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freely leave a prospering business because his domestic life happens not to be happy.


5.When a man's mind dwells too much on one subject, no one can tell just how far he will go. The mind is such a delicate instrument that it is easily thrown off balance. Bodman's friends-for he had friends-claimed that his mind became unhinged. Whether John Bodman was sane or insane at the time he made up his mind to murder his wife, will never be known, but there was certainly craftiness in the method he devised to make the crime appear the result of an accident. Nevertheless, cunning is often a quality in a mind that has gone wrong.




6.Mrs. Bodman well knew how much her presence afflicted her husband, but her nature was as relentless as his, and her hatred of him was, if possible, more bitter than his hatred of her. Wherever he went she accompanied him, and perhaps the idea of murder would never have occurred to him if she had not been so persistent in forcing her presence upon him at all times and on all occasions. So, when he announced to her that he intended to spend the month of July in Switzerland, she said nothing, but made her preparations for the journey. On this occasion he did not protest, as was usual with him, and so to Switzerland this silent couple departed.

6伯德曼太太非常清楚,她的存在相当折磨她的丈夫,可她的冷酷无情跟他不相上下,而她对他的恨—有可能的话—恐怕比他对她的恨还更人骨。不管他去哪儿,她都跟着。要不是任何时间任何场合,她都要顽固地强行出现在他面前,他也许永远不会心生谋杀之念。就这样,他一跟她说打算七月份去瑞士度假,她二话不说就打点行李。往常他总会抗议,但这次没有,于是这对无话可说的夫妇动身去了瑞士。 7.There was a hotel near the mountain-tops which stood on a ledge over one of the great glaciers. It was a mile and a half above sea level, and it stood alone, reached by a toilsome road that zigzagged up the


mountain for six miles. There was a wonderful view of snow-peaks and glaciers from the verandahs of this hotel, and in the neighborhood were many picturesque walks to points more or less dangerous.

7有一间旅馆位于一座很高的冰川的脊架上,离山峰只有几步之遥.旅馆海拔一点五英里,孑然独立,仅有一条长六英里、盘旋而上的崎岖山路可以到达.在旅馆的回廊可以观赏到雪峰和冰川的美景。旅馆附近小道遍布,沿路风景如画,但通往的地点多少都带点儿危险。 8.John Bodman knew the hotel well, and in happier days he had been intimately acquainted with the vicinity. Now that the thought of murder arose in his mind, a certain spot two miles distant from this inn continually haunted him. It was a point of view overlooking everything, and its extremity was protected by a low and crumbling wall. He arose one morning at four o'clock, slipped unnoticed out of the hotel, and went to this point, which was locally named the Hanging Outlook. His memory had served him well. It is exactly the spot, he said to himself. The mountain which rose up behind it was wild and precipitous. There were no inhabitants nearby to overlook the place. The distant hotel was hidden by a shoulder of rock.




9.One glance over the crumbling wall at the edge was generally sufficient for a visitor of even the strongest nerves. There was a sheer drop of more than a mile straight down, and at the distant bottom were jagged rocks and stunted trees that looked, in the blue haze, like shrubbery.


\the time.\


11.John Bodman had planned his crime as grimly and relentlessly, and as coolly, as he had ever concocted a deal on the stock exchange. There was no thought in his mind of mercy for his unaware victim. His hatred had carried him far.
