2016新课标三维人教英语 选修七 unit 5 section 4 下载本文



[原文呈现][读文清障] Peru

①on the coast of 在??的海岸线上

Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of ②the Andes /'?ndi?z/ Mountains安第斯山脉 South America. It has three main geographical ③parallel/'p?r?lel/adj.平行的;相同的;类areas: a narrow coastal belt; the Andes



Mountains running parallel to the coast;

④Lake Titicaca /?tItI'kɑ?kɑ?/ 的的喀喀湖

and high, flat plains in the southeast. In the

⑤In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca是倒

high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the

装句。还原后是Lake Titicaca is in the high

highest lake in the world, on which boats can

plains area。 the highest lake in the world⑤⑥

travel. Peru has abundant plants from

是Lake Titicaca的同位语,on which引导

desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.


Once the centre of the powerful and

extremely wealthy Inca Empire, much of ⑥abundant/?'b?nd?nt/adj.丰富的;充裕的

South America was governed by Spain from ⑦Inca /'I?k?/ Empire印加帝国

the sixteenth century onwards. Peru finally ⑧govern/'ɡ?vn/vt. &vi.统治;支配;管理 ⑩

gained its independence from Spain in 1821. ⑨onwards /'?nw?dz/adv.向前地;前进地

The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the ⑩gain one's independence 获得独立 north on the coast?. The ancient Inca capital, ?which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Cuzco, is found high in the Andes. It is a


popular tourist destination?as it is close to ?destination/'destI'neI?n/n.目的地 the famous Inca ruins? of the city of Machu ?ruin n.废墟;崩溃;垮掉 v.毁坏,断Picchu?. Cuzco is a lively city with many

hotels and inns?, where both Indian and ?Machu Picchu /?mɑ?t?u?'pi?kt?u?/马丘比丘Spanish culture and art can be seen?.

1.Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? 2.What is special about Lake Titicaca? 3.What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?

(秘鲁) ?inn/In/n.客栈

?where both Indian and Spanish ...是非限制性定语从句,定语从句与先行词隔开,该定语从句叫分隔式定语从句。







①Peru /p?'ru?/n.秘鲁(南美国家)

Peru offers a variety of experiences from ②a variety of许多的;各种各样的 ancient ruins and centuries-old Spanish ③centuries-old adj.有几百年历史的

villages to thick forests, high mountains and ④taste n.口味;爱好,喜好 desert coastline. TRAVEL PERU offers tours for

⑤Cuzco /'k?sk??/n.库斯科(秘鲁南部城市)

all ages and tastes. The following tours are

⑥civilization n.文明

based at Cuzco, the site of the ancient capital

⑦diverse adj.种类不同的

of the Inca civilization.

⑧close up靠近,接近

Tour 1

⑨four-day walking tour 4天的徒步旅行,

Experience the jungle and its diverse


wildlife close up. During this four-day walking 不用复数形式。动名词walking作定语,修


tour, you will be amazed by mountain



scenery and the ancient ruins we pass on

⑩be amazed by/at 对??叹为观止,对??惊


our hike. On the last day, we arrive at the ruins


of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise

?scenery n.[U]风景,风光

over the Andes. Spend the day visiting the ruins


of this ancient Inca city before catching the train ?we pass on our hike是省略了that的定语从back to Cuzco.

句,修饰先行词the ancient ruins。 ?hike /haIk/vi.&n.远足;徒步旅行 ?in time to see ... 及时看到??





Tour 2

?Puno /'pu?n??/n.普诺(秘鲁)

A full-day trip by road from Cuzco to Puno? ?fantastic adj.极好的;奇异的;难以置信的 with fantastic? views of the highlandcountryside. ?现在分词短语“stopping on the way ...”作From Puno, we travel by boat across Lake Titicaca,



stopping on the way at thefloating ?the Uros people乌罗族人

islands of the Uros people?. These floating islands?动名词“floating”作定语,修饰islands。


and the Uros Indian's housesare made of? the ?be made of由??制成(从制成品能看出

21. A full-water plants that grow in the lake○day 原材料)

22 stay with a local familygives you an opportunity○21that引导定语从句,○修饰the water plants,to learn more about their life. Return to Puno on


23. the fourth dayfor your flight back to Lima○

22opportunity n.机会 ○

Tour 3

23Lima /'li?m?/n.利马(秘鲁首都) ○

Spend four days high in the Andes at Cuzco.

24admire vt.羡慕;钦佩 ○

Learn about its history and visit the museums.

25architecture n.建筑 ○

24 the Spanish architecture○25, enjoy Admire○

26cuisine n.菜肴 ○

26 and take some some excellent Spanish cuisine○

27bargain v.讨价还价 n.便宜货 ○

27 for some souvenirs○28 at the time to bargain○

28souvenir n.纪念品 ○

colourful markets. Take the train up to Machu

29guided adj.有指导的 ○29 tour of the ruins and the Picchu for a guided○30 of the Inca king. royal tomb○

30tomb/tu?m/n.坟墓 ○

31accommodation n.住所;住宿 ○

Tour 4


A short flight from Cuzco takes you from the ○32reserve n.此处作“保护区”讲,还可作Andes into the lowlands of the Amazon Jungle.


From here you'll travel by boat to your ○33hold a record保持纪录

31 in a forest reserve○32, which accommodation○34which holds the record ...是which引导的○

33 for the most bird sightings in holds the record○

非限制性定语从句,修饰a forest reserve。

34. From the guesthouse you can explore one area○35company n.陪伴 ○35 of a local guide. the jungle in the company○




在库斯科的安第斯高山上玩四天。 了解它的历史,参观博物馆。观赏西班牙式的建筑,品尝西班牙美味,在五颜六色的市场上花些时间讨价还价买点纪念品。乘火车去马丘比丘,由导游陪同去参观遗址和印加国王的皇家墓地。



Read the text and choose the best answers.

1.On which tours can you visit the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu? A.Tour 1 and Tour 2. B.Tour 2 and Tour 3. C.Tour 1 and Tour 3. D.Tour 3 and Tour 4.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.Peru has the highest lake in the world. B.Peru is short of wildlife.

C.Peru has only one official language. D.Peru mainly has four geographical areas.
