成本令人却步。

B. 调整工作分解结构,撤销成本较高的活动,保留成本较低的活动。 C. 向项目发起人提供降低成本的方案。

D. 向项目发起人寻求额外的资金并继续项目。


17. During the project execution phase, a project manager realizes there is a risk of incompatibility between one of the new components and one of the existing products. The project manager reschedules the installation of the new component to provide enough time to reduce the potential negative impacts.The project manager used which strategy? A. Avoid B. Accept C. Share D. Mitigate

17. 在项目执行阶段,项目经理意识到其中一个新部件与一个现有产品之间存在不兼容的风险。项目经理为新部件安装重定进度计划,以提供足够的时间来降低潜在的负面影响。项目经理使用的是哪一种策略? A. 回避

B. 接受 C. 分摊

D. 减轻


18. A project is nearing completion when sponsor A, who is new to the company. What should the project manager do first?

A. Meet with sponsor B to determine if any project changes are needed. B. Finish the project based on the sponsor A's goals. C. Begin the change control procedures D. Update the stakeholder register.

18. 当新进公司的发起人B替代发起人A时,项目已接近完工。项目经理首先应该怎么做?

A. 与发起人B会面,确定是否需要任何项目变更。 B. 根据发起人A的目标完成项目。 C. 开始变更控制程序。

D. 更新干系人登记册。


19. A large number of computers will be acquired for a project. To manage the implementation and deployment, a project plan is developed. Three weeks into the planning phase, a key stakeholder who was not consulted determines the project is not financially viable and recommends terminating the project.What should a project manager have done at the start of the project to avoid the situation?

A. Develop a clear project scope statement. B. Analyze stakeholder influence and impact. C. Set up a workshop to define risk strategies. D. Inform all stakeholders about project value.

19. 某个项目需要采购大量电脑。为了管理执行和部署,编制了一份项目计划。在计划阶段的第三周一名之前未被征求过意见的关键干系人判断项目不具备财务可行性并建议终止该项目。为避免这种情况,项目经理应该在项目开始时完成下列哪一项工作?

A. 制定明确的项目范围说明书。 B. 分析干系人的作用和影响。 C. 召开专题会议,制定风险战略。

D. 告知所有干系人有关项目的价值。


20. During a produce planning meeting, the marketing team informs the project manager that the launch dates of some products must be moved up by three months, because of competitions' activities in the market. Where should the project manager document the process for this request?

A. Project charter

B. Work breakdown structure C. Change management plan D. Risk register

20. 在产品规划会上,营销团队告知项目经理,由于竞争对手在市场上的活动,某些产品的发布日期必须提前三个月。项目经理应该将这项请求过程记录在哪里?

A. 项目章程 B. 工作分解结构 C. 变更管理计划

D. 风险登记册


21. The project manager in a matrix organization is staffing a new project, and identifies a critical resource in the organization's staffing inventory. This resource is currently working for the functional manager, and is committed to another project. What technique should the project manager use?

A. Acquisition B. Pre-assignment C. Negotiation D. Virtualization

21. 一个矩阵式组织中的项目经理正在为一个新项目配备人员,并在组织的人员库中确定了一关键资源。而该资源目前隶属于职能经理并被分配到另一个项目上工作。项目经理应使用什么技术?

A. 招募 B. 事先指派 C. 谈判

D. 虚拟化


22. The following are the project tasks; Task A (duration 4 days); Task B (duration 3 days); Task C (duration 4 days); Task D (duration 2 days); Task E (duration 3 days); Task F (duration 4 days);

Tasks D and F cannot start until task C is complete. Tasks A and B can start any time after task C starts, but must complete before the end of the project Task E cannot start until task D is complete. During the execution of task B, which was started one day after task C had started, an exception happened which will cause a 2-day delay for this task.

What action should be taken to ensure the project is completed on time?

A. Add more resources to task B. B. No action is necessary.

C. Reassign resources to tasks on critical path. D. Add more resources to task D.

22. 项目任务如下:

任务A (持续时间 4 天); 任务B (持续时间 3 天); 任务C (持续时间 4 天); 任务D (持续时间 2 天); 任务E (持续时间 3 天); 任务F (持续时间 4 天);


A. 为任务B添加更多的资源。 B. 不需要采取任何措施。

C. 为关键路径上的任务重新分配资源。 D. 为任务D添加更多的资源。


23. The project manager experiences difficulties working with the customer. After the project is

finished ,the customer states that the project was not completed to their satisfaction. What should the project manager have done throughout the project to avoid this outcome?

A. Advise the customer that their requests are being implemented at each project phase. B. Understand, evaluate, define, and manage customer expectations.

C. Send the customer the technical specifications for review and approval. D. Identify and replace responsible parties from the project team.

23. 项目经理在与客户合作过程中经历了困难。项目完成之后,客户称项目没有达到他们的满意水平。若要避免这种结果,项目经理应该在整个项目过程中怎么做?

A. 在项目的每一阶段告知客户他们的请求都已在执行。 B. 了解,评估,定义和管理客户期望。

C. 向客户发送技术规范,供客户审查和批准。 D. 识别并更换项目管对中的责任方。


24. Which of the following should be used to ensure the vendors have a clear and mutual understanding of the requirements?

A. Vendor management plan B. Vendor analysis plan C. Vendor conferences D. Vendor networking

24. 为确保供应商对需求具有明确的理解和共识,应该使用下列哪一项?

A. 供应商管理计划 B. 供应商分析计划 C. 供应商会议

D. 供应商交际


25. A project manager takes over a project in the execution phase. During an initial review of the progress, the project manager notices that information relevant to specific critical path activities is incomplete, and some activities are at risk.

How could the project manager identify accountability for each activity?

A. Work breakdown structure

B. Responsibility assignment matrix C. Organizational breakdown structure D. Risk register

25. 项目经理接管一个处于执行阶段的项目。在对项目进度进行初步审查期间,项目经理注意到与特定关键路径活动有关的信息不完整,有些活动还存在风险。项目经理如何才能确定每项活动的责任?

A. 工作分解结构 B. 责任分配矩阵 C. 组织分解结构 D. 风险登记册


26. Market dynamics have changed. The project sponsor wants to terminate the project because of its uncertain performance.

What should the project manager and the project sponsor review?

A. A root cause analysis and an action plan for the technical issues B. Project's technical and commercial goals, viability, and profitability C. A change request to modify the project requirements

D. Explanations of the processes that caused the technical issues

26. 市场动态发生变化。由于项目绩效不确定,项目发起人希望终止项目。项目经理和项目发起人应审查什么?

A. 根本原因分析和技术问题的行动计划 B. 项目的技术和商务目标,可行性和盈利性 C. 修订项目需求的变更请求

D. 对导致技术问题的过程进行解释


27. The team is experiencing low morale, and significant conflict exists between members. Project meetings are ineffective with multiple team members speaking at the same time. The team is in which of the following stages of development?

A. Adjourning B. Performing C. Storming D. Forming

27. 团队目前士气低落,团队成员之间存在严重冲突。多名团队成员同时发言,造成项目会议没有成效。团队处于下列哪一个发展阶段?

A. 解散阶段 B. 成熟阶段 C. 震荡阶段 D. 形成阶段


28. A company reviews four strategic revenue generating options and selects one initiative. What would be the next step to formally begin the project?

A. Define Scope

B. Estimate Cost and Schedule

C. Develop Project Management Plan D. Create Project Charter

28. 一家公司检阅了四个战略性创收方案,并从中选择其一。若要正式开始项目,下一步应是什么?

A. 定义范围

B. 估算成本和进度 C. 制定项目管理计划

D. 创建项目章程


29. During project implementation, the customer identifies new requirements which were not included in the contract. What should the project manager do first?

A. Report the issue to senior management and ask for an exception.

B. Register the change request and perform the integrated change control process.

C. Review the impact and accept the new requirements if they do not impact the schedule. D. Update the scope and charge the customer for the new requirement.

29. 在项目执行期间,客户识别出没有包含在合同之内的新需求。项目经理首先应该怎么做?

A. 向高级管理层报告问题,并要求作为例外情况对待。 B. 登记变更请求,并执行整体变更控制流程。 C. 审查影响,如不影响进度,则接受新需求。

D. 更新范围,并向客户收取完成新需求所需的费用。


30. During the project initiation, the project manager documents team members' concerns including potential personality conflicts, language barriers, and the feasibility of the project's deadline. These issues are examples of which of the following?

A. Historical date B. High-level risks

C. Stakeholder analysis

D. Communications planning

30. 在项目启动期间,项目经理记录了团队成员关心的问题,包括潜在的人员冲突,语言障碍和项目期限的可行性等。这些问题都属于下列哪一项的实例?

A. 历史数据 B. 高层次风险 C. 干系人分析

D. 沟通规划


31. A project manager sends the change request log to the project stakeholders on the deadline. What process does this describe?

A. Distribute Information B. Plan Communications C. Report Performance

D. Manage Stakeholders Expectations

31. 项目经理在截止日期向项目利害关系者发送变更请求日志。这描述了什么过程?

A. 发布信息 B. 规划沟通 C. 报告绩效

D. 管理利害关系者期望



32. A long-term project has been running in company A for almost two years. Due to project delays an additional year will be needed to finalize the project. At the point, company B acquires company A. Company B's new product portfolio and strategic plan do not include the product that is expected as a result of this project.

What should the project manager do?

A. Continue the project until the product is ready and then make the decision to close the project.

B. Present the project to the board and ask for the product inclusion into the portfolio. C. Release immediately all resources because the projects is supposed to be closed.

D. After formal decision, terminate the project, and document why the project was terminated.

32. 某长期项目已在A公司开展了近两年。项目因发生延迟,需额外增加一年方能完工。此时,B公司收购了A公司。B公司的新产品系列和战略计划并不包括本项目的预期产品成果。 项目经理应该怎么做?

A. 继续项目直至产品完成,之后作出关闭项目决定。

B. 向董事会提交该项目,请求将项目产品纳入公司产品系列。 C. 立即解散所有资源,因为项目即将关闭。

D. 根据正式决策终止项目,并记录项目终止原因。



33. Project manager A takes over a project from project manager B. During the transition period, which of the following documents will help project manager A understand the project deliverables?

A. Project charter

B. Work breakdown structure C. Project status report D. Project scope statement

33. A项目经理从B项目经理处接管了一个项目。在过渡期内,下列哪一份文件有和助于A项目经理了解该项目的可交付成果?

A. 项目章程 B. 工作分解结构 C. 项目状态报告

D. 项目范围说明书


34. Which of the following activities should the project manager perform when closing the project?

A. Dispose of materials, review financial payments, and reporting. B. Evaluate work orders, complete financial payments, and reporting. C. Review lessons learned, finalize work orders, and evaluate resources. D. Close work orders, dispose of materials, and transfer resources.

34. 项目收尾时,项目经理应该执行下列哪一项活动?

A. 材料处置,审查财务支出并汇报。 B. 评估工作单,完成财务支付并汇报。 C. 审查经验教训,确定工作单并评估资源。

D. 关闭工作单,材料处置并转移资源。


35. A project manager is creating the communications plan for a project and realizes that in addition to the total of six project team members, there are 11 stakeholders who should be included in the plan.

How many communication channels are there for this project?

A. 21 B. 55 C. 136 D.153

35. 项目经理正在为项目创建沟通计划,意识到除了总共六个项目团队成员以外,计划中还应包含11名干系人。


A. 21个 B. 55个 C. 136个

D. 153个


36. Following the standards included in the project management plan, a project manager

experiences an issue and proposes a change request. The change request is approved, implemented, and documented in the project documentation.

Where should the project manager record the experiences, issues, and actions taken to benefit future projects?

A. Project charter B. lessons learned

C. Project management plan D. Status report

36. 依据项目管理计划的标准,项目经理遇到问题,并就此提出变更请求;变更请求获得批准,并被执行和记录在项目文件中。项目经理应该将经验,问题和采取的措施记录在哪里,以便未来项目获益?

A. 项目章程 B. 经验教训 C. 项目管理计划

D. 状态报告


37. In response to a government requirement, company A initiates a project. The project manager will develop a project charter based on information provided by the project sponsor. Which of the following high-level sections is in the project charter?

A. Communications plan B. Summary budget C. Procurement plan

D. Enterprise environmental factors

37. 为响应一项政府要求,A公司启动了一个项目。项目经理将根据项目发起人提供的信息编制项目章程。下列哪一项属于项目章程中的高层次选择?

A. 沟通计划 B. 预算汇总 C. 采购计划

D. 企业环境因素

答案:B,项目章程中包含了项目的初步预算,即Summary budget,属于高层次的预算

38. During the closing phase, the project sponsor believes the project does not meet the original expectations. What document should the project manager use to justify the project's final deliverables?

A. Status updates B. Risk register C. Project charter

D. Stakeholder register

38. 在收尾阶段,项目发起人认为项目没有达到原始预期。项目经理应该使用什么文件来检验项目的最终可交付结果?

A. 状态更新 B. 风险登记册 C. 项目章程

D. 关系人登记册


39. When a project has an end date that is earlier than can be achieved due to certain activity time constraints, what can be said of those activities?

A. The start time is unrealistic. B. Resources are insufficient.

C. The latest start time is later than the earliest finish time. D. They have negative float.

39. 如果项目因某些活动时间限制而无法如期完工,则对这些活动可作出何种推测?

A. 开始时间不切实际 B. 资源不足

C. 最晚的开始时间晚于最早的结束时间。

D. 他们存在负浮动时间。


40. As the project enters the execution phase, the project manager learns that the team members are working overtime doing unanticipated work without a change in scope. What is the most likely reason for this situation?

A. Insufficient work breakdown structure

B. Unclear communications management plan C. Incorrect estimation in activity duration D. Poor resource planning

40. 单项目进入执行阶段时,项目经理了解到团队成员在没有变更范围的情况下,加班进行


A. 工作分解结构不充分 B. 沟通管理计划不明确 C. 活动持续时间估算不准确

D. 资源计划差


41. A project experiences issues and a correction is required. The project manager assesses the impact of the corrections and performs which of the following activities?

A. Implement corrective actions.

B. Update the risk register based on impact. C. Re-baseline the schedule based on impact. D. Request a change control meeting.

41. 一个项目发生问题,需要纠正。项目经理评估纠正的影响,并执行下列哪一项活动?

A. 执行纠正措施。

B. 根据影响更新风险登记册。 C. 根据影响重订进度基准。

D. 请求召开变更控制会议。


42. What kind of risk may arise as a direct result of implementing a risk response strategy during project execution?

A. Residual risk B. Secondary risk

C. Primary risk D. low priority risk

42. 在项目执行过程中实施一个风险应对策略,其直接结果可能产生哪种风险?

A. 残余风险 B. 次生风险 C. 首要风险

D. 低优先级风险



43. The project manager receives a request from a key stakeholder to add two more features to the product, which will delay the project by three months. What should the project manager do first?

A. Revise the project management plan immediately to adjust the schedule as necessary. B. Meet with key stakeholders to understand their needs and explain the impact to the project.

C. Update the risk register.

D. Have a staff member meet with the stakeholder to record their requirements.

43. 项目经理收到一名关键关系人的请求,需要对产品添加两个功能,而这将令项目延期三个月。项目经理首先应该怎么做?

A. 立即修订项目管理计划,根据需要调整进度。

B. 与关键干系人开会,了解他们的需求,并说明由此对项目的影响。 C. 更新风险登记册

D. 让一名员工与干系人会面,并记录他们的需求。


44. During the project’s construction phase, a supplier has a fire and the supply of raw material is delayed by a week. The project manager identified the risk of a delay and included it in the plan.

After the occurrence of the event , what should the project manager do first?

A. Carry out risk response planning.

B. Ask for an extension of the project due to the delay.

C. Update the project baseline. D. Update the risk register.

44. 在项目施工阶段,供应商处发生火灾,导致原材料的供应延迟了一周。项目经理早已识别到延迟的风险,并包含在计划当中。发生这个事件之后,项目经理首先应该怎么做?

A. 执行风险响应计划。

B. 由于材料延误,要求项目延期。 C. 更新项目基准。

D. 更新风险登记册。


45. During the procurement of resources for a project, which of the following contract types are

suitable when a precise statement of work cannot be quickly defined?

A. Cost-plus-award-fee B. Fir-fixed-price

C. Cost-plus-incentive-fee D. Time and material

45. 在获得项目资源过程中,当无法快速定义一个工作说明书时,下来哪一种合同类型更适用?

A. 成本加奖励合同 B. 固定总价合同

C. 成本加激励费用合同

D. 工料合同


46. During the process of performing quality assurance, what technique, which may be random or scheduled, could a project manager employ? A. Quality control B. Quality planning

C. Quality audit D. change control 46. 在执行项目保证时,项目经理能够随机或者有计划地应用什么技术?

A. 质量控制 B. 质量规划 C. 质量审计

D. 变更控制


47. At the beginning of a project, the project manager holds a risk workshop with the project team and the key customer stakeholders. After the workshop, they produce a matrix with several risks, their probabilities, and impacts for the project. What type of risk analysis was performed in the workshop?

A. Qualitative risk analysis B. Quantitative risk analysis

C. Categorization risk analysis D. Delphi technique risk analysis

47. 在项目开始时,项目经理召开了一次由项目团队和关键客户关系人参加的风险专题会。专题会结束后,他们制作了一个由多个风险及其发生概率和对项目的影响组成的矩阵。在专题会上执行了什么类型的风险分析?

A. 定性风险分析 B. 定量风险分析 C. 分类风险分析

D. 德尔菲技术风险分析


48. While presenting the project management plan to stakeholders, the project manager notices a stakeholder, who has little organization power, demonstrating little interest. What method should the project manager use to manage this stakeholder? A. Monitor this stakeholder.

B. Manage this stakeholder closely.

C. Keep this stakeholder satisfied. D. Keep this stakeholder informed. 48. 在向干系人提交项目管理计划时,项目经理注意到其中一名几乎没有组织权利的干系人表现出不感兴趣。项目经理应使用什么方法来管理该干系人?

A. 监察该干系人。

B. 密切管理该干系人。 C. 保持让该干系人满意。

D. 保持让该干系人获得通知。


49. The schedule performance index is 1.2 and the cost performance index is 0.9 in the execution phase. What is the project’s status? A. Behind schedule with a cost underrun B. Ahead of schedule with a cost overrun

C. Ahead of schedule with a cost underrun D. Behind schedule with a cost overrun


A. 进度落后、成本未超支 B. 进度超前、成本超支 C. 进度超前、成本未超支 D. 进度落后、成本超支


50. The project manager discovers an unpredictable, high-impact risk has become a factor in the project. Self interest among team members is keeping the issue from being resolved. The project manager must act quickly to refocus the team and get the project on track.

Which of the following techniques should the project manager use to resolve the issue?

A. Compromise B. Collaborate

C. Force

D. Accommodate


A. 妥协 B. 合作 C. 强迫

D. 包容


51. The project charter includes which of the following?

A. Summary of the project budget B. Detailed product scope statement

C. Scope baseline

D. Project management plan

51. 项目章程包括下列哪一项?

A. 项目预算汇总

B. 详细的产品范围说明

C. 范围基准

D. 项目管理计划


52. The project manager presents deliverables to the customer for approval. The customer claims that the deliverables do not meet the acceptance criteria, and asks the project manager to reword the deliverables. The customer also wants to access the information regarding the progress of the rework.

Which activity should the project manager execute next?

A. Configuration identification B. Configuration status accounting

C. Configuration control

D. Configuration verification and audit

52. 项目经理向客户提交可交付成果以供批准。客户称可交付成果没有达到验收标准,并要求项目经理对可交付成果进行返工。客户还希望查看返工进度的相关信息?项目经理接下来应该执行哪一项活动?

A. 配置识别 B. 配置状态记录 C. 配置控制

D. 配置核实与审计


53. During the project several planned risks occur, causing 25% of the contingency budget to be used, while only 15% of the planned work is completed. What technique should the project manager use to assess if the remaining contingency allowance is adequate for the risks? A. Earned value management B. Risk audits

C. Risk reassessment D. Reserve analysis

53. 在项目期间发生了多个计划内的风险,导致25%的应急预算被使用,而计划内工作只完成了15%。项目经理应使用什么技术来评估剩余的应急补助是否足够应对风险?

A. 挣值管理

B. 风险审计 C. 风险重新评估

D. 储备分析


54. What should the project team do to respond to unforeseen risks?

A. Update additional risk plan. B. Create a contingency plan

C. Explore the validity of assumptions. D. Implement a planned workaround.

54. 项目团队应该做什么以响应不可预见的风险?

A. 更新额外的风险计划。 B. 制定应急计划。 C. 探讨假设的有效性

D. 实施计划的权变措施。


55. In which of the following processes will the project team receive bids and qualify a seller against pre-defined criteria? A. Conduct Procurements. B. Plan Procurements.

C. Administer Procurements. D. Award Procurement Contract.

55. 在下列哪一个过程中,项目团队将收到标书并根据预先定义的标准审查卖方资格?

A. 实施采购 B. 规划采购 C. 管理采购

D. 授权采购合同

答案:A. 参见P253,实施采购是获取卖方应答、选择卖方并授予合同的过程,在本过程中,团队收到投标书或建议书,并按事先确定的选择标准选出一家或多家有资格履行工作且可接


56. During a software development project’s execution, two team members disagree on who should do the texting. The project manager should refer to which of the following parts of the human resource management plan? A. Roles and responsibilities B. Project organizational chart

C. Staffing management plan D. Project staff assignment

56. 在一个软件开发项目的执行阶段,两名团队成员对谁应该做测试意见分歧。项目经理应该参考人力资源管理计划的下列哪一部分?

A. 角色与职责 B. 项目组织图

C. 人员配备管理计划

D. 项目人员配备


57. A project manager calls a meeting with the team to explain the project and to clarify the formal roles and responsibilities. What stage of team development is the project manager conducting?

A. Gathering B. Forming

C. Confronting D. Norming


A. 集会 B. 形成 C. 面对

D. 规范

答案:B,在形成阶段,团队成员相互认识,并了解项目情况以及他们在项目中的正式角色与职责。团队成员倾向于相互独立,不怎么开诚布公。更多信息,请参考塔可曼的团队建设阶梯 。

58. The sponsor accepts all the deliverables; however, the end-users report they are not satisfied. Which document outlines the approach that should have been followed to prevent this from occurring?

A. Project management plan B. Communications management plan

C. Stakeholder management strategy D. Stakeholder register


A. 项目管理计划 B. 沟通管理计划 C. 干系人管理策略

D. 干系人登记册


59. The project’s expected cost is US$10,000, the optimistic cost estimate is US$5,000, and the most likely cost estimate is US$9,000. What would be the project’s pessimistic cost estimate?

A. US$15,000 B. US$16,000

C. US$17,000 D. US$19,000

59.项目的预期成本是10,000 美元,最乐观的成本估算为5,000美元,最可能的成本估算为9,000美元。那么项目最悲观的成本估算是多少呢?

A. 15,000美元 B. 16,000美元

C. 17,000美元 D. 19,000美元


60. A contracted firm is not meeting quality standards and the deliverables are frequently late. The project manager discovers there are no existing contract terms that could ensure a better performance by the seller.

What should have been done by the project manager to prevent the seller's low performance?

A. Have the project manager's team do an impact analysis. B. Conduct procurement performance reviews. C. Conduct a risk reassessment.

D. Be involved during the contract elaboration.

60. 签约公司未达到质量标准,并且可交付成果频繁延迟。项目经理发现,现有合同条款无法确保卖方提高绩效。为避免卖方的低绩效,项目经理本应采取何种行动?

A. 让项目经理团队执行影响分析。 B. 实施采购绩效审查。 C. 实施风险再评估。

D. 参与合同的详细拟定。


61. A project ends successfully and is migrated into a division of the company. Many of the project resources become part of the company's functional structure. This type of project termination is known as which of the following?

A. Extinction B. Addition C. Insourcing D. Outsourcing

61. 项目成功结束,并迁移到公司的一个部门。项目的许多资源成为了公司智能结构的组成部分。这种项目终止类型称为下列哪一项?

A. 中止 B. 添加 C. 内包 D. 外包


答案:C,内包是外包的一种应变措施,是指将外包功能完全交给企业的内部另一部门来执行,换句话说,就是藉由改善某一区域的营运来承担来自其它部门的工作。在美国,该术语也被用来指那些在美投资的外资公司雇用美国本土员工。 解题思路:

62. What is the main objective of the Executing Process group?

A. Tracking and reviewing the progress of the project B. Managing stakeholder expectations C. Satisfying the project specifications D. Monitoring the schedule

62. 执行过程组的主要目标是什么?

A. 跟踪并审查项目进度 B. 管理利害关系者的期望 C. 满足项目规范 D. 监控进度表


答案:C,执行过程组包含完成项目管理计划中确定的工作以实现项目目标的一组过程。这个过程组不但要协调人员和资源,还要按照项目管理计划整合并实施项目活动 解题思路:



Based on above chart, is this project in trouble with its budget?

A. It is not possible to tell without similar information about completion progress. B. It is not possible to tell without similar information about project risk register. C. It is not possible to tell without similar information about quality performance. D. It is not possible to tell without similar information about budget compliance.

63. 累计成本S曲线图




A. 缺乏类似完成进度的相关信息,无法得知。

B. 缺乏类似项目风险登记册的相关信息,无法得知。

C. 缺乏类似质量绩效的相关信息,无法得知。

D. 缺乏类似预算相符水平的相关信息,无法得知。

64. The project manager presents the margin of error guidelines at the monthly committee meeting. The new goals include a 5% or less margin of error on internal revisions , and a 3% or less margin of error on the acceptance test. To allow for bonuses, the financial manger advocates that the goal should be narrow, and only allow a maximum of 2% margin of error. The project manager is participating in which of the following issues?

A. Discussing the project problems and plausible alternative solutions. B. Performing cost verification to assure company goal compliance. C. Discussing the quality management plan for the projects.

D. Performing a quality control to evaluate the actual versus planned progress.


A. 讨论项目问题及其合理的替代解决方案。 B. 执行成本核算,确保符合公司目标。 C. 讨论项目的质量管理计划。

D. 执行质量控制,评估实际与计划的进度。


答案:C,参见PMBOK质量管理计划 解题思路:

65. The change control board informs the project manager that their request for a change in the project is approved. This change impacts the project cost and project schedule.

What should the project manager do?

A. Change the baseline. B. Submit a change request.

C. Change the work breakdown structure. D. Change the resource plan.

65. 变更控制委员会通知项目经理他们的项目变更请求已获得批准。这项变更将影响到项目成本和项目进度。项目经理应该怎么做?

A. 变更基准。 B. 提交变更请求。

C. 变更工作分解结构。 D. 变更资源计划。




66. In a software project, an external change request is approved, and is being implemented. This introduces new work packages and additional funds for completion.

A. In the contingency reserves

B. In the approved change request and change management plan C. In the cost baseline and approved change request

D. In the cost performance index and budget to complete

66. 在一个软件项目中,一项外部变更请求获得批准,并正在执行。这包含了新的工作包以及额外的员工资金。这些资金将被记录在哪一位(哪些)项目文件中?

A. 在应急储备金中

B. 在批准基准和批准的变更请求中 C. 在成本基准和批准的变更请求中 D. 在成本绩效指数和完工预算中


答案:C,参见PMBOK69页,题干显示,此变更已经获得批准,则应该重设成本绩效基准,因此此部分资金应当包含在成本基准中,另外批准的变更请求应当记录此部分内容 解题思路:

67. The project manager conducts an interview with a key stakeholder. This stakeholder insists that the project be completed by a certain date to allow the resulting product to be ready for manufacture in time for a critical trade exhibition. The stakeholder also insists that the product pass existing international safety standards. The stakeholder will not release the funds necessary for the project kick-off unless both conditions are included.

Where must the project manager include these conditions?

A. Project summary milestones B. Project contract summary

C. Project high-level requirements D. Project exit criteria

67. 项目经理会见了一个主要利害关系者。该利害关系者坚持认为,应在某日期完成项目,


A. 项目主要里程碑 B. 项目合同摘要 C. 项目概括性需求 D. 项目退出标准




68. Which of the following documents track requirements throughout the project life cycle?

A. Project charter

B. Requirements documentation C. Requirements traceability matrix D. Project deliverables

68. 下列哪一份文件能跟踪整个项目生命周期的需求?

A. 项目章程 B. 需求文件 C. 需求跟踪矩阵 D. 项目可交付成果




69. After reviewing the project schedule, the project manager realizes that a unique resource on a specific activity on the critical path will not be released on time, but will be available at a later date.

What should the project manager do next?

A. Work with the critical path method. B. Ask management for resources.

C. Define activity resource requirements. D. Apply the critical chain method.

69. 在审查项目进度之后,项目经理发现到关键路径上一个特定活动的独特资源将不能按时释放,但会在稍晚的日期可用。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 采用关键路径法。 B. 向管理层请求资源。 C. 定义活动资源需求。 D. 应用关键链法。


答案:B,题干明显给出此活动在关键路径上,说明没有浮动时间,并且此活动所使用的资源为独特资源,因此如果要保证活动进度,则必须要协调到此资源,而协调资源可以进行谈判或者找管理层进行协调 解题思路:

70. Which of the following statements reflect the degree of risk to the project?

A. Risk is greatest at the beginning of the project. B. Risk is least at the beginning of the project. C. Risk is constant throughout the project.

D. Risk is greatest during the implementation of the project.

70. 下列哪项陈述反映了项目的风险程度?

A. 项目初始阶段的风险最大。 B. 项目初始阶段的风险最小。 C. 风险在整个项目期间保持恒定。 D. 项目实施过程中的风险最大。




71. After creating a prototype of the expected product allowing stakeholders to experiment and provide feedback, the project manager can finalize the creation of the;

A. Project charter.

B. Requirements documentation. C. Project management plan. D. Project documents.

71. 制造预期产品原型供利害关系者进行实验和提供反馈后,项目经理可完成制定下列哪一项?

A. 项目章程。 B. 需求文件。 C. 项目管理计划。 D. 项目文件。




72. With the sudden surge of competition, a well known company begins to lose business. The company hires a project manager to study the situation and to recommend corrective actions. The project manager’s study finds gaps in the project implementation, particularly in the risk management areas. There is no risk management plan available.

Which of the following actions should the project manager take first? A. Brainstorm and identify risks. B. Increase the risk budget.

C. Conduct a qualitative risk assessment.

D. Create plans for conducting the risk management activities.

72. 随着竞争的陡然加剧,一家知名公司的业务开始流失。公司聘请了一名项目经理分析情况并提供纠正措施建议。项目经理研究发现,项目实施过程尤其是风险管理方面存在差距。没有可用的风险管理计划。项目经理首先应采取下列哪项行动?

A. 头脑风暴并识别风险。 B. 增加风险预算。 C. 实施定性风险评估。

D. 为风险管理活动实施制定计划。 考点:“规划风险管理”



73. The client requests the new product go to market as soon as possible. The client asks the project manager to compress the project schedule further.

What should the project manager do next?

A. Advise the client that the schedule cannot be changed. B. Ask the client to submit a change request.

C. Revise the critical path and inform the team of the new schedule. D. Negotiate to change the scope and condense the schedule.

73. 客户要求新产品必须尽快推向市场。客户要求项目经理进一步压缩项目进度。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 告诉客户进度无法更改。 B. 告知客户提交变更请求。

C. 修订关键路径,并将新进度通知团队。

D. 协商变更范围,并压缩进度。


答案:B,对于需要改变项目计划的变更,题干中没有明确说明项目经理可以决定是否进行的,则统一应提交至CCB进行判定 解题思路:

74. The project’s budget is US$825,000, with a management reserve of US$10,000. What is the project’s cost baseline?

A. US$805,000

B. US$815,000 C. US$820,000 D. US$825,000

74.项目预算为825,000美元,管理储备为10,000美元。那么项目成本基准是什么? 项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 805,000美元

B. 815,000美元 C. 820,000美元 D. 825,000美元


答案:D,参见PMBOK138页,成本基准中包括所有经批准的预算,但不包括管理储备。 解题思路:

75. The duration of a project is five months. The total cost initially allocated was US$30,000. The project is in the third month. The total expenditure on the project for the first two months is US$12,500. The project is ahead of schedule and on budget for work completed. What is the cost variance of the project?

A. Greater than zero

B. Less than zero C. Zero D. One


A. 大于零

B. 小于零 C. 零 D. —


答案:AC=12500,PV=12000,EV=12500,进度超前说明SV>0,符合预算说明CV=0,则成本偏差即为0 解题思路:

76. The company identifies cost as the highest priority among the constraints for an ongoing project. During the monthly review, the project manager finds that the project is behind schedule.

To bring the project back on schedule, which of the following techniques should the project manager use?

A. Critical path method

B. Fast tracking C. Crashing

D. Resource leveling 76. 公司将成本确定为一个进展中的项目首要制约因素。在月度评审期间,项目经理发现项目落后于进度。若要恢复项目进度,项目经理应使用下列哪一项技术?

A. 关键路径法

B. 快速跟进 C. 赶工

D. 资源平衡




77. During the project’s execution phase, the project manager notices that increased amounts of rework are required. What should the project manager do next to resolve the issue?

A. Review the quality management plan.

B. Update the quality requirements with the customer. C. Review quality checklist with the project team. D. Update the quality metrics.


A. 审查质量管理计划。

B. 与客户共同更新质量需求。 C. 与项目团队审查质量核对清单。 D. 更新质量测量指标。 考点:“质量管理

答案:A,质量管理计划可以是正式或非正式的,非常详细或高度概括的。其风格与详细程度取决于项目的具体需要。应该在项目早期就对质量管理计划进行评审,以确保决策是基于准确信息的。这样做的好处是,减少因返工而造成的成本超支和进度延误。 解题思路:重新审查质量管理计划有助于帮忙减少返工,从根本上解决问题

78. The project selection committee must choose between project A and project B. Project A has a payback period of 21 months. Project B has a cost of US$175,000, with an expected positive cash flow of US$75,000 the first year, and US$50,000 per quarter after that.

Which project should the project manager recommend?

A. Either project A or project B, because the payback periods are equal.

B. Project B, because project A’s payback periods is greater. C. Project A, because project B’s payback periods is less. D. Project B, because project B’s payback periods is greater.


A. 项目A或者项目B,因为两个项目的投资回报期相同。

B. 项目B,因为项目A的投资回报期更长。 C. 项目A,因为项目B的投资回报期更短。

D. 项目B,因为项目B的投资回报期更长。


答案:B。项目组合评审委员会通常由组织中负责项目选择的高层管理人员组成。他们对每个项目的投资回报、价值、风险和其他属性进行评审。 本题只涉及投资回收期,通过对比,应当选择B,A项目为21个月,B项目为18个月 解题思路:

79. During the initiation phase, the project manager invites a financial analyst, legal counsel, a buyer, and an electrical engineer to create a list of project risks. During the meeting, experts record risks on notes and attach the notes to the wall so the project manager can gather and analyze the risks.

Which of the following techniques did the project manager use to identify the risks?

A. Interviewing

B. Brainstorming C. Risk analysis D. Delphi technique

79. 在项目启动阶段,项目经理邀请一名财务分析师,一名法律顾问,一名采购员以及一名电气工程师,来创建一份风险清单。会议期间,专家们在便签纸中记录风险,并将便签纸贴在墙上,让项目经理可以收集和分析风险。项目经理使用下列哪一项技术来识别风险?

A. 访谈

B. 头脑风暴 C. 风险分析 D. 德尔菲技术


答案:B,参见PMBOK222页,头脑风暴定义 解题思路:头脑风暴的目的是获得一份综合的项目风险清单。通常由项目团队开展头脑风暴,团队以外的多学科专家也经常参与其中。在主持人的引导下,参加者提出各种关于项目风险的主意。头脑风暴可采用由参加者畅所欲言的传统自由模式,也可采用结构化的集体访谈方法,如名义小组技术。可以采用风险类别(如风险分解结构)作为基础框架,然后依风险类别进行识别和分类,并进一步阐明风险的定义。

80. A project manager leads a project to build a data center. The client submits a dramatic change to the project manager, insisting this modification must be included as soon as possible. This involves incremental changes to the budget and an expansion of the overall schedule.

What should the project manager do next?

A. Advise the client to initiate the change as another project.

B. Present the client’s request at the next change control board meeting. C. Include the client’s change and re-baseline the budget and schedule.

D. Ignore the request as the baseline for the budget and schedule have been agreed to.



B. 在下一次变更控制委员会会议上提交客户的请求。 C. 包含客户的变更并重订预算和进度基准。

D. 忽视需求,因为有关项目的预算和进度基准已达成一致。


答案:B,每一项记录在案的变更请求都必须由项目管理团队或外部组织加以批准或否决。在很多项目中,根据项目角色与职责文件的规定,项目经理有权批准某些种类的变更请求必要时,需由变更控制委员会(Change Control Board,CCB)负责批准或否决变更请求。变更控制委员会的角色与职责,应该在配置控制程序与变更控制程序中明确规定,并经相关干系人一致同意。


81. A key deliverable’s timeline is jeopardized by unusual weather conditions. Which of the following project documents would be useful to the project manager at this point?

A. Risk register

B. Work breakdown structure C. Project schedule

D. Risk breakdown structure

81. 异常的天气状况危及到一个关键可交付成功的时间线。在这个时候,下列哪一份项目文件对项目经理有帮助?

A. 风险登记册

B. 工作分解结构 C. 项目进度表 D. 风险分解结构



应对措施、具体的实施行动、风险征兆和预警信号、残余风险和次生风险、低优先级风险观察清单,以及时间和成本应急储备。 解题思路:

82. After the key stakeholders approve the project plan, the project manager begins execution. The project team and stakeholders do not understand their roles and responsibilities and cannot execute the project according to schedule.

How could the project manager prevent this before project execution?

A. Circulate the project plan to the project team and stakeholders.

B. Circulate the project schedule to the project team and stakeholders. C. Hold a kick-off meeting including the project team and stakeholders. D. Hold a formal project status meeting to determine the project status.

82. 在关键干系人批准项目计划后,项目经理开始执行。但是项目团队和干系人不了解他们的角色与职责,不能按进度执行项目。在项目执行前,项目经理应如何避免这种情况?

A. 将项目计划分发给项目团队和干系人。

B. 将项目进度表分发给项目团队和干系人。

C. 召开一次由项目团队和干系人参加的项目开踢大会。 D. 召开一次正式的项目状态会议,确定项目状态。


答案:C,项目开踢会议,会议目的:正式批准综合性项目计划,并在干系人之间达成共识。 落实具体项目工作,为进入项目执行阶段做准备。已做事项:开踢会议召开前,通常已经确定了项目的组织结构,并已经对团队成员的角色与职责进行定义。已有文件:此时用于指导项目的项目管理计划已经制定出来,已经有了项目范围说明书、范围基准、各分项管理计划、进度计划、采购计划、风险登记册等文件。因此,在开踢会议中,通常需要对项目的范围、进度、成本、风险应对等事项进行确认,并在干系人之间达成共识。 解题思路:

83. Company A asks company B to complete their work earlier than the planned date. What method should company B’s project manager use to complete the work with minimal increase in project cost?

A. Work overtime.

B. Add more resources. C. Fast track the project. D. Crash the timeline.

83. A 公司要求B公司比计划日期提前完成工作。若要在增加最少项目成本的情况下完成工作。B公司的项目经理应该采用什么方法?

A. 加班

B. 增加更多资源、 C. 快速跟进项目 D. 赶时间线




84. When preparing the communications plan, a project manager identifies 10 stakeholders. Later,two stakeholders leave the project.

In what way will the number of communication channels change?

A. Increase by 2

B. Increase by17 C. Decrease by 2. D. Decrease by 17. 84. 编制沟通计划时,项目经理确定了10名干系人。之后,其中两名干系人离开了项目。


A. 增加2个

B. 增加17个 C. 减少2个 D. 减少17个 考点:“沟通渠道” 答案:D,(10*9-8*7)/2=17 解题思路:

85. A project manager is informed by the project team leader that a phase is complete. What is the next step for the project manager?

A. Update the project plan and continue with the next phase.

B. Deliver the phase deliverable to the client. C.Accept the deliverable.

D. Validate the deliverable.


A. 更新项目计划,并继续下一个阶段。

B. 向客户提供阶段可交付成果。 C. 接受可交付成果。 D. 验证可交付成果。




86. A project subcontractor on a pipeline construction project proposes an upgrade to pipeline material, which will not impact the schedule or cost. This change in materials is approved.

Which of the following should be used to document this change?

A. Cost management plan

B. Risk register C. Contract

D. Configuration management system 86.一个管道施工项目的项目分包商提议升级管道材料质量,而这不会影响进度或成本。这项材料变更已经获得批准。应使用下列哪一项来记录这项变更?

A. 成本管理计划

B. 风险登记册 C. 合同

D. 配置管理系统




87. During the project’s execution, the project manager realizes that key stakeholders are missing from the stakeholder register. What technique should have been used at the beginning of the

project to prevent this from occurring?

A. Update stakeholder register

B. Conduct stakeholder analysis

C. Define stakeholder management strategy D. Identify stakeholders


A. 更新干系人登记册

B. 进行关系人分析 C. 确定干系人管理战略 D. 识别干系人 考点:“识别干系人”



88. The steering committee decides that an identified risk should be mitigated. What should the project manager do next?

A. Implement action from the risk register.

B. Perform qualitative risk analysis.

C. Remove the risk from the risk register. D. Update the risk management plan.

88. 指导委员会决定应减轻一项已被识别的风险。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 参照风险登记册执行措施。

B. 执行定性风险分析。

C. 从风险登记册中移除风险。 D. 更新风险管理计划。 考点:“规划风险应对”




89. A project manager takes over a project with a history of challenges managing scope. The project change control plan requires the sponsor decide whether to incorporate a change into the project. To reduce the current scope issues, which of the following should the project manager recommend?

A. Change control board makes the final decisions on changes.

B. Project manager and sponsor make the final decisions on changes. C. Entire project team makes the final decisions on changes. D. Sponsor continues to make final decisions on changes.

89. 项目经理接管了一个项目,该项目会在范围管理方面存在挑战。项目变更控制计划要求项目发起人决定是否将变更纳入项目。若要减少当前项目范围的问题,项目经理应该建议下列哪一项?

A. 由变更控制委员会来对变更做出最终决定。

B. 由项目经理和发起人对变更做出最终决定。 C. 由整个项目团队对变更做出最终决定。 D. 仍由发起人对变更做出最终决定。


答案:A,变更的审批工作首先应该遵循变更控制程序的规定,里面明确规定变更审批人的可以依据程序执行,如没有明确规定,则默认由CCB进行审批控制 解题思路:题干中前半句红字部分为干扰选项

90. Which of the following circumstances would hinder project closure?

A. The operational support is not complete.

B. The project management office did not approve the communications plan. C. The project has been cancelled.

D. The client did not approve all agreed upon deliverables.

90. 下列哪一种情况会妨碍项目收尾?

A. 运营支持不完备。

B. 项目管理办公室未批准沟通计划。 C. 项目已被取消。

D. 客户不批准所有约定的可交付成果。


答案:D,在结束项目或者阶段时候,需要的输入有已在核实范围过程(见 5.4 节)中通过验收的那些可交付成果。


91. A project manager reviews the team’s risk response plan and notices that the team would like to obtain a warranty on a specific piece of hardware from a third party. The team is following which risk response strategy?

A. Mitigate

B. Avoid C. Transfer D. Accept

91. 项目经理审查团队的风险响应计划,注意到团队希望从第三方获得某个特定硬件的保修。该团队遵循的是下列哪一项风险响应战略?

A. 减轻

B. 回避 C. 转移 D. 接受


答案:C,风险转移[技术]:把威胁的后果连同应对责任一起转移给第三方的一种风险应对规划技术 解题思路:本题主要解题思路为判定题干关键词为保修是从第三方获取的,与买保险的行为如出一辙,因此判定为采取的措施为风险转移

92. Based on the stakeholder register and the project charter, the project business requirements must be captured from the functional groups in the organization. To finalize the business requirements, a consensus is required among these groups. Which tool and technique should be used to collect requirements?

A. Focus groups

B. Facilitated workshops

C. Questionnaires and surveys D. Delphi method

92. 根据干系人登记册和项目章程,项目的业务需求必须从组织的各职能组获得。为了最终确定业务需求,要求这些职能组的意见需取得一致。应该使用哪一种工具和技术来收集需求?

A. 焦点小组法

B. 引导式研讨会 C. 问卷与调查 D. 德尔菲法




93. During the initiation phase, the project manager performs expert judgment to verify the budget and resources. The estimated budget is higher than originally expected. The project requires hiring subcontractors, estimated at more than 60% of the work to be done by external resources. In one week, the project manager must provide an approved project charter to senior management. What should the project manager do next?

A. Reduce the scope to decrease the project costs.

B. Review the business case to verify that the business benefits and constrains are still valid. C. Negotiate cheaper contracts with the subcontractors, because they are delivering more resources to the project.

D. Ask the project sponsor to increase the project budget.

93. 在项目启动阶段,项目经理执行专家判断,来验证预算和资源。估计预算高于原始预期。项目要求雇佣分包商,预计超过60%的工作需要由外部资源完成。一周之内,项目经理必须向高级管理层提供一份批准的项目章程。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 减少项目范围,降低下项目成本。

B. 审查商业论证,确认商业利益和制约因素是否仍然有效。

C. 与分包商谈判,减少合同价格,因为他们为项目提供了更多的资源。 D. 要求项目发起人增加项目预算。





94. A change request is submitted by the customer, and approved by the change control board. How should the change be implemented?

A. At the end of the execution phase, to avoid interference with the project plan.

B. Directly after project deployment in a post-project release. C. According to the details in the change control process. D. Based on the revised work breakdown structure.

94. 客户提交了一个变更请求,并得到变更委员会的批准。该变更应如何执行?

A. 在执行阶段结束时执行,避免与项目计划发生冲突。

B. 在项目部署完后,直接以后项目发布执行。 C. 根据变更控制流程的详细情况执行。 D. 在修订的工作分解结构基础上执行。




95. As soon as some takes on the critical path become delayed , the project manager decides to analyze different combinations of schedule variables to align with the original delivery dates. Which control schedule tool should the project manager use?

A. What-if scenario analysis

B. Schedule compression C. Resource leveling D. Schedule crashing

95. 在关键路径上的某些任务发生延迟时,项目经理立即决定对进度变量的不同组合加以分析,以确保符合原交付日期。项目经理应采用哪种进度控制工具?

A. 假设情景分析

B. 进度压缩 C. 资源平衡 D. 赶进度


答案:A,可以根据假设情景分析的结果,来评估项目进度计划在不利条件下的可行性,以及为克服或减轻意外情况的影响而编制应急和应对计划。可以基于多种不同的活动假设,用模拟方法计算出多种项目工期。最常用的模拟技术是蒙特卡洛分析(见 节)。它首先确定每个活动的可能持续时间概率分布,然后据此计算出整个项目的可能工期概率分


解题思路:题干中关键字schedule variables,进度变量说明了一切,证明了工具不可能是其他的,另外,赶工属于进度压缩的一种,那么这两个可以同时排除掉,备选的答案也只有A和C,很容易判断应该选择A

96. When confirming the resource availability for a strategically important client project in a matrix organization, the project manager discovers that a key resource has been reassigned to an internal project. What is the first activity the project manager should pursue?

A. Negotiate with the project sponsor to delay the project.

B. Request the project management office to have the resource reassigned to the project. C. Update the risk register.

D. Negotiate with the functional manager that the resource be reassigned to the project.

96. 对于一个具有战略意义的重要客户项目,项目经理在确认矩阵组织中的资源可用性时,发现某个关键资源已调往一个内部项目。项目经理首先应采取何种行动?

A. 与项目发起人协商推迟项目。

B. 要求项目办公室将资源重新调回项目。 C. 更新风险登记簿

D. 与职能经理协商将资源重新调回项目。


答案:D,参见PMBOK179页,工具部分谈判,在许多项目中,人员分派是通过谈判完成的。例如,项目管理团队需要与下列各方谈判:职能经理。确保项目能够在需要时获得具备适当能力的人员,确保项目团队成员能够、愿意并且有权在项目上工作,直到完成其职责。执行组织中的其他项目管理团队。合理分配稀缺或特殊人力资源。 外部组织、卖方、供应商、承包商等。获取合适的、稀缺的、特殊的、合格的、经认证的及其他诸如此类的特殊人力资源。特别要注意外部的谈判政策惯例、流程、指南、法律及其他标准。


97. Product X is to be expanded to support online collaboration for 1000 users. The project manager is presented with two options by the project team;

-Option1 is to buy an independent module and integrate it at a cost of US$6,000. It is estimated that there is a 50% probability that users will utilize the facility.

-Option2 is to build the capability at a cost of US$10,000. It is estimated that there is a 70% probability that users will utilize the facility.

Which is the most appropriate option to choose, based on the expected value analysis, and

what is the payoff, if the per user revenue is US$15?

A. Option 1 with a payoff of US$1500 B. Option 1 with a payoff of US$500 C. Option 2 with a payoff of US$1500 D. Option 2 with a payoff of US$500

97.X 产品将扩大规模以支持1000个用户的在线协作。项目团队向项目经理提交了两个选择方法:




A. 方案1,回报为1500美元

B. 方案1,回报为500美元 C. 方案2,回报为1500美元 D. 方案2,回报为500美元


答案:A,方案一:500*15-6000=1500,方案二:700*15-10000=500 解题思路:

98.Before completing all the requirement's specifications to meet schedules, a project manager purchases equipment ahead of schedule. What scheduling technique does this describe?

A. Critical path method

B. Crashing

C. Critical chain analysis D. Fast tracking


A. 关键路径法

B. 赶工

C. 关键链分析 D. 快速跟进





99.The project manager working in a balanced matrix organization realizes that maintaining team cohesiveness, motivation, and performance is critical to the project's success. Which of the following skill sets should be used to manage this type of organization?

A. The ability to influence team members not directly reporting to the project manager

B. The ability to understand the various responsibilities of all team members C. The ability to respond to the different motivations of team members D. The ability to negotiate conflict between team members 99.在项目经理在一个平衡矩阵式组织工作,他意识到保持团队凝聚力、激励和绩效对项目成功至关重要。管理这种类型的组织应使用下列哪一项技巧?

A. 影响那些不直接向项目经理汇报的团队成员的能力

B. 了解出全体团队成员不同职责的能力 C. 给与团队成员不同激励的能力 D. 协调团队成员之间冲突的能力


答案:D,参见PMBOK181页,通过开放和有效的沟通、在团队成员中建立信任、 以建设性方式管理冲突,以及鼓励合作型的问题解决和决策制定方法,可 以实现团队的高效运行。


100.The project risks are identified and a detailed response plan is established. The final schedule and cost estimates are produced.

What should the project manager do next?

A. Devise an effective communications plan.

B. Execute the project, as all the details are available. C. Obtain stakeholders' approval for the project plan. D. Establish the project's critical path.


A. 设计一份有效的沟通计划。

B. 执行项目,因为所有资料都已齐全。 C. 获得干系人对项目计划的批准。

D. 建立项目关键路径。




101.Which conducting a project audit, the program manager finds all the items in the issue log are owned by the project manager . Is this acceptable?

A. No; the project manager cannot be the owner of issues and their resolution. B. Yes; it is required that all issues have an assigned owner.

C. Yes; the project manager must be the owner of all issues and their resolution.

D. No; the project team must be the responsible owner of all issues and their resolution.


A. 不可接受;项目经理不得作为问题及其解决方案的所有者。 B. 可接受;根据要求,所有问题均有指定的所有者。

C. 可接受;项目经理必须是所有问题及其解决方案的所有者。

D. 不可接受;项目团队必须是有所问题及其解决方案责任的所有者。 考点:管理干系人期望


102.The project team is in the process of identifying project and produce solution. The project manager asks a group of experts to answer questionnaires and provide direct response to the facilitator only.

What kind of technique is being used by the project manager?

A. Delphi technique B. Brainstorming

C. Nominal group technique D. Idea/Mind mapping


A. 德尔菲法

B. 头脑风暴法 C. 名义小组技术法 D. 概念思维导图法



103. Company A formulates a business offer for company B. Company B accepts the offer and asks company A to proceed. What should company A do next?

A. Acquire the project team and subject matter experts. B. Create a work breakdown structure. C. Prepare the project's high-level scope. D. Perform a cost-benefit analysis.

103. A 公司为B 公司制定了一份商务报价。B 公司接受了报价,并要求A公司执行。 A公司下一步应该怎么做?

A. 组建项目团队和主题专家。 B. 创建工作分解结构。 C. 准备项目的初步范围。

D. 进行成本效益分析。



104. To start the project closure process, the project manager transfers a deliverable, which must be accepted by the client. The client requests a change that will require a significant amount of additional effort. Which of the following should the project manager do?

A. Document the complete impact of the change request.

B. Convince the client that changes are not allowed at this stage.

C. Make the requested changes, because project closure is in jeopardy. D. Reject the change request, because it is outside the approved scope.

104. 为开始项目收尾过程,项目经理移交了一个必须由客户验收的可交付成果。客户提出一项需要大量额外工作的变更请求。项目经理应该执行下列哪一项?

A. 记录变更请求的全部影响。 B. 说服客户这个阶段不允许变更。

C. 执行请求的变更,因为项目收尾受影响。

D. 拒绝变更请求,因为此请求是在批准的范围之外。


答案:D,additional effort.额外的努力,此种关键字表明此项工作已经超出了项目范围,需要坚决的拒绝以防止镀金

105. The stakeholders ask whether the project properly absorbed a recent change request. Which tool should the project manager use to demonstrate this to the stakeholders?

A. Process analysis B. Pareto chart

C. Ishikawa diagram D. Quality audit


A. 过程分析 B. 帕累托图 C. 石川图

D. 质量审核



106. During the first year, a project experiences a significant amount of issues. At the beginning of the second year, the project stabilizes, diminishing dramatically the number of issues.

What should the project manager do?

A. Cancel the remaining scheduled risk assessment sessions. B. Diminish the amount of management reserve.

C. Continue identifying new risks and reassessing existing risks. D. Perform a qualitative risk analysis of the residual risks.


A. 取消剩余的已计划好的风险评估会。 B. 减少管理储备金额。

C. 继续识别新的风险,并重新评估现有风险。 D. 对残余风险执行定性风险分析。



107.A resource manager questions the project manager's role and responsibilities, as well as the project's purpose. The project manager should provide the resource manager with which of the following documents?

A. Human resource plan B. Statement of work C. Business case D. Project charter


A. 人力资源计划 B. 工作说明书 C. 商业论证

D. 项目章程



108. Due to significant cost overruns, the steering committee terminates the project. The stakeholders do not agree with the decision, because they believe the true value of the project objectives cannot be measured in monetary terms. The steering committee chairperson asks the project manager to prepare a lessons learned presentation for a joint meeting of the key stakeholders, the sponsor, and the steering committee. The chairperson expects this activity will reduce the tension among the departments. The project manager must travel to corporate headquarters to give the presentation.

What should the project manager update?

A. Project scope statement B. Risk management plan

C. Organizational process assets D. Project management plan

108. 由于显着的成本超支,督导委员会终止该项目。项目干系人不同意这个决定,因为他们相信项目目标的真正价值不能用金钱来衡量。督导委员会主席要求项目经理准备经验教训并在由主要利益相关者,赞助商,及督导委员会组成的联席会议上做展示。主席预计这项活


A.项目范围说明书 B.风险管理计划 C.组织过程资产 D.项目管理计划

