PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册课堂同步练习试题全册资料 下载本文




a pear an eraser some horses an apple some knives

an umbrella some tomatoes some children some men a cow 二、将下列单词进行分类。 food fruit animals monkey cows sheep duck clothes shoes jacket pants shorts eggs cake hamburger bananas peaches bread strawberry pineapple


探究1 :完成填空。(some/any/a/ an ) 1. some an 2. a 3. any 4. a some 探究2: 写出下列单词复数形式。 3.deer


5.wolves 6.Chinese 8.dresses



1.能够利用“What, how, where, when”等和”Mind map进行提问,并准确熟练地运用于实际交流中。21教育



重点:能根据Mind map(思维导图)扩写,运用于具体情景交际中。

难点:如何制定合理思维导图。 【新知预习】


1. what a. 多少钱 2. where b. 购物单 3. when c. 什么

4. shopping list d. 和谁一起 5. How much e. 在哪

6. with who f. 我们如何到达那 7. How can we get there g. 什么时候


探究1: 连词成句并总结规律。

1. evening going this to are do you What () ___________________________________________________________ 2. are going Where Mrs Booth Bill and ()

___________________________________________________________ 3. When are going they to market the ()

__________________________________________________________ 4. much How fruit they are to buy going ()

__________________________________________________________ 5. get How can Mrs Booth and there Bill ()


归纳:1.根据思维导图话题shopping, 我们可以联想出相关的功能句: Where are you going When are you going

What are you going to buy How can we get there How much is the ...

2. 以where/when/ what/ how 等开头的特殊疑问句,句子结构一般是:疑问词+一般疑问句构成。 Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。)


六年级(上)Recycle1第2课时学案答案 【新知预习】 一、将下列单词与汉语连线。 1. what a. 多少钱 2. where b. 购物单 3. when c. 什么 4. shopping list d. 和谁一起 5. How much e. 在哪 6. with who f. 我们如何到达那 7. How can we get there g. 什么时候 【课堂探究】 探究1: 连词成句并总结规律。

1. What are you going to do this evening 2. Where are Mrs Booth and Bill going. 3. When are they going to the market 4. How much fruit are they going to buy 5. How can Mrs Booth and Bill get there

1.根据思维导图话题shopping, 我们可以联想出相关的功能句: Where are you going When are you going

What are you going to buy How can we get there How much is the ...

2. 以where/when/ what/ how 等开头的特殊疑问句,句子结构一般是:疑问词+一般疑问句构成。



1.能够按照go, do, play, have四种动词结构归类所学的动词短语,并使用思维导图形式将动词短语进行总结归纳。

2.能够掌握一般现在时和现在进行时的结构。 3.能完成看图填空,看图写句子等练习。


重点:go, do, play, have四种动词的归类结构及现在进行时和一般现在时的结构。 难点:能正确运用和描述图片。 【新知预习】


go ________(三单形式) ________(现在分词) play _______(三单形式) ________(现在分词)

do________(三单形式) ________(现在分词) have_______(三单形式) ________(现在分词) 【课堂探究】

探究1: 思考:go do play have 四个动词的结构归类动词短语 总结归纳:1. go(去……) + 动词ing(动名词/ 现在分词)

2. play(玩、打、踢、拉、弹)+运动名词/ the 乐器名词 3. do(做……) + 名词/ 动名词

4. have(吃、喝、上......) + 名词(饮料、食物、课程、三餐)

探究2 : Write down what he/she or they do every day. (1)完成课本中的填空。


探究3:Write down three sentences about what they are doing. (1)看图完成句子

(2) 总结归纳现在进行时结构。

Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思。) 【学后反思】

六年级(下)Recycle第3课时学案 答案



go goes (三单形式) going (现在分词) play plays (三单形式) playing(现在分词)

do does(三单形式) doing(现在分词) have has(三单形式) having(现在分词) 【课堂探究】

探究1: 思考:go do play have 四个动词的结构归类动词短语 总结归纳:1. go(去……) + 动词ing(动名词/ 现在分词)

2. play(玩、打、踢、拉、弹)+运动名词/ the 乐器名词 3. do(做……) + 名词/ 动名词

4. have(吃、喝、上......) + 名词(饮料、食物、课程、三餐)

探究2 : Write down what he/she or they do every day.

(1) He goes swimming. She does homework.

He goes boating. She does the dishes. He plays ping-pong. They have vegetables He plays basketball. They have art class.

(2) 总结归纳动词第三人称单数规则。