(课标版)云南省2018年中考英语总复习第二部分语法专题研究专题七形容词和副词试题 下载本文

10. (2017泰安)—What do you think of Wilson's speaking? —No one does______ in our school.

A. good B. well C. better D. best

11. (2017宜昌)—The living conditions in the countryside have improved greatly in recent years.

—The farmers are living a much ________ life than before. A. happy B. happier C. happily D. happiest

12. (2017凉山州)—Did you watch 2017 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Liangshan?

—Certainly. Its theme was “fire”, at night the sky over Xichang was as ________ as that in the day with the light of fire.

A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly

13. (2017连云港)It's really ________ him to drive after drinking so much wine. A. crazy of B. gentle of C. brave for D. wise for

14. (2017江西改编)Sleeping is a good thing, but some people sleep ________. A. easily B. badly C. quickly D. well

15. (2017昆明盘龙区一模)—Did you get WeChat red(微信红包)during the Spring Festival?

—Yes. It's ________ the most popular way of sending traditional holiday presents now.

A. totally B. widely C. actually D. hardly

16. (2017昆明五华区二模)—Which do young people prefer, music or sports? —Both. Music is ________ sports.

A. as popular as B. not as popular as C. more popular than D. less popular than 17. (2017昆明官渡区一模)—What do you think of the show? —It was ________ show I have ever watched. I really like it. A. more interesting B. the most interesting C. more boring D. the most boring 18. (2017昆明盘龙区一模)—Home is________ place wherever you go. —East or west, home is the best.

A. warm B. warmer C. warmest D. the warmest

19. (2017曲靖一模)—What do you usually do in your spare time, Anna? —Well, I usually read books. ________ I read, ________ I will feel. A. The more; the much peacefully B. The more; the more peaceful C. The more; the more peacefully D. The more; the much peaceful

20. (2017曲靖一中模拟)We are happy that our country has developed ________ these years than before.

A. quicker B. less quickly C. more quickly D. most quickly

21. (2017曲靖麒麟区二模)Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. ________ you are, ________ mistakes you'll make.

A. The more carefully; the fewer B. The more careful; the less C. The more carefully; the less

D. The more careful; the fewer

22. (2017玉溪红塔区模拟)—Could you give me some advice about learning English?

—________ you speak, ________ your English will be.

A. The less; the more B. The more; the better C. The less; the better D. The more; the less

23. (2017昭通昭阳区二模)—It's the second time I have come to Kunming. It has changed a lot.

—Yes, it's becoming ________. A. more and more beautiful B. most and most beautiful C. much more beautifully D. most beautifully

24. (2017大理下关四中模拟)My brother hates waiting in long lines. I think he's just not very ________.

A. patient B. talented C. mystery D. popular 25. (2017大理下关四中模拟)—Do you often go to the gym? —No, ________. I don't like sports at all.

A. never B. often C. sometimes D. always 26. (2018原创)The meat tastes________. Throw it away.

A. bad B. badly C. good D. well 27. (2018原创)—Mr. Wang, I need four weeks to do the survey. —That’s too ________. I need the results in two weeks from now. A. early B. long C. boring D. simple

28. (2018原创)—Now more and more people pay attention to the food safety.

—So we ________ believe there will be fewer food safety problems in the future. A. loudly B. quietly C. strongly D. carefully 29. (2018原创)—Kunming is a beautiful city. —Yes, and I feel ________ to live there.

A. comfortable B. worried C. afraid D. tired 30. (2018原创)—Would you like some apple juice, Allen? —Yes, please. I'm so________!

A. lazy B. hungry C. sleepy D. thirsty

31. (2018原创)I could ________ control my feelings at that moment. The song reminded me of so many childhood memories.

A. really B. hardly C. nearly D. clearly 32. (2018原创)I like Maggie because she is very________. She always shares things with others.

A. practical B. professional C. generous D. energetic

33. (2018原创)Arguments and disagreements are ________ parts of a close relationship, so learn to apologize to your partners and forgive others mistakes.

A. difficult

B. simple

C. necessary D. ordinary

34. (2018原创)As time goes by, the relation between the two classmates gets ________.

A. closer and closer B. close and close C. more and more close D. much more close 35. (2018原创)When an earthquake happens, if you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as ________ as possible.