骆家辉北大演讲 下载本文


In our economic relationship we believe this requires fairness in both policy and practice. Fairness means guaranteeing a level playing field for healthy competition between U.S. and Chinese firms, establishing a more open investment climate and ensuring more opportunities for foreign goods, products and services, ending unfair distorting currency practices and improving protections of intellectual property that allow innovation to thrive. 在我们的经济关系上,我们认为这要求在政策和实践上都公平。公平意味着为美国和中国企业间的健康竞争保证有一个平坦的赛场,为外国商品产品和服务建立更开放的投资环境并确保更多机会,终止不公平的扭曲性的货币做法,以及改善知识财产保护以允许创新大量生成。

Fairness also means that the United States will listen and respond to Chinese concerns as well, so that together we can find ways to further unlock the economic potential of our two great nations.


We also need to demonstrate real results in confronting the international challenges that threaten the prosperity and security of our two countries and indeed the globe.


On Iran, we look to China to work with its partners in the UN Security Council to hold the Iranian government accountable for its actions. We must give Iran a clear choice: come in line with its international obligations and rejoin the community of nations, or face growing consequences.


On Syria, we urge China to do more to prevent President Assad from waging war on his own people. The sooner Assad steps aside the sooner the bloodshed will come to an end and the sooner the Syrian people will be able to decide their own future. Both of our countries have an interest in a stable and prosperous Middle East which is threatened by continued violence in Syria. 关于叙利亚,我们敦促中国做更多,以防止阿萨德总统向其自己的人民开战。阿萨德越快让位,流血就将会越快结束,叙利亚人民将会越快能够决定他们自己的未来。一个稳定和繁荣的中东符合我们两国的利益,它受到叙利亚持续暴力的威胁。

The world is looking for leadership from the United States and China. Fifty years from now we want the history books to describe our great accomplishments together and not that we failed to act.


That is not to say that we will always agree. There are issues on which we hold very differing views such as human rights and basic freedoms. The promotion of universal human rights is an essential element of American foreign policy. It reflects who we are as a people and our belief that respecting these rights is in every country’s national interest.


As Secretary Clinton has so eloquently stated, reforms that support universal human rights give people a greater stake in the success of their nation which in turn makes societies more stable, prosperous and peaceful. 正如克林顿国务卿曾雄辩地说过,支持普世人权的改革使人民与自己国家的成功更加息息相关,从而使社会更加稳定、繁荣与和平。