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With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 李彦妮


Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time.

The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we can't live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society.

On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages.

According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers.


本文个别语言使用不够地道并且偶尔出现句子表意不明的情况,因此建议该考生在平时的学习中尽量多阅读原汁原味的 英语 (论坛) 文章,有意识地积累地道的英语表达,不断提高语言运用能力。



The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers. 曹欣平


Currently, with the development of Internet, more and more people voico focus on the issue that whether it is right to have got a computer. As we all know, a coin has two sides, and a computer has both advantages and disadvatages. Sometimes, we insist that it is rather useful to get a computer, but on the other hand, we find it much more hamful. In a word, however, nothing goins more discussion than computers.

For one thing, we regard computer convenient, in that we can use a computer to draw pictures, write essays and sum up countless numbers. We work on computers and comminicate by Internet. Because of e-mails, on-line shopping and trimendous, number of imformations on Internot, we adnire the useful computer. What's more, computer and Internet can work in a fantastic speed, which makes our work swiftly. No one com deny that, human can live and work well without computers.

For omother, however, computers bring harmfulnesses to us as well. First, computer games are at large nowadays. Teenagers can be octlracted by them easily. They plays computers night and day, forgetting anything including study. They spend their valueable youngth hurting thies active bodies. Glasses on their faces show their weakness of sight. Meanwhile internet provides too many things and people cannot tell bad ones from right ones promptly sometimes. As a result, their spirit can be damaged. Nothing can be worse than this. The last but not the least, internet offers many ways to crime. Meanwhile, it is hard to find out. For instance, some bad sayings spread well on internet but the police can do nothing to stop them.

As for as I am concerned, I consider that the computer is rather useful. Whether you may be damaged by computers and internet depends on yourself to the core. You would not be hurt if your, eyes were bright enough to tell right from wrong. As for me, I use computers to write articles, watch movies and communicate with each other and I do not fancy any computer games. Besides, the Governmout should focus their attention to protecting teenagers from computer games. At last, I would say that despite the disadvantages still exist now, computers play a very significant part of role in modern life.





Computers 常悦


Computer is one of people's greatest inventions in the last centry. Meanwhile, it brings about as many problems as the convienience it offers. This essay will look at the advantages and disadvantages of computers.

To begin with, there are numerous reasons to say computers do good to our daily life. Firstly, computers make it possible for students to gain knowledge online with a simple click, instead of ckecking thousands of books. A veriaty kinds of information on all subjects are stored in computers, available to everyone, Moreover, thanks to the computers, people can “talk” to others, who are millions of miles away, even overseas. Computers offer a great alternative of communication, which develops people's view and enables us to know different cultures. A third point is that computers make a great contribution to building up a globle village. By shopping online, one can buy Japanese sushi, HongKong clothings and Italian wine in America.

Nevertheless, despite the advantages of computer, there're many drawbacks of it. First of all, because of the attractive computer games, many adolescents give up studying. Computers have a damage effect on youngsters' health and accdamic education, what's more, they even cause juvenile crimes. A second point is that when people get too used to communicating on computers, they loose their ablity of talking face to face. A report has shown that over 69% of people choose to use e-mails or tax messages to communicate. Furthermore, computers, in some degree, make developing and developed countries more devided, because while some countries are wired to communicate, others remain isolated.

In summery, nothing has gained more praise and blame than computer. In my point of view, computer is just a tool. Its advantages and disadvantages mostly depends on how we use it. If we make a good use of it, it will be a great assistant of mankind.





The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 陈绿思


As wereliving in an unusual world with rapidly developing light-technology, there's no doubt that computer, as an indispensable instrument, has been a significant part of one's life.

In respect to the office and business, computers can never be over emphasized. It makes it much easier and more convenient to send messages accurately and make a deal. Computers also grace our daily life, from which we're capable to get the latest information, talk about the social controversial issues and even see doctors and book tickets on line. You may get everything you want, only clicking the mouse.

Take, for example, the story of an unknown girl who complaint a lot about the big earthquake that happened to Sichuan. All the people in sorrow who read the girls comments were very angry and it was the computer that helped the people collect all the imformation of the girl and assisted the police in catching her eventually. How ponerful the computers are!

There's a saying goes “Every coin has two side”. So is computer. Personal imformation is exposed to the public attention nowadays, and even one's privacy. It has been reported that some famous stars' daily life were seriously influenced as their phone numbers, house address were spread on line. We can't imagine how terrible it will be if the private imformation is made use of by those with bad intention. Besides, computers with narious functions may exert bad influence on adolescents. They, for instance, me likely to get addicted to playing electronic games that overshadow the other parts of their life, to ondulge themselves in unhealthy imformation that even lead them to criminals.

In my humble opinion, whether computer is harmful or useful to us lies in the approach we use it. Only when we use computers in appropriate ways to do right things can we benefit from this kind of high - technology.



