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The Subsurf modifier细分表面修改器

接下来, 我们需要整个选择Gus而不仅仅是选择Gus的头部 (使用A键-也许需要按2次A键).

到现在为止我们已经创建了一个粗糙的轮廓. 要使它光滑, 在修改器标签添加Subdivision Surface修改器 (The Subsurf modifier). 要确保视图(View )和渲染(Render )数字按钮的值都在小于或等于2 (located under

Subdivisions). View 设置的细分级别可以在视图观察; Render 设置的细分级别在渲染中显示.


细分表面是一个能够让粗糙表面变得更精细的高级工具SubSurfacing is an advanced modelling tool that dynamically refines a coarse mesh. 它创建了一个有大量网格的物体和在原始的粗糙网格找到最好的网格顶点光滑网格。It works by creating a much denser mesh and locating the vertices of this finer mesh so that they follow the original coarse mesh smoothly. 这个物体的外形仍然由粗糙的网格顶点控制,但在渲染形状时有更好的光滑面The shape of the object is still controlled by the location of the coarse mesh vertices, but the rendered shape is a finely smooth mesh.

去看下GUS,按TAB键切换到编辑模式,按Z键盘切换到实体模式(如果在非实体模式). 它应该看起来是这样的(见图:给Gus设置光滑).

Setting Gus to smooth给GUS设置光滑

Object Tools.物体工具

给Gus设置Smooth光滑让它看起来更平滑, 点击3D窗口的工具架(T)Shading 选项下的Smooth 按钮. Gus 将看起来更光滑, 也许它在中间或出现错误的光滑. 这常常是你使用了Mirror 修改器, 但都有可能是在你挤出或翻转前使用了Mirror 修改器【but it might happen when extruding and flipping as was done before the Mirror modifier was introduced 】(Setting Gus to smooth., middle). These lines appear because the SubSurf's finer mesh is computed using information about the coarse mesh's normal directions (the

direction perpendicular to a face), which may not all point in the right direction (some face normals might be pointing outward and some pointing inward). To reset the normals, switch back to Edit Mode (? Tab), select

all vertices (A), and press CtrlN (recalculate vertex normals to point outside). Now Gus should be nice and smooth (Setting Gus to smooth, right). Press MMB and drag the mouse around to view Gus from all angles. Oops, he is too thick!

Constrained Scaling 约束缩放

Slimming Gus using constrained scaling使用约束缩放GUS Let's make Gus thinner: 让GUS变薄:

Parameters of the last action in the Tool Shelf工具架上的最后一步操作参数


按TAB键切换到编辑模式(? Tab), 然后按Z键返回到线框模式. (Z), 按数字键盘的数字键3切换到侧视图和按A键选择所有的点. You can do the following steps just as well in Object Mode, if you like. 按S键水平移动鼠标. (点击鼠标中键沿着轴线缩放或按Y键有同样的效果). 如果你朝GUS移动鼠标将变薄但高度不变。

在工具 架上的Resize 标签显示缩放的因素. 按住Ctrl 是为每次缩放0.1单位. 向下缩放Gus 0.2个单位, 然后点击鼠标结束缩放. 如果最后的变换错误, 你仍然可以改变它的参数. 在前面提及到它们可以显示和编辑的They are displayed and editable at the already mentioned place (see Parameters of the last action in the Tool Shelf 见工具架上的最后一步操作参数).

返回到前视图(数字1)和实体模式(Z), 然后用鼠标中键旋转视图. Gus 现在变得更好了!


