The fact that he was able to avoid the seemingly inevitable crash made him a national hero.
of the four students who risked their lives to try to drag the drowning children to shore, two never returned.
The Japanese are known for their long life span. They believe they owe this to their eating habits, which contains a lot of fish products. 4.我了解哈里斯,我简直不能想象像他这样的人会说出如此愚蠢的话。
I know Harris. I couldn’t imagine a man like him making such stupid remarks.
After testing her loyalty many times, he was now going to give her the most dangerous task.
I hear that Lincoln delivered an extremely powerful speech on that
occasion. Whatever did he actually say?
That this time they must be ready to challenge death was clear to everybody . But no one regretted this move.
As far as accidents are concerned, there was nothing out of the ordinary: a crazy young man drives a car on a university campus and kills a woman student. What is unusual is the fact that the man dares to challege the people who want to take him to court, because his father was a local police officer.
10. 每当我们决定一项经济政策的时候,我们都必须分清短期利益和长期利益。
Every time we decide on a financial policy, we have to make a clear distinction between short-term interests and long-term interests. 11.虽刚到十月初,但已经可以看到人们开着车过那结冰的河了。 Although it was early October, people could already be seen driving across the frozen river.
1. 他是重要人物的亲戚这一情况,不会改变我们对他的看法。 The fact that he is somebody's relative won't change our opinion of him.
2. 困在井下三天的矿工全部得救的消息,使他们的家属欣喜若狂。 The news that the miners trapped in the pit for three days had all been rescued made their wives wild with joy. 3. 我们必须接受我们错了的可能性。
We must accept the possibility that we might be wrong. 4. 医生们认为病人活下来的希望渺茫。
Doctors think that there is slight hope that the patient will survive. 5. 教师都认为今年的大部分新生都很有前途。
The faculty shares the opinion that the majority of this year's freshmen are promising.
6. 尽管经济增长很快,我们应该牢记中国在很多方面仍然是个发展中国家这一现实。
In spite of the economic growth, we should keep in mind the fact that China is still a developing country in many respects.
7. 在草率的下结论把责任全归罪于他之前,我们应该先听听他本人的解释。
We should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he's to blame.
There aren't many people who still cling to the idea that man should conquer nature rather than live in harmony with it. UNIT5
The government will have to decide when and how to put brakes on the economy before it speeds out of control.
2. 干嘛在这个荒无人烟的地方浪费钱建飞机场?这里的老百姓最需要的是干净的水和空气,我们不能对此视而不见。
Why waste money building an airport in the middle of nowhere? We must not ignore the fact that what people here need most is clean water and clean air.
They thought they might take a different route on their return trip so as to explore the great canyon in Tibet.
She traveled around the world and came back home quite a changed person, educated and greatly revitalized.