北京中医药继续教育入学考试辅导资料英语 下载本文


1.In order to look after her sick son, the old lady asked for a month's __C______. A. holiday B. vacation C. leave D. rest

2.In the _C______ of most students, the meeting is very important. A. idea B. look C. opinion D. thought

3.You will be late ___B____ you leave at once.

A. until B. unless C. if D. or

4.I think the room is __C_____ too small for three people.

A. quite B. very C. rather D. fairly

5.Mum doesn't __D____ me to mix with such people.

A. let B. hope C. think D. allow

6.The little girl likes to ____B___ in red.

A. put on B. dress herself C. dressed D. wear

7.They were very tired, but ___C____ of them would stop to take a rest. A. any B. some C. none D. either

8.He sent me an e-mail, ___B___ to get further information.

A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope

9.It is said that the weather will _B______ hot for another three or four days. A. last B. stay C. get D. look

10.This is the same knife ___D__ I lost yesterday.

A. which B. what C. like D. as

11.She had to depend ____A___ her parents for a living.

A. on B. of C. off D. with

12.Don't be too sure D_______ success.

A. in B. with C. for D. of

13.Your car is _C______ mine.

A. the same that B. as C. similar to D. alike

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14.I am not familiar ____C___ that word, would you like to tell me? A. to B. about C. with D. on

15. We put the flower pots next __C_____ the window.

A. beside B. by C. to D. near

16. I have taken many photos. I am going to get the film _D_____.

A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. developed

17. I like the movie because it is very __C____.

A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement

18. We will start as soon as she ___B___ back.

A. come B. comes C. coming D. will come

19. _A_____ beautiful the park is!

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

20. __B____ it is late now, the students are still working in the lab. A. As B. Although C. When D. If

21. We have a meeting ____C__ Monday morning.

A. at B. in C. on D. during

22. He told me ___A____ it again.

A. not to do B. don't do C. may not do D. will not do

23. I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you __C____ teach English? A. yet B. already C. still D. ever

24. Let's go swimming, __D____?

A. can we B. should we C. do we D. shall we

25. They are going to plant trees ___C____ side of the road.

A. on both B. in both C. on either D. in either

26.Your homework is all right, C_____, you can do it better I think. A. but后直接接连句 B. and C. however D. instead

27.He usually __A____ a bus to work instead of going by taxi. A. takes B. carries C. gets D. sits

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28.They can sell their beef ___C____ a high price in the market. A. in B. with C. at D. on

29.I hurried ___B____ I wouldn't be late.

A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless

30.The dictionary is not cheap. It costs ___B_____ 500 yuan.

A. at most B. at least C. as many as D. less than

31.All the rooms are ___A____ with electric light. supply sb.with。sth向某人提供某物 A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt

32.We hear that they will __B______ a new school here.

A. set down B. set up C. set off D. set out

33.The book is too expensive. Mike ____B____ all his money for it. pay for A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost

34.Every plane has to wait for its __B______ to land.

A. guide B. turn C. order D. position

35.If you don't take away your things from the desk, there won't be enough __D_____ for my books.

A. area B. place C. surface D. room

36. Would you please ___B__ your name and telephone number here?

A. provide B. fill in 填写 C. make out D. put on

37. Some people D_____ to lend me their money but I refused. offer to do 表示\提出做。。。“

A. considered B. insisted C. failed D. offered

38. Reading detective stories is one of his favorite __B____. A. occupations B. hobbies C. engagements D. habits

38. You must ____A___ your handwriting. I can't read your homework. A. improve B. notice C. raise D. make up

40. We made __C___ of the fine weather and spent the dawn on the beach. A. advantage B. opportunity C. use D. chance make use of 利用 其实是一个动词=use

Take advantage of something是固定搭配,意为“利用某事或某物”,与takevirtueof意思相近,

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41. Neither Bill nor his parents _A____ at home.

neither…nor…词组时,应该用“就近原则”,即 nor后面的名词应做主语 A. are B. is C. was D. have

42. The____A__ of the sugar is to sweeten the medicine.

A. purpose 作用 B. reason C. cause D. need 43. The government will do its best to _C_____ the problem of unemployment. A. answer B. decide C. solve D. work

44. The doctor's mistakes in judgement __B____ the death of the patient. A. resulted from B. led to C. brought out D. took in

45. It has been three years ___D___ my son went to university. A. when B. before C. while D. since

46. I haven't decided which hotel _B______. 首先考的是:疑问词which+名词+to do 结构 再看名词hotel和动作stay

A. to stay B. to stay at C. is to stay at D. if for staying

47. Anything _B_____ should be returned to the owner.

A. borrow B. borrowed C. borrowing D. to borrow

48. The young man still denies ____C____ the car.

deny后面只跟doing, 名词,代词或从句,偶尔跟deny +宾语+to do sth.

A. to steal B. to stealing C. having stolen D. having been stolen

49. Last Sunday I spent a whole day in the library __C_____ the life of Mark Twain. sb spend some time (in) doing sth某人花多少时间做某事 read about 读关于。。。的书/内容

A. to read on B. reading C. reading about D. on reading

50. You must have the radio __A____ by the end of this week.

使役动词have后面的宾补形式和感官动词后面的宾补形式一样的用法,即have后面只能加不带to的不定式,简单说就是只能用have sth do或have sth done或have sth doing A. fixed B. to be fixed C. to fix D. being fixed

51.He paid _D______ attention to spelling, so he is always making mistakes. A. much B. special C. great D. little

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