21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 Unit 1 下载本文


e.g. Tom was talking to his girlfriend without looking at her.

He understood the meaning of the word without looking it up in a dictionary. 5) The message was passed from person to person. 这口信通过一个又一个的乘客传下去。

注意本句中from… to…这一结构中的名词前没有冠词。

e.g. She went from house to house asking if anyone had seen the child. They work hard from morning to night. 6) by the time: 到…时候

e.g. The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped. 7) not… but…:

这一结构常常用来连接两个单词、词组或句子,表示“并非…而是…”的意思。 e.g. The animal you saw in this area was not a rabbit, but a wild cat.

These youngsters are motivated not by a desire for success, but by fear of failure. 8) pull over: drive a vehicle to the roadside 把车开到路边

e.g. The policeman asked the driver to pull over.

9) get off: leave (a bus, a train, a plane, etc.) 下(公共汽车、火车、飞机等) e.g. Tom was seen to get off the bus near the railway station.

When I got off the train at the city on the coast, I could smell the sea. Second Period

10) takeoff: n. the beginning of flight, when a plane, spacecraft, etc. rises from the ground(飞机的)起飞;(航空器的)升空 e.g. The plane crashed five minutes after takeoff. 11) He thought he heard his flight announced. 他以为听到广播中宣布了他的航班。 句中announced是宾语补足语。

12) uncommon: a. rare or unusual罕见的;不平常的;异乎寻常的 e.g. 20 years ago, supermarkets were uncommon in China.

common/: a. found or happening often and in many places; usual常见的;普通的;通常的

Jones is a very common name in Britain.

13) wonder: v. express a wish to know sth., silently or in words对…感到疑惑;想知道

e.g. I was wondering if you are free for lunch. I wondered what his words meant.

14) in the world: used for emphasis after words that ask questions, as who,

why, what, etc. (用于疑问词who, why, what等后以加强语气)究竟,到底 e.g. What in the world is he doing?

Where in the world were you when I was in need of your help? 15) be on time: be not late 准时

e.g. The London train was on time, but I didn’t see my Chinese friend. Don’t worry, she’ll be on time. 16) You were 15 minutes late. 你迟到了15分钟。


英语中表示时间、距离时,常将具体的数字放在形容词late, long等前面。 e.g. The bus was ten minutes early. The bridge is 140 feet long.

During the storm, there were waves of up to 30 meters high off the coast. 17)instead of: in place of 代替;而不是 e.g. Can I have tea instead of coffee?

Let’s play cards instead of watching television.

If you want to have your meal at seven o’clock instead of five o’clock, you can. 18) feel like: have the feeling of being; have a wish for, want有…的感觉;想要 e.g. When my best friend left me alone in the street, I felt like a hurt animal. Do you feel like another drink?

19) all right: good enough, satisfactory but not very good; in good health or spirits; well 令人满意的;不错的;健康良好的;健康的

e.g. “What’s the food like in this restaurant?” “It’s all right.” Kate looks really unhappy. You’d better make sure she’s all right. Are you feeling all right now?

3rd period Grammar Review


动词的-ing形式由动词原形+ -ing构成。它可以在句中作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语,但不能单独构成谓语。 1. 作主语 Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education. 在我的家庭中创造历史是我希望从大学教育中得到的又一样重要的东西。 Taking a look back has motivated me to reach farther. 回顾过去激励着我走得更远。 2.作动词、介词和短语动词的He thought that if he hid in the restroom, he 宾语 could ride to New York without paying. 他想如果他躲在洗手间里,便可以不付钱就乘车去纽约。 He took up singing recently. 他最近对唱歌发生了兴趣。 3. 作表语 It is fitting that January 4, Louis’s birthday, is considered Braille Day, in honor of the blind. 把路易的生日1月4日定为向盲人表示敬意的布拉耶日是非常恰当的。 My job is training new workers. 我的工作是培训新工人。 4. 作宾语补语 I noticed the young porter of a sleeping car whispering to the conductor and nodding toward me. 我注意到一个年轻的卧车行李搬运员正在跟页眉内容

列车员窃窃私语,并朝着我点头。 Can you get the car going? 你能开动这辆车吗? 5. 作定语。动词-ing形式单I’ve tried every way to comfort the crying girl. 独作定语时一般放在被修饰我已经想尽了各种办法来安慰那个哭哭啼啼词之前,动词-ing短语作定语的女孩。 一般放在被修饰词之后 Every day people speaking English ask one another questions like these: “Did you say seventy or seventeen?” 每天讲英语的人会相互问这样的问题:“你是说七十还是十七呢?”。 6. 作状语,可以表示时间、She answered, wondering what in the world he 原因、让步、条件和结果等 meant. 她回答道,却不明白他的话究竟是什么意思。 The brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the moneybags. 两兄弟坐在那儿,目光越过钱袋顶看着对方. 4 th period Practical Writing Letters of Invitation

Do you have an engagement, wedding, or graduation coming up? Is there a performance, school event, or meeting to which you want to invite people? Do you want to invite someone to speak at your meeting or conference? Whatever your event is, the following will help you write an effective invitation. Guidelines for writing invitations:

? State the occasion, date, time, and place. Include addresses and a map if necessary. Mention if refreshments will be served. List any charges that may apply. Include a telephone number for RSVPs. If there is a dress code, state the preferred dress in the lower left-hand corner of the card.

? If you need a response, include a self-addressed, stamped reply card or envelope with your invitation.

? Express that you are looking forward to seeing the person.

? Do not use abbreviations and do not use contractions (don’t; we’ll) except for name titles, such as Mr., Mrs., etc.

? If dinner will be served, state two separate times: the time people can start arriving and the time dinner will be served.

? If you do not want gifts, briefly state that gifts are not desired or needed. Explain that your guests presence is the only gift you need.

? Make sure you send out your invitations with ample advance notice.

? If you have guests coming from out of town or from other countries, you may want to send out your invitation several months in advance (especially if your event takes place around a holiday). This will allow your guests adequate time to make preparations, reservations, save money, etc.

? For smaller, less formal events that include local guests or guests from nearby areas, you may only need to provide a few weeks’ notice.


? If you are inviting someone to speak at a conference, your invitation should include the following information:

* Name of the conference and the sponsoring organization; * Date, time, place of the conference and speech; * Type of audience;

* Type of speech, topic, and how long the speech should be;

* Any accommodations that will be made, including lodging, meals, and transportation;

* Name of the contact person along with phone numbers and addresses where that person can be contacted; and

* Finally, articulate your pleasure at having the person speak at the meeting or conference. Useful Expressions: 1. How to start your letter:

? You are invited to attend our company’s annual open house.

? We invite you to join us in thanking David Shaw for his 25 years of leadership.

? It would be a great pleasure to meet you on _____ (date) at/in the ____ (place).

? _______ (company) invites you to an exclusive showing of its latest computing and telecommunications products.

? Would you be interested in sharing your experience with the members of our association at their monthly dinner meeting? 2. How to offer details about your arrangements:

? We are giving a luncheon at _____ (place) at _____ (time) on ______ (date) to introduce .

? The company will host a celebration in honor of David’s retirement at Legal Tech, on June 27, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.

? Refreshments will be served from p.m. to p.m.

? The presentation will take place at (place) at (time) on (date). 3. How to end your letter:

? We are sure you will find the presentation interesting. ? We hope you will be able to attend.

? We are all looking forward to hearing your views. ? We are looking forward to seeing you.

? Just call our office at 98-8899 and we will be glad to reserve a place for you. ? Please let me know as soon as possible. Dear Mr. Smith, You are going to hold a graduation party at your house on Sunday, June 27. The

party will start after your graduation ceremony, at about 4:00 p.m. Write an invitation We take great pleasure in inviting you to attend a reception given in letter to your friends.

honor of Mr. David Brown, on the occasion of his retirement from McMillan

5th period Text B

Investment Company. The reception will be held at the Grand Hall, on Answer the following questions.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004. Our department will be presenting Mr. David 1. How many groups of interesting English words has the writer talked about in the Brown with a gift at that time.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,