翻译理论与实践 (文稿) 下载本文

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She had a soft heart; that was evident. She had a knack for helping people in distress. And all such qualifies rose in a face that everyone was simply pleased to see.


In a way, she was more royal than the royals. She had a higher station than the Queen of England; she was the titular young monarch of her own country and of every other place in the world.


She was the sentimental favorite figurehead, who was authorized to sign no treaties, command no armies, make no wars.

她多情善感,惹人喜爱,有虚衔而无实权。她无权签订任何条约,无权统领任何军队,无权发动任何战争。 All she had was the way she looked and sounded and carried herself. No model or actress could hold a candle to her. 她所拥有的全部便是她的音容笑貌和行为举止。任何名模或影星在她面前都会顿觉―珠玉在侧,自惭形秽‖。

? She was the image every child has of a princess--the one who can feel the pea under the mattresses, who kisses the frog,

who lets down her hair from the tower window.

? 她还是孩子们心目中公主的形象:能感觉到层层床垫下的一粒小豌豆,会亲吻青蛙王子,还会从高高的白塔楼窗口


? Her marriage was gone long before her death. As the years went on, it is likely that there would have been other romances

after Dodi al Fayed to titillate the throngs.

? 她的婚姻在她离开人世之前早就死亡。随着岁月的流逝,她在与多迪·法伊德发生恋情之后,本来还很可能续上其他


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Exactly how her life would have progressed is hard to imagine. She would have continued to be a good mother and a worker for the ill and the poor; she would have been pictured from time to time at a dinner party or on a boat. 要确切地想像出她的生活原本会再如何继续演绎下去是很困难的一件事。她依然会是一位贤母,并会继续为安抚处于病痛与贫困之中的人们而工作。她在宴会厅或者游船上的倩影还会不时被人拍摄下来

In older age she might have become the King's mother, welcomed back into the royal family at a time of life that is automatically accorded stature.


How would she have looked? The hair whiter, the skin a bit more lined, but the eyes would still have had that sweet mixture of kindness and longing.


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By then the story of her and Charles, the scandals and recriminations, might have been lost in smoke. 到了那个时候,她与查尔斯之间的恩恩怨怨、各自的丑闻及相互指责可能都烟消云散了。

? Yet if people now were asked how they will remember Diana, what picture among the thousands they will hold in their mind,

it would not be Diana at an official ceremony, or with a boyfriend, or even with her children.

? 然而,如果问现在的人们:他们将如何回想起黛安娜?在她成千上万张玉照中,有哪一张将深深印在人们的记忆中?


? It would be her on the day of her wedding, when all the world was glad to be her subject and when she gave everyone who

looked at her the improbable idea that life was beautiful.

? 而是披上婚纱那一天的黛安娜。在她成婚的时刻,全世界都曾乐意做她的臣民。也就是在那个时刻,她让每一位注


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